Fully Operational Death Star

Fully Operational Death Star

in Elementalist

Posted by: Carrioncrow.6872


The point of this video was to make an Elementalist build that does it all.

Power, Crit, Crit damage and Condition damage.

Attack: 2876
Condition Damage: 1173
Crit: 24% – 44% with fury
Crit Damage: 28%

Very interesting build, I would have to say I like it. It suffers a lot like a glass cannon, not having the almost mandatory 30 water to heal and condition removal. But deals decent burst with great condition damage making all of your abilities and spells useful.

Also note open up with Signet of fire which really starts your combo chains off, Signet of fire will deal fire damage, give you a fire aura, give you fury and swiftness and allow you to pull off Fire Grab without having to insure blazing speed lands.

Hope this broaden’s your horizon on future builds.


(edited by Carrioncrow.6872)

Fully Operational Death Star

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wheeping Song.6423

Wheeping Song.6423

Nothing for me…. as glass canon eles arent really capable.

You die in seconds without even beeing able to do the dmg.

besides. d/d is rather meele range. this especially makes it a lot harder as a glass canon.


Fully Operational Death Star

in Elementalist

Posted by: Carrioncrow.6872


Really ele weapons are more about preference than actual “build”

There isn’t much difference.

Now if your were lets say a warrior there would be a huge difference between a Axe and a sword, but for ele really there is zero difference.

It all does the same “stuff” damage condition, bleed, ect ect, it’s just what style you feel more comfortable with.

Fully Operational Death Star

in Elementalist

Posted by: EnochDagor.6185


@Carrioncrow – Then you need to play your ele more as you are drastically incorrect.

80 Elementalist – Sanctum of Rall
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok

Fully Operational Death Star

in Elementalist

Posted by: Carrioncrow.6872


I don’t mine mind being wrong. =)

But when it comes to my opinion, I’m 100% correct.

So lets compare, The Scepter has abilities that do damage and some that apply conditions, well the dagger has abilities that also do damage and apply conditions. So turns out they do the same “Stuff”

The ranges and how the damage / conditions are applied are really the only difference and honestly that just comes down to style. You an be just as effective with a scepter/ staff/ as you can be with a dagger applying the same “stuff” to bad guys, it’s just the style you go about it.

Of course this is a drastic over simplification, but an accurate one.

Changing out weapons doesn’t alter our class mechanics the way it does all the the other Professions, merely the way we choose to go about utilizing them; and I chalk that up to personal preference.

Fully Operational Death Star

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mik Hell.8206

Mik Hell.8206

This is very interesting, but you still die a lot, even though some of them were due to trebuchets bombarding.

Thanks for posting your video, my horizon broadened indeed, but I’m not convinced.

Fully Operational Death Star

in Elementalist

Posted by: EnochDagor.6185


Mmm…. yes, that is a very huge over simplification. On the same token… I could say that a D/D thief does the same stuff a P/P thief does. I mean, they do damage and other stuff. That’s just the simplification.

But at the meat of the matter, you do different kinds of “stuff” better in some builds than others. S/D is better for stay ranged from your target vs. D/D while staff beats S/D. /D is for certain purposes while /F is for other types of purposes. The kinds of conditions you can apply and how often you can apply them, all change.

That’s where I’m calling you incorrect. Of course, this all revolves around your definition of “style”. But, eh. Whatever.

80 Elementalist – Sanctum of Rall
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok

Fully Operational Death Star

in Elementalist

Posted by: cero.1209


I found your video entertaining and very informative. Thank you for posting it. My horizons have been broadened.

Fully Operational Death Star

in Elementalist

Posted by: BishopX.6453


eles are too squishy,
thieves are broken
this guy speced like a glass vase

but can we all agree that the thief elite shouldnt have killed hiM THAT fast!!

even he was shocked like… i musta missed the treb. nah bro, treb hit you outside
what killed you was the elites