For the love of ELE,please Anet

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empty Sky.6354

Empty Sky.6354

Please Anet,do this simple thing:
Make Conjured weapons same as Engi’s kits. Leave attuments at their recharge,while Conjured weapons would act same as Engi’s kits. Of course you wouldn’t get attument boons from swaping Conjured weapons,that you’d still get only going through actual attuments. And also,you wouldn’t drop Conjured weapon for your teammate. Only Ele would have them. Hell you can even leave Fiery Greatsword on cd,since it’s Elite,while other Conjured weapons in Utilites you would be able to swap on fly.

This move would make Eles so much better and make people actually start using Conjured weapons. At the moment,there is CLOSE TO NONE use of Conjured weapons. It would also give diversity to eles. Pretty much cantrips are used,while there are so many dead skills.

Why do you hate Eles? Engi got a kittening ELITE as KIT. They can use that kitten from 1.5k range with cd’s from 20-40s or so. Are you serious?

All other classes benefit from F1-F4(soon F5) skills in different ways,while for ele it’s like weapon swapping. They get no kittening use from F1-F4.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empty Sky.6354

Empty Sky.6354

If they make Conjured weapons same as kits,they can leave attument cd. It’s such a simple thing to do. And eles would become so much more than d/d,staff or s/f or d/f.

And while they are at it,they can put Tornado in Utility choice,since it sucks,while they move something from Arcane utility skills to Elite. The one,where you crit 5 times would be nice.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jaetara.4075


What I suggested, on another thread, about Conjures is to make a trait that instead of giving you a random fire aura, could give you benefits depending on the element you are while holding a conjured weapon.

What elementalist lacks when uses Conjures, is his elemental identity, he is so vulnerable without it! So, and idea would be when equiping a conjured to get a buff that gives you toughness while on earth, power while on Fire, precision while on Air and vitality while on Water.

Off course your idea is pretty nice but I think it is a bit extreme to go to that logic. Remember that Conjures also give you some bonus stats when you hold them, so they cannot be treated as kits.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: BrazenNL.9857


Or let’s put attunement without cd <3

Kits don’t have a CD, so, why not?

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empty Sky.6354

Empty Sky.6354

What I suggested, on another thread, about Conjures is to make a trait that instead of giving you a random fire aura, could give you benefits depending on the element you are while holding a conjured weapon.

What elementalist lacks when uses Conjures, is his elemental identity, he is so vulnerable without it! So, and idea would be when equiping a conjured to get a buff that gives you toughness while on earth, power while on Fire, precision while on Air and vitality while on Water.

Off course your idea is pretty nice but I think it is a bit extreme to go to that logic. Remember that Conjures also give you some bonus stats when you hold them, so they cannot be treated as kits.

It’s so easy to remove those bonus stats or nerf them. I would have no problem,if Conjured weapons gave no bonus stats.
As of right now,it’s useless to use Conjured weapon. Once you drop it and you’ll drop it pretty soon,whatever Conjure weapon you use,you can’t use anymore. Yeah you got that another set of it,but it’s the same thing. And there’s no telling,you’ll even be near that 2nd set of Conjured weapon.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kiyo Reiryu.8703

Kiyo Reiryu.8703

Please Anet,do this simple thing:
Make Conjured weapons same as Engi’s kits. Leave attuments at their recharge,while Conjured weapons would act same as Engi’s kits. Of course you wouldn’t get attument boons from swaping Conjured weapons,that you’d still get only going through actual attuments. And also,you wouldn’t drop Conjured weapon for your teammate. Only Ele would have them. Hell you can even leave Fiery Greatsword on cd,since it’s Elite,while other Conjured weapons in Utilites you would be able to swap on fly.

This move would make Eles so much better and make people actually start using Conjured weapons. At the moment,there is CLOSE TO NONE use of Conjured weapons. It would also give diversity to eles. Pretty much cantrips are used,while there are so many dead skills.

Why do you hate Eles? Engi got a kittening ELITE as KIT. They can use that kitten from 1.5k range with cd’s from 20-40s or so. Are you serious?

All other classes benefit from F1-F4(soon F5) skills in different ways,while for ele it’s like weapon swapping. They get no kittening use from F1-F4.

I like your concept but I’m thinking that would be some type of ‘Tempest’ prerequisite. Conjured weapons are a unique play style. I mean ice bow 4 & 5-skill are mandatory in dungeons and boss sieges.

My assumption for the Tempest profession for the Elementalist in Guild Wars 2 HoT would be having the ability to swap between weapon skills. Since the Elementalist is presumed to get the sword as a Main Hand weapon, It would make sense for the class specialization to focus on physical combat, which is what the conjured weapons provide. Playing with that mechanic would give a more immersive game play interaction since the Elementalist already provides weapon based support.

Anvil Rock Server - Elementalist [Temptest]
PvE – PvP

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


You wish for this, but you fail to understand…

Doing such a thing will means your damage will be lowered by 30%.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


I don’t agree with that proposed change from the OP. Conjured weapons are actually pretty good.

Alerie Despins

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empty Sky.6354

Empty Sky.6354

I am mainly talking this as a pvp thing,where you have to drop Conjured weapon fast or else you’ll die. And only Conjured weapon in pvp really used is FGS. I know very few(and I mean very few) SOMETIMES use Icebow. And after they use FGS’s 3 and 4 and Icebows 4,5 and maybe 2,they pretty much soon have to drop weapon. If you use FGS as mobility,then you can’t even use that 2nd set that drops,since you’ll move away from it. Yes teammate can pick it up or situation calls for it to come back that way,but again that is rare. For a cd,that it has,it really isn’t worth that much.

I am sure PVE is “hard” ,where you in AC drop Icebow and click that 4 and destroy burrows. I am sure mobs are “hard” with the same animations and their sissy dmg. I PVE sometimes,I know there are some harder pve stuff,but at the end of the day,it’s pve. Boss,mobs have that same animation,do same rotation and it’s gg.

To comment saying your dmg will be lowered by 30%…I imagine,you’d get extra ways to deal dmg and more diverse gameplay. As of right now,in Utility skills,there aren’t many dmg based skills and pretty much Cantrips fill all 3 slots.
If you could use Conjured weapons as kits and able to swap on fly,gameplay would evolve so much more.

If Engis had kits,same as Conjured weapons and have limited amount of “charges”,no one would really use them,because they wouldn’t be worth using. Same as Conjured weapons.

Do they have some good/great weapon skills in them? YES (and that is why,they should be treated as kits)
Are they(CW) worth using? NO

Take away bonus stats that they give,just make them as kits.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sadrien.3470


If they make Conjured weapons same as kits,they can leave attument cd. It’s such a simple thing to do. And eles would become so much more than d/d,staff or s/f or d/f.

And while they are at it,they can put Tornado in Utility choice,since it sucks,while they move something from Arcane utility skills to Elite. The one,where you crit 5 times would be nice.

I find that tornado would be a great skill if they just removed the cast time.

Have fun. Be Alive. K Thnx Bye.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kodama.6453


I absolutely disagree with this suggestion. Do you know why engineers got the kit mechanic like this? Because they have no weapon switch. Elementalist dont have it too, but got the attunements instead. Elementalist already have 4 weapon skill sets as class mechanic, giving them more skills to use every time they want to would make them just totally OP.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sadrien.3470


I absolutely disagree with this suggestion. Do you know why engineers got the kit mechanic like this? Because they have no weapon switch. Elementalist dont have it too, but got the attunements instead. Elementalist already have 4 weapon skill sets as class mechanic, giving them more skills to use every time they want to would make them just totally OP.

Im pretty sure that was the other person’s goal….

Have fun. Be Alive. K Thnx Bye.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: pepper.6179


i like sharing my weapons…


For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


Oh the interesting combos you could get off if you could swap to a conjured weapon instantly, I’d use at least one. Would need other utility to handle cc and probably keep lightning flash, for pvp anyway.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empty Sky.6354

Empty Sky.6354

I absolutely disagree with this suggestion. Do you know why engineers got the kit mechanic like this? Because they have no weapon switch. Elementalist dont have it too, but got the attunements instead. Elementalist already have 4 weapon skill sets as class mechanic, giving them more skills to use every time they want to would make them just totally OP.

I know,why engi have kits. But it’s bs,that they can swap from weapon to kit,from kit to kit,kit to weapon,etc. without cd. And now they got 1.5k range ELITE kit. And if Anet wanted,they could give them weapon swap and make kits like Conjured Weapons.
And Warrior uses 2 weapon skills and those 10 skills are more powerful and useful than 20 of eles combined. And they can swap weapons every kitten .

And ele are the only class,that don’t benefit from F1-F4. All other classes are enhanced in some way from those skills,while F1-F4 is weapon swap for ele.

I already said,they can take away their bonus stats that CW give. They can even nerf their dmg. They can make it so,that you can only have 1 CW in your Utility,if they want,but that CW must be able to swap on fly. Not counting Elite FGS here. As I said before,they can leave FGS on cd.
1 slot in Utility will always be taken by Teleport,because it’s too good to give up in pvp.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kodama.6453


Warrior skills more powerful than ele ones? Seriously? ô.o
Elementalists have the strongest damage skills in the game (like meteor shower or lava font) and the strongest heal. And you still got the extremely strong 4 skill on ice bow (which they said should be nerfed cause ice bow wasn’t meant to be such a huge damage weapon).

Sorry but i just don’t get what you are complaining about and it’s not that easy just to give engineer weapon swap and and make kits to conjured weapons. Weapon skills of the engineers are balanced around the kit mechanic, which means they are totally weak compared to other professions.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empty Sky.6354

Empty Sky.6354

Warrior skills more powerful than ele ones? Seriously? ô.o
Elementalists have the strongest damage skills in the game (like meteor shower or lava font) and the strongest heal. And you still got the extremely strong 4 skill on ice bow (which they said should be nerfed cause ice bow wasn’t meant to be such a huge damage weapon).

Sorry but i just don’t get what you are complaining about and it’s not that easy just to give engineer weapon swap and and make kits to conjured weapons. Weapon skills of the engineers are balanced around the kit mechanic, which means they are totally weak compared to other professions.

If you are talking about those as PVE thing,where bosses and some mobs stand in one place,then they do some nice dmg yes…but if you are talking about this as PVP thing…haahahahha. Meteor shower is weak. Those meteors just fall random in their aoe,if you are lucky it’ll hit 1 or 2 players in their 20 hits or whatever number they have. Lava font you put on ground and any player with brain will walk out of that small aoe,same as Meteor Shower. And there goes away the whole dmg.
Eles have strongest heal??? Are you serious? Shoutbows crushed ele in support role,their healing signet is heal per second and forgot what number is these days,but it’s around 400 or so.
Warriors on longbow use F1 skill and that aoe covers 3/4 of point in Conquest. Then they use number 3 and do area might. With weapon swap of 5s they can do pretty much anything.
Ele has to be in Fire (his main dmging attument),then go either into water or earth or both,if possible and stack might through that,which puts your main dmging attument on cd of 10s. Yeah over time ele can dish out some nice dmg,but that dmg is so predictable. Staff ele…just step out of his small aoe. d/d…watch out for Burning speed,which ele will rarely hit person with skill..unless you use Lightning Flash (teleport) to land that skill. Fire grab needs burning on people to do more dmg and condis are pretty much kitten in this game,easily removed…Ring of Fire is too big. You have plenty of room to manuver inside that ring as enemy player,same as in static field. I could go on and on and on about ele skills……

People assume I want CW swap on fly because of Icebow and it’s 4th skill. They are wrong.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empty Sky.6354

Empty Sky.6354

Or here is another idea about Conjured Weapons…move them in weapon line,
They give no bonus stats,you can’t drop 2nd set for teammates and nerf dmg on skills that need nerfing.
In Fire Attument,you would wield Flame Axe, in Water you’d wield Icebow,in Air you’d had Lightning Hammer and in Earth Shield. Attuments would still have their cd’s same as they do now.
So simple to do.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: MyPuppy.8970


Or here is another idea about Conjured Weapons…move them in weapon line,
They give no bonus stats,you can’t drop 2nd set for teammates and nerf dmg on skills that need nerfing.
In Fire Attument,you would wield Flame Axe, in Water you’d wield Icebow,in Air you’d had Lightning Hammer and in Earth Shield. Attuments would still have their cd’s same as they do now.
So simple to do.

I can’t count how many times this has been suggested already… :/

Lily Bertine [NG]/[GiRL]
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empty Sky.6354

Empty Sky.6354

Or here is another idea about Conjured Weapons…move them in weapon line,
They give no bonus stats,you can’t drop 2nd set for teammates and nerf dmg on skills that need nerfing.
In Fire Attument,you would wield Flame Axe, in Water you’d wield Icebow,in Air you’d had Lightning Hammer and in Earth Shield. Attuments would still have their cd’s same as they do now.
So simple to do.

I can’t count how many times this has been suggested already… :/

I know I am not the first one suggesting this or that anything I am saying is like “groundbreaking”. and heard for first time.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kodama.6453


It isn’t an argument that your skills are aoe which are easy to dodge. Each profession has an own concept how to do things, the elementalists concept are massive aoe damage skills which are fairly adressed. If you want to hit hard as an elementalist, you have to use your cc skills in combination to keep the enemy in your high damage skills.

For the love of ELE,please Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: MyPuppy.8970


Or here is another idea about Conjured Weapons…move them in weapon line,
They give no bonus stats,you can’t drop 2nd set for teammates and nerf dmg on skills that need nerfing.
In Fire Attument,you would wield Flame Axe, in Water you’d wield Icebow,in Air you’d had Lightning Hammer and in Earth Shield. Attuments would still have their cd’s same as they do now.
So simple to do.

I can’t count how many times this has been suggested already… :/

I know I am not the first one suggesting this or that anything I am saying is like “groundbreaking”. and heard for first time.

Sorry, it wasn’t meant to be any criticism, I just wanted to point out that we pray for nuts.

Lily Bertine [NG]/[GiRL]
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock