New bunker meta sux
From the most interesting class to....
New bunker meta sux
I wouldn’t have much of an issue with it if it wasn’t for the fact that less skillful gameplay has become more rewarding since the expansion released.
This topic has been done before, but THIS indeed. This is my issue. The game isn’t balanced right now. I wouldn’t mind tempest being boring, except that it’s apparently stronger than ele, instead of being equal like it should be.
I don’t think that the tempest components themselves are boring, but rather the way that the builds come together. Things like diamond skin lower the skill threshold a lot, while the actual concept of overloading based on careful positioning is fairly fun, its just being a super bunker thats not as fun.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
What makes Tempest boring (PvP) is that you are forced to play as a bunker that’s not even a real bunker. They can’t even really play DPS builds in top tier teams as Overloading as a Zerker/Marauder is suicide unless you outnumber the opponents. Top Tier PvP condi Tempest is non-existent. Overloads also killed the “Active” playstyle of Elementalists where they swap to an attunement when the situation calls for it. Now it’s more of a button and overload spamfest.
Diamond Skin: Completely useless in the Viper Amulet meta. As a pure condi, only a fool would even attempt to stay a second against a DS Tempest unless it’s to prevent cap/decap. Should be completely reworked.
Warhorn: Too clunky, Fire Warhorn skills are weak. Return boon rip on Fire #5, share and add boons on Fire #4 (share current boons, max 10s. Apply 3s Resistance). Fix Air #4 Radius and give Air #5 Weakness.
Tempest Shouts: Very weak when untraited. You are forced to take a Defensive Trait line to make it useful. Buff shouts so that they are useful even when untraited but not to the point it becomes OP when traited.
New Elite: Useless aside from an extra Shocking/Magnetic Aura. Needs a complete overhaul.
Overloads: Completely countered by the sheer amount of interrupts in the current meta. Otherwise, not too bad.
TL;DR – Tempest is not an OP Bunker, it’s not even a real bunker. It’s more of an off-point support/bunker that should only get on point when needed.
As a class the elementalist has a lot of potential, it was a great design initially. It has been crippled since the release by a lack of good elite skill, useless conjures, crippled signets and a serious lack of build variety with the new trait system and various nerfs.
We can make a lot out of tempest just because d/d is good. But overall as a design Tempest and Warhorn is just a terrible concept implementation. Warhorn skills are boring and the overloads could have been done in a more dynamic way that would have synergism with Arcane instead of going against it.
This thread is pathetic. Tempest is great. If you want to go back to the same d/d rotations we’ve been doing for years, be my guest. I’ll be engaged timing my auras to counter my opponents while offering some of the best support in the game and still putting out decent damage.
I do agree that the warhorn was nerfed into the ground.
Seriously how can you complain about tempest. ITS META. There’s only 5 builds in the meta. Try playing a warrior for heavens sake, you ungrateful little kittens.
They are not talking about its power or “metaness”. It is plainly boring, that is what they are saying. And from the looks of it, elementalist has become more loggish than before. I was really hoping for conjurer type, or a good caster type like a sorcerer/wizard combo. Never liked d/d though. And it always felt wrong when I use evasive arcana. It feels like destroying the charisma of a magic user. But that is me.
Problematic part is that tempest is way stronger than base elementalist. That should be fixed for my opinion. But I have forsaken my expectations about this game weeks ago.
Looks like someone has a very low reading comprehension.
One thing that is fun for me is that now I can play in WvW frontlines as a Tempest. Well it’s still the same bunky aura/heal support build though but hey, at least we now have the choice of playing backline and frontline.
(edited by Kyon.9735)
Looks like someone has a very low reading comprehension.
One thing that is fun for me is that now I can play in WvW frontlines as a Tempest. Well it’s still the same bunky aura/heal support build though but hey, at least we now have the choice of playing backline and frontline.
Same for me, been enjoying tanky tempest in wvw mainly cos I always liked the “into your face” playstyle and died a lot with a dps spec. I can even command now with my ele (low wvw tier tho).
I also like it. Yes its not much ele swaping. I droped arcane …
I think is much fun, not for the skills but for the traits, I like having an extra way of healing/supporting party rather than being a boring dedicated healer that deals no damage. …support can be either offensive(might, fury) and/or defensive(prot, swiftness, regen) and I don’t think it requires no skill, …even more, combines great with Dagger as main as you have to engage into closer combat to either support with shouts or do overloads for either damage, heals or cc <- that’s variety right there. … offhand? well dagger is still there for aggressive ones, focus for defensive souls and now horn for those who like to support is there any more?
Please keep nerfing the ele’s visual effects Anet. You’re doing a great job losing players. Continue what u r doing.
Weren’t people complaining cele ele’s rotations were braindead easy back before HoT? When D/D was OP
So what changed about ele in the expansion? They added a chose to the ele type to become an tempest but you do not need to use tempest. So your argument seems kind of week if you think ele as a class has changed by added a chose to changes it though tempest line.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I still play base ele (spvp) and it’s still great. Arcane is just as good as tempest.
My main gripe is how Tempests can still only play bunker support in high tier PvP. Well, sure it’s a lot better than Berserker or other “unplayable” or “out of meta” classes in PvP but the main problem is this can be solved or there are a lot of possible fixes (eg. Warhorn) to make the class better but Anet doesn’t seem care.
I think you are more disappointed by the fact that the immortal ele is replaced by immortal mesmer. Just because your class does not feel as powerful as before doesnt mean it has suddenly become boring.
Tempest is very fun to play. I like how i can keep my team alive and fully heal them in few seconds, rather than just run around being unkillable as before the expansion.
It is a matter of personal preference. If you are enjoying D/D arcane then continue to play as one, but dont bash on the specialization.
Specs are supposed to give an alternative style of playing the class. To my eyes more options mean more interesting gameplay. It would be boring if the Tempest offered the same play-style as core ele. Core Ele is more of a back line-stance swapping class, but as a Tempest you are a front line support that focuses on 1 or 2 attunements at a time.
I think you are more disappointed by the fact that the immortal ele is replaced by immortal mesmer. Just because your class does not feel as powerful as before doesnt mean it has suddenly become boring.
Tempest is very fun to play. I like how i can keep my team alive and fully heal them in few seconds, rather than just run around being unkillable as before the expansion.
It is a matter of personal preference. If you are enjoying D/D arcane then continue to play as one, but dont bash on the specialization.
Specs are supposed to give an alternative style of playing the class. To my eyes more options mean more interesting gameplay. It would be boring if the Tempest offered the same play-style as core ele. Core Ele is more of a back line-stance swapping class, but as a Tempest you are a front line support that focuses on 1 or 2 attunements at a time.
Or maybe they mean what they say and think that Tempest is BORING. I mean, if I cared that mesmer was more tanky I’d say so. But I don’t. You want to know why? Because I don’t play mesmer and I don’t care. This isn’t a game that I think is based solely around competitive gameplay.
My main gripe is how Tempests can still only play bunker support in high tier PvP. Well, sure it’s a lot better than Berserker or other “unplayable” or “out of meta” classes in PvP but the main problem is this can be solved or there are a lot of possible fixes (eg. Warhorn) to make the class better but Anet doesn’t seem care.
I think that is the point of tempest to be a tankly version of ele or an line that lets ele become more tankly. Much like going down earth line makes ele more tankly or fire line tends to be more dps aimed etc.. Tempest is made to be the tankly support or the bunker as ppl like to call it so trying to make it into an all in dmg dealing set up is going to not work as well.
As things stand ele dps lines are fire air and maybe arcain. The tankly lines are earth water tempest and maybe arcain. The support for ele is all over but the strongest lines for support is tempest and maybe arcain (note arcain fills a lot of rolls but its not good at any one roll.)
Elite spec should not be a must have to where the class needs it to stand.
As for ele dps elite spec may be the next set of them will bring that but tempest is simply not made for dmg like fire or air lines on ele.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I’m having a lot of fun playing Tempest, but I really hope that our next Elite spec is a dps spec!
I’m in the same boat as op. This is a huge problem for me in spvp. I’m trying to play some league games and I find out all the viable builds involve tempest. At this point, with all these talks of tempest being op, I really couldn’t care less what they do with it. Anet can nerf it to the ground if they think that’s fair. I just want to play the classic d/d to a similar effectiveness pre-hot.
My main gripe is how Tempests can still only play bunker support in high tier PvP. Well, sure it’s a lot better than Berserker or other “unplayable” or “out of meta” classes in PvP but the main problem is this can be solved or there are a lot of possible fixes (eg. Warhorn) to make the class better but Anet doesn’t seem care.
I think that is the point of tempest to be a tankly version of ele or an line that lets ele become more tankly. Much like going down earth line makes ele more tankly or fire line tends to be more dps aimed etc.. Tempest is made to be the tankly support or the bunker as ppl like to call it so trying to make it into an all in dmg dealing set up is going to not work as well.
As things stand ele dps lines are fire air and maybe arcain. The tankly lines are earth water tempest and maybe arcain. The support for ele is all over but the strongest lines for support is tempest and maybe arcain (note arcain fills a lot of rolls but its not good at any one roll.)
Elite spec should not be a must have to where the class needs it to stand.
As for ele dps elite spec may be the next set of them will bring that but tempest is simply not made for dmg like fire or air lines on ele.
Yeah, and that’s problem why people find it boring, not weak. So far Tempest is locked into 1 viable build in tPvP, the tanky support bunker, because Tempest was made to be only tanky.
The only thing tempest does well is:
1- Protection stacking (but to be honest I could have perma protection with d/d before HoT with Arcane, just not share it as much). The protection sharing was much more balanced with Elemental attunement.
2- Healing on Aura Share, for a class that had that amount of regen share I don’t know why they felt that was necessary, something offensive (like a new boon) on aura share would have been way more interesting.
3- Overload Air when full zerk
Notice that none of that use Warhorn, which has a useless set of clunky and slow skills.
For the trait there isn’t any choice either since for every tier one is definitively better than the other ones.
My main gripe is how Tempests can still only play bunker support in high tier PvP. Well, sure it’s a lot better than Berserker or other “unplayable” or “out of meta” classes in PvP but the main problem is this can be solved or there are a lot of possible fixes (eg. Warhorn) to make the class better but Anet doesn’t seem care.
I think that is the point of tempest to be a tankly version of ele or an line that lets ele become more tankly. Much like going down earth line makes ele more tankly or fire line tends to be more dps aimed etc.. Tempest is made to be the tankly support or the bunker as ppl like to call it so trying to make it into an all in dmg dealing set up is going to not work as well.
As things stand ele dps lines are fire air and maybe arcain. The tankly lines are earth water tempest and maybe arcain. The support for ele is all over but the strongest lines for support is tempest and maybe arcain (note arcain fills a lot of rolls but its not good at any one roll.)
Elite spec should not be a must have to where the class needs it to stand.
As for ele dps elite spec may be the next set of them will bring that but tempest is simply not made for dmg like fire or air lines on ele.Yeah, and that’s problem why people find it boring, not weak. So far Tempest is locked into 1 viable build in tPvP, the tanky support bunker, because Tempest was made to be only tanky.
Well tankly support earth line was build to only be tankly tempest line is more like water with the mix of support and tankly.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA