Fun PvE builds?
I’m starting to think there are no fun builds. Elementalists are just too squishy. I die at least three times a day because I pull multiple mobs or things just spawn around me because someone walks into the area. Elementalists kinda suck. I made it to level 30 thinking I would give it the college try but, eh, they are just bad.
Wow, everyone complains about elementalist. It’s actually my main (I also have an 80 Necro, Guardian, and Warrior) because I think it’s more fun than any other class I have. They’re not that squishy – and D/D has a pretty constant stream of healing, regeneration, and protection (not to mention might [if you use a sigil of battle], swiftness, fury, and vigor).
As far as builds are concerned, check the thread above yours
D/D full cleric armor boonduration runes healing power based build with lots of atunement swapping and such. Will stack 5ish boons on you and allies+unique auras+lots and lots of heals.