Evasive Arcana
In general, I feel that all ICDs should have an option to be visible on the UI. People oftentimes claim that ICD traits are “passive” and don’t require skill, but if that information was always available on the UI, then it’d be more obvious that it was actually skill.
This is another one of those times that I weep for addons. One of the things that kept me playing WoW much longer than I otherwise would have was the ability to show whatever I wanted on my UI. I could build my UI to give me enough information to consistently be the top DOS player in a raid or greatly improve my damage output in PvP. ICDs would show themselves ticking down and then, when they were ready, they’d stay on screen until I made use of them (and even count up to show how much uptime I lost).
Especially now with the addition of raiding, anything that can be used to improve my DPS and general awareness of my class would be more than welcome.
Also, WP just posted a video on a burning build that runs Fire / Arcane / Tempest, utilizing Evasive Arcana and Arcane Precision to pump out stacks of burn.