Fresh Air for the Attunement Swapper
Fresh Air has great potential for certain burst builds, with several nice examples around. What I would like to comment on is how Fresh Air can speed up continuous cycling. In a nutshell, your fastest, indefinitely repeatable four-attunement cycle used to take something like 12 seconds, now it is closer to 10 seconds.
I have not seen this discussed in such detail, certainly not after the patch, but my apologies if I overlooked something (please comment below). In any case, some of the details I find quite amusing, and perhaps not everyone is fully aware of them.
The 6/25/13 patch gave elementalists Air XII, Fresh Air: “Critical strikes will now recharge Air Attunement. This effect can only occur once every 5 seconds.” For all of us who swap attunements a lot, this is really neat: whenever you crit, Air attunement is available again right away, although air skills maintain their cooldown. At the time of writing, the 5s cooldown does not seem to be imposed (let’s see whether we get to keep this feature …).
How much does Fresh Air help when you swap attunements as often as possible? Think long boss fight, and you would like to maximize the boons from Arcane V. You trait Arcane30 so that the attunement recharge time is 9s, cooldown after swap is 1s. I will ignore small delays because of reaction time, lag, latency, etc.
1. Without Fresh Air, pre 6/25 patch:
This is what most of us are used to. 9s attunement recharge time means that your shortest four-attunement cycle is 12s.
For example:
3s in Fire, 3s in Water, 3s in Air, 3s in Earth, then repeat 3s in Fire, …
The basic fact is that after leaving say Fire, you have to spent 9s in other attunements. You could also do
9s F, 9s E, 9s F, 9s E, …: 18s cycle for 2 attunements
4.50s F, 4.50s A, 4.50s W, 4.50s F, …: 13.5s cycle for 3 attunements
Note that in each case 9s pass before you get to go back to Fire.
But who says you have to spend equal time in each attunement? Obviously, I can do better by mixing things up, can’t I? Well, no, I don’t think you can.
Here are two examples that do not work:
1F 1W 1A 7E, 1F 1W 1A 7E(x), …
We try to swap as quickly as we can right away, until we have to wait 7s in Earth so that Fire is available again.
First of all, we do get seven attunements in 13s (FWAEFWA), which is much better than four attunements in 12s. However, we want cycles that just keep going (not bursts where you stop/get stuck). Second, the final 7E is not possible, since Earth is not available yet after 3s in FWA!
The second example is what happens when we swap as quickly as possible without making a mistake with the final Earth:
1W 1A 7E, 1F 1W 7A, 1E 1F 7W, 1A 1E 7F, repeat
Now there are 9s between any two identical attunements. However, this is no faster than the four times 3s cycle, since you still get 1 attunement in 3s on average. Just count it, 12 attunements in 36s, or note that we are doing three attunements in 9s compared to four attunements in 12s.
These are just examples, but if you think a little harder about it, you can convince yourself that you cannot do better. The reason we usually don’t even have to think about it at all is that many cycles give the same optimal or near optimal result. We looked at the sequence 117117117…, but 126126126… works as well. The sum of three
consecutive numbers is always 9, which is all that is required.
Therefore, if you “swap as quickly as your skill rotations allow”, many of these will give you a 12s cycle for four attunements, or something that comes close. You may waste a second here and there waiting for an important skill to come off cooldown, but maxing Arcane V is rarely the only thing you want to do.