Few things that bug me about staff.

Few things that bug me about staff.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


Having mainly played staff from the beginning, i found few things that really irritate me.

Meteor shower
Why does this root us? It´s not terribly good in many situations, and even then i usualy prefer to do something that won´t get me rooted for ages.

Casting time? seriously? Neither the healing effect nor the length of the field give a good reason for it.

Lightning surge
Why is this not instant? If it was i´d actualy use this.

With above three fixes the combat would be far more fluid.

Ice spike
How come this is not a blast finisher, it certainly feels like it should be. Plus it would be nice if water had a finisher in itself.

Casting time why you be there? Usualy not a probelm as changing attunement basicly get´s rid of it and most of the time i´m doing just that, but if it only had the animation (which is awesome and should be left alone) one could also do combos when attuning to earth as well as when attuning from earth (fields don´t last long enough if you don´t immediately start casting eruption when you swap).

With these two fixes combat would be a bit more flexible and it wouldn´t feel like you´re forced to certain skill chains. Or atleast the would be more of those chains.

Also waterblast healing radius is either really really bugged or far too low…don´t really know which is the case.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Few things that bug me about staff.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


i HATE how certain skills root you in place.

and it is annoying how the Earth Slow skill is a “line” and not a circle.

also, i think WaterNo3 should be twice as big.

Few things that bug me about staff.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rain King.5914

Rain King.5914

I felt this way until I decided that Staff should only be used in defending a keep in WvW. However, I think they should still try out the proposed changes and just increase the cool downs on the skills.

Few things that bug me about staff.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Disconnected.9253


there’s a trait to increase staff area effects… I assume this helps to increase water#3? I do agree ice spike should be a blast finisher, and the earth ‘line’ could be a small circle (like necro staff mark or guardian symbol) rather than a line (mostly for pvp purposes).

Idk if surge blind should be instant, lots of ‘blind’ skills from other classes aren’t. I don’t like the travel time on the knockback skill, however. It also makes no sense that we have both an air and a fire base attack as aoe… make the air one a stronger single target ability instead imo, or have it chain up into a fury buff, or weakness debuff, or something. I don’t want to have to NOT use the autoattack just because it’s going to randomly jump to some deer and aggro it.

Few things that bug me about staff.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tyrfang.1709


I just realized there are no Earth Fields in this game. I was about to suggest that Earth-4 be an Earth field.
Additionally, we’re the only class to have a Lightning field.
Personally, I would like it if Staff’s arcane trait increased the duration of fields instead of the size…

Few things that bug me about staff.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rhyse.8179


I’ll agree with the lightning surge one, but the rest are just fine. The reason is that the staff can self-combo like a beast. Eruption has a delay before it erupts, and it’s a blast finisher, so Eruption>Geyser>Arcane Wave is a double blast finisher in a water field- or about a 50% heal. In under 2 seconds. And there are powerful combos in the other elements too.

“I care nothing for a festering industry that wantonly refuses to
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259

Few things that bug me about staff.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


I’ll agree with the lightning surge one, but the rest are just fine. The reason is that the staff can self-combo like a beast. Eruption has a delay before it erupts, and it’s a blast finisher, so Eruption>Geyser>Arcane Wave is a double blast finisher in a water field- or about a 50% heal. In under 2 seconds. And there are powerful combos in the other elements too.

The animation delay on eruption is fine and like i said even preferrable, what bugs me is the cast time before that.
As it is now in most cases you have to swap to earth for eruption and then cast field on top of it. If we get rid of the casting time and only have the animation delay, we could do it both ways, for example set a healing field first and then do the 2 finishers.
In addition if we introduce ice spike as a blast finishers, we have access to fisnisher other than utility or earth attunement, again making it more flexible as we wouldn´t be forced to switch to earth just for the finisher.
All in all i´d prefer to see the combat remain more flexible, rather than forced to same pattern all the time (set some fields swap to earth for 5, set eruption and swap away for another field)

And saying that staff is a beast of self combo with 1 blast and 2 projectiles(excluding utilities)…..ehm
Fields are plentiful, finishers not so much.

What i want is that the skills that make otherwise fluid combat feel clunky and rigid would get some attention.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]