So many people are unsure what to grab as an offhand and rarely is focus considered because of how few offensive capabilities it has. With Ele’s low HP I find that it provides just the right amount survivability power to keep the fight going. I think the best way to highlight this is to explain the application of each skill.
Obsidian Flesh
Near invulnerability HELL YEAH. It will not protect you from already applied DoTs but it will prevent any and I mean ANYTHING from having a negative impact on you. Many people think that it just cancels damage but it also prevents condition and disabling effects. This can be used to walk through flames, prevent that incoming hard to dodge attack and provides a decent buffer to cast slotted skills especially when being zergged. Not to mention the field effect which works best when in a group.
Magnetic Wave
My favorite skill. Deflects any non-cone based(Fire Breath etc) projectiles back at the target. Also removes three conditions which is very welcome due to our low HP conditions can end us quickly. And what most people do not know is that it is an AoE cripple which provides a huge escape window. If used skillfully you can deflect snares and condition projectiles back to their source, not only negating the damage it would have done but adding to your output damage.
Few things are more fun then seeing your opponent charge up a powerful skill then slamming them into submission. Doesn’t work on champions, does not do any damage and only a single target which only kinda sucks for such a long CD but still a fun utility ability when used skillfully.
Swirling Winds
Another ranged damage nullifier. Many say that this skill us useless against melee but that is only partially true. When I am fighting a ranged enemy and a melee enemy, I have the speed to outrun the melee enemy most of the time and just need to stop the incoming projectiles from the nearby ranged attacker so that I can DoT one of them. This does the trick. In a group this skill is definitely what I consider “The Winds of Change” as you basically put a hard stop on all enemy ranged damage, no matter how much which in most cases is more than half.
Typically this cannot be run out of, only dodged because it comes down so fast. Does a little damage but the big thing is it inturrupts and dazes for a moment, but this one is an AoE. While kiting a melee attacker and being popped by ranged I like to charge the ranged attacker and drop the comet right as they both intersect dazing them both and giving me the distance I need to use my next skill. Only complaint is that the daze is very short but the CD is reasonably short
Freezing Gust
Slows enemies down which provides the perfect opportunity to drop fields around them. I use this almost exclusively for this. Occasionally I will use this to slow down a vet when too many adds have jumped into the fight so that I can bail.
Flame Wall
Not the best field but still a field that I put down when I have an opening before I change off Fire Attunement.
Fire Shield
Decent aura that does damage which works well close range builds.
Ok; honestly, focus fire is weak, but still has some advantages.
Focus skills should never be mindlessly fired off but calculated and timed. If using the right skills in a strategic order they can not only give you an edge but can completely change the outcome of a fight.
I think I might need to create a video tutorial for my Scepter/Focus build to really show how it shines.
(edited by Alexixiv.8125)