Finished with tempest, back to D/D

Finished with tempest, back to D/D

in Elementalist

Posted by: NickLaBorde.2730


I have played d/d ele forever, and it matched how I wanted to play well. It took the best parts of ele from gw1 and the best from assassin in gw1 and mixed em. It’s an amazing fast paced low room for error play style that I appreciate. Tempest has slowed that down so I will be avoiding it for a bit unless my party is in need of support.

So here is my question: full celestial gear, how should I build for HoT content?


Would take to long to list my characters

Finished with tempest, back to D/D

in Elementalist

Posted by: Asherah.7651


Tempest can totally be fast paced though!!! You don’t have to build totally around support especially in pve content. I find the tempest line helps a TON with survivability in HoT content. I personally run D/W but I’ve really enjoyed D/D and S/W tempest as well!!! They key to a more fast paced tempest build is to make full use of fresh air. I would run either A/E/T or A/F/T traitlines. I like fire with scepter for the boost in might stacking and damage output, but I vastly prefer A/E/T with dagger main hand because earth and tempest traitlines give you so much sustain and survivabilty. With fresh air you can make full use of your air overload which is amazing for mobs in HoT and you don’t get stuck with a long CD penalty, fresh air works amazing with sigil of intelligence as well for a guaranteed recharge on air as soon as you switcht out. My rotation with both D/D and D/W are similar and basically just rotating in and out of air for the autoattack and overload (pretty much the best DPS with dagger main) and then fire for might stacking, water and earth for blasting fields, back into air, then out to recharge/heal/might stack and so on. I run WtPA, Aftershock, Feel the Burn, Lightning Flash and Rebound for my utilities. Shouts for auras and LF for the mobility!! Auras are amazing, if you run A/E/T you can get fury, 40% protection, regen, vigor and a heal from auras, I love it! Its balanced, fast paced and a ton of fun to play IMO! I love it for HoT stuff!

(edited by Asherah.7651)

Finished with tempest, back to D/D

in Elementalist

Posted by: Esquilax.3491


Basic overloads offers instant stun break and utility like protection, or condi removal and some dmg. That’s without even looking at the tempest trait line. I can’t see a reason to pass that free utility up. And honestly if you’re talking about HoT content like PvE content the AoE is so kittening useful. It can be difficult to pull off but that 5 second period after where the elemental damage field is active and you can also attack with other abilities is huge damage.

Finished with tempest, back to D/D

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


I was finished with warhorn Tempest the day they destroyed Heat Sync and made warhorn do absolutely nothing better than the other weapons.

The overloads are the only interesting thing of Tempest just because of the air damage and the might/protection from fire/earth.

Let’s just say it had potential but it’s like they gave up on it after beta weekend 2.

(edited by Xillllix.3485)

Finished with tempest, back to D/D

in Elementalist

Posted by: Helasia.6871


I’ve been testing out D/D with Tempest and it’s the most fun I’ve had on the weapon set so far. Overloading air just deals tons of damage and I can keep up a ridiculous amount of upkeep time on the shock aura with Rune of Surging.
I currently take this setup for WvW
But in PvE I replace the cele gear with Marauder/Zerk and take Fire magic instead of Water (Rune stays the same). Maybe not the best setup, but it’s the one I enjoy the most and don’t plan on changing it for now

Asura master race!