Fixing tornado

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sadrien.3470


Everyone pile up your Ideas for fixing tornado.

My first suggestion is to make it an actually fitting cantrip by making it instant cast.

Community suggestions before I decide to write a thesis on what tornado should be like.

Have fun. Be Alive. K Thnx Bye.

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


They just need to make it ground target-able to make it somewhat useful.

Hey but Engies get AoE Moa, that’s some intense game balancing there.

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: Forgotten Legend.9281

Forgotten Legend.9281

giving Tornado standard movement speed would be a start. as far as i know, tornado is the only transform (skill) that reduces movement speed.

– The Baconnaire

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArthurDent.9538


Lich also reduces movement speed.

Back on topic, tornado just needs a bit of extra survivability like with rampage or plague. While those transforms make you very tanky, tornado is still super glassy. A damage boost would also be appreciated as right now it simply tickles enemies however the main draw of the elite is the aoe spammable cc so this isn’t as important. Another change that would really help would make one of the skills a pull, so you can’t be kited quite as trivially. Lastly, why on earth does this transform only give 1 pulsing stack of stability? It is the weakest transform by far, the 1 stack was just a slap in the face.

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Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


the new resistance added to tornado form?

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empty Sky.6354

Empty Sky.6354

- move it away from Elite spot or make it useful only for pve,because it sucks in pvp. If anyone is dumb enough to go into Tornado,it’s like yelling " HUGE BULLSEYE RIGHT HERE,CAN’T MISS ME, I AM ON YOUR TEAM GUYS,FREE KILL RIGHT HERE! "
- replace it with Arcane skill,where you crit 5 times and it’s cd is 45-60 s.
- delete it all together
- move signet with 25% speed movement into Elite, Tornado moves into Utility line,if they don’t want to delete it
- move Cleansing Fire into Elite and now it removes 5 condis on 60 s cd untraited

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


the move signet to elite sounds fine but then the signet should propably be better like release a strong damaging chain lighning that blinds on use.
As cantrip i would move mistform to elite and give it 1 second more.

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: Atoss.1056


Add pulsing protection to the current pulsing stability?

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avador.8934


I have 3 ideas:
- Incerases health while transformed
- Blocks projectiles, while there’s a 50% chance to reflect it
- Doesn’t reduce movement speed
- Gains 3 stacks of stability instead of 1

- Not transform anymore, instead summons a tornado in a targeted location
- Tornado can’t move
- It blinds, damages and weakens foes who gets into the tornado
- While tornado is active, the skill is replaced with another one, giving you the ability to teleport to tornado’s location, destroying it, but launching nearby foes

- Make it a signet instead (Signet of Storm)
- While passive: Reduce recharge of your attunements
- While active: Surround yourself with a storm, blinding and causing vulnerability to nearby foes and blocks projectiles for a short time
- Reduce recharge to 90 sec

I am lazy to write it over and over. So sorry for my English.

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: MyPuppy.8970


I have 3 ideas:
- Incerases health while transformed
- Blocks projectiles, while there’s a 50% chance to reflect it
- Doesn’t reduce movement speed
- Gains 3 stacks of stability instead of 1

- Not transform anymore, instead summons a tornado in a targeted location
- Tornado can’t move
- It blinds, damages and weakens foes who gets into the tornado
- While tornado is active, the skill is replaced with another one, giving you the ability to teleport to tornado’s location, destroying it, but launching nearby foes

- Make it a signet instead (Signet of Storm)
- While passive: Reduce recharge of your attunements
- While active: Surround yourself with a storm, blinding and causing vulnerability to nearby foes and blocks projectiles for a short time
- Reduce recharge to 90 sec

I like that, though none of them are gonna happen. Crappy Elite is part of ele core mechanic, but one can dream.

Lily Bertine [NG]/[GiRL]
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jski.6180


Remove the transformation keep it more as a buff that knocks ppl away from you as they get close to you. Make it a def buff more then an offensive transformation.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Fixing tornado

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empty Sky.6354

Empty Sky.6354

- Make it a signet instead (Signet of Storm)
- While passive: Reduce recharge of your attunements
- While active: Surround yourself with a storm, blinding and causing vulnerability to nearby foes and blocks projectiles for a short time
- Reduce recharge to 90 sec

I like this 3rd idea,but since they gave baseline 10s cd for attument swap,I think it’d be a waste to make passive reduce recharge of attuments. So,if in theory you’d have 7s recharge on all attuments,but you could go into Water and you already got Cleansing Wave proc and that is on 10s cd,then you wouldn’t get it next time you went into Water. Am I making any sense with this?

So maybe something like:(more than one idea below,don’t panic,I don’t mean to apply all for passive )
Passive: -15% chance to destroy incoming projectiles
– 15% chance to reflect incoming projectiles
– every 5th attack either crits or strikes enemy with Lightning for 200-300 dmg (don’t know number,but if that too much,then of course nerf it)
Active : 1st ability -Pull nearby foes to you (radius for pull little bigger than 2nd ability) ; 2nd ability – Launch nearby foes in air for 2s – max 5 people for both abilites. Cd for it 90s or over 90.