Ether renewal finally a cantrip?
Conjures seem highly unlikely, we already have a glyph heal so glyphs are out, arcane brilliance is an arcane skill so arcane is out, which leaves cantrips. So I think there’s an extremely likely chance that ether renewal is going to be classified as a cantrip.
That would be cool
And what about Tornado??
It doesn’t belong anywhere, maybe a centrip too? MAYBE remove it its best option cause its so useless as it is anyway.
That would be cool
And what about Tornado??
It doesn’t belong anywhere, maybe a centrip too? MAYBE remove it its best option cause its so useless as it is anyway.
We have an elite conjure, an elite (ha!) glyph, I think tornado might either be the new utility skill type, or a cantrip. If so, tornado would be a horrible cantrip and nothing more than making us a walking bulls-eye.
I could see all tempest skills sharing some flavor with ether-renewal (in that they have powerful channeled effects), with ether renewal being the tempest heal. The tempest trait line might enable some sort of stability access to get channels off. If they do that, the might introduce a new heal to fill in one of the legacy skill slots for eles.
Perhaps tornado will be a tempest too with a slight rework, although at this point they should just delete the skill and call it a day.
Tornado, Ether Renewal, Meteor Shower will be Channeling, won’t they?
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
10 gold that tornado will still be useless.
10 gold that tornado will still be useless.
You would have to be willing to give 100:1 odds for that bet to be fair for the other side.
If they made Tornado arcane and the grandmaster trait Elemental Surge was still available then you could see some added functionality added to the spell (wouldn’t really save the skill, but their is some appeal to a continual aoe damage/condi applier)