Fire Grab issue.. (?)

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Antrasith.2187


Is there something I’m doing wrong when using Fire Grab? Because it seems to miss most of the time..

I play D/D, so I’m supposed to be in melee range : Check
F2 -> 2 for burning on opponent : Check
F2 -> 5 for increased damage Fire Grab due to burning : Fail

I know they changed the size of the cone in front of us to have it land more easily, but it still seems to miss more often than not to my experience.. (it misses like 8/10 times)

Anyone else has this happening to them?

Cone of Cold and Dragons Breath on the other hand, have a perfect hit-area

The Wheel turns as the Wheel Wills

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

Welcome to the woes of playing an ele where 90% of your skills are bugged.

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Antrasith.2187


Aha, so it’s not an L2P issue.. Glad to hear

The Wheel turns as the Wheel Wills

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: horaxx.9728


Actually when you use firegrab don’t move. It ll automatically hit your target.

“How do you kill that which has no life?”

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aginor.3490


That fact that you need to stop for it to land correctly shows its broken as our class should stay mobile all the time

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: NdranC.5107


Hmm thats weird, after the patch that “fixed it” I almost never miss now. I use it most of the time while strafing with my camera angled.

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Antrasith.2187


That fact that you need to stop for it to land correctly shows its broken as our class should stay mobile all the time

Stopping to cast an insta-skill is ok in PVE, but not in PVP tbh

The Wheel turns as the Wheel Wills

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: CurtMonash.3498


I usually miss with Fire Grab when I’m standing still.

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lokki.1092


Cone of Cold and Dragons Breath on the other hand, have a perfect hit-area

It doesn’t have the same range or cone area as Drake’s/Cone it has 100 less range and what seems to be a much slimmer cone area. The skill doesn’t seem to be bugged at all. but you really have to be all in their face to get it off consistently. Once you get a feel for the range of it, it will be better. but I remember it took me awhile to get it down as well. Just keep at it. I haven’t had any problems with it especially after the new angle patch.

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


I backpedal a bit right before I use it. People try to chase me to stay in melee. They get a cone of fire to the face. It’s pretty funny, tbh.

Of course it’s much harder to use on non-morons.

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


If you are having a hard time landing fire grab, I would suggest trying to use Right mouse and looking at your opponent. Also, the range on it is basically face to face. With practice you will land it 80% of the time. The other 20% people will dodge it.

It is a really nice burst skill (if you are built that way) otherwise it is just some extra damage. Good luck!

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: hakurface.2619


Fire Grab has plenty of range. And with the most recent update, has had it’s angle adjusted.

Fire Grab: This skill has had its attack angle increased.

If you’re having an issue landing it, use right click to adjust your angle accordingly. I find that when kiting in a circle, I generally have to lead Fire Grab ahead of the target to land it correctly. Same for Drakes and Cone of Cold.

There’s a couple of make shift combo’s that help to land FG easier if you’re having trouble as well. A well placed Burning Speed to Fire Grab works. You shouldn’t be having any problem landing FG in PvE. Practicing with Drakes Breath while kiting will help you to remember the correct camera angle to land FG while on the run. Practice makes perfect. I rarely miss FG unless I misjudge the range.

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

hits way more than it did before it was changed.

but if used in the combination with
it hits pretty much everytime.

Used to be that i would do that above combination and it would miss…
now it rarely misses doing the above.

getting to land outside of the above is not terribly easy which is an L2P issue.

One thing about AE’s and such is that blindness makes them miss…. I mean how to do you miss with an AE but its better than actually being blind i guess.

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinkerton.5643


Hate to break it to you, but it is a L2P issue.
The activation on it is not instant, even though some people think that it is. And that means that the hit is not instant. You need to be tracking your enemy and you need to use it at the right moment. I only miss maybe 1 in 20 attempts. When I do miss, it’s because of a mistake that I made and that I know that I made. And most of the time, I get several hits (on several mobs) because it’s a cone…

You have to get good at tracking the target. If you have any lag issues at all, it’s going to screw you over.

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Prince.3682


I dunno, I do land most of mine but there definitely seems something screwy with it. The animation lands right on their face and it doesn’t hit, no evade notice either.

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Antrasith.2187


Alright, I’ll try to land it ahead of players then.. In PVE I have no problem whatsoever, landing the skill, just felt like in PVP I need to be much closer to the target than in PVE.. Will try this tonight, cheers for the responses..

The Wheel turns as the Wheel Wills

Fire Grab issue.. (?)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinkerton.5643


Yeah, in PvP, any minor lag issues are magnified and you have the other player’s connection to factor in as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the issue.