Figuring out what gear for d/d ele

Figuring out what gear for d/d ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Been pondering for a while which gear set up I should go with, mainly to roam about in wvw with. I’ve came up with a few gear set ups, all using +boon duration boons with a different specific +boon duration rune for the last 2 slots;

A. 2407 armor, 14705 health, 36% crit chance, 56% crit damage, +might duration

B. 2418 armor, 16745 health, 29% crit chance, 50% crit damage, +might duration

C. 2173 armor, 16205 health, 35% crit chance, 56% crit damage, +protection duration

And just a random PVT cleric set up which I was just pondering about, I’m sure it hits like a wet tissue but what is 1000 healing power like for d/d ele, with the regen, water attunement regen and various heals

(all using precision boosting consumables, as well as the same trait set up although that may change a bit after I play around with it)

Each has a slight variation between the stats.
(A) has less health but somewhat higher armor while maintaining somewhat decent crit chance and crit damage. Uses might duration for some extra damage.
(B) has more health and same armor but sacrifices 7% crit chance and 6% crit damage for the extra health as I read that an ele should have around 16.5k health. Uses might duration for some extra damage.
© has more health than (B) but less armor than (A)+(B) while still maintaining the decent crit chance and cirt damage from (A) at the cost having less armor. With the reduced armor, it uses protection duration to try to help out more for the surviving instead of the might duration.

In my mind I’m thinking (B) is the better option as it seems to be the middle ground but I was wondering what others thoughts were or if someone wants to share their gear set up that works for them, so I can get a better idea of how things are.