Fun PvE builds?

Fun PvE builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Puff Pure.8631

Puff Pure.8631

Frost bow #5 never gets old, why not build around that?

Fun PvE builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DotDotWin.4357


I’m starting to think there are no fun builds. Elementalists are just too squishy. I die at least three times a day because I pull multiple mobs or things just spawn around me because someone walks into the area. Elementalists kinda suck. I made it to level 30 thinking I would give it the college try but, eh, they are just bad.

Fun PvE builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: azurerogue.9240


Wow, everyone complains about elementalist. It’s actually my main (I also have an 80 Necro, Guardian, and Warrior) because I think it’s more fun than any other class I have. They’re not that squishy – and D/D has a pretty constant stream of healing, regeneration, and protection (not to mention might [if you use a sigil of battle], swiftness, fury, and vigor).

As far as builds are concerned, check the thread above yours

Fun PvE builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

D/D full cleric armor boonduration runes healing power based build with lots of atunement swapping and such. Will stack 5ish boons on you and allies+unique auras+lots and lots of heals.