GW2 video: 1vs1 and 1vs more in WvW
But everyone already know you can troll and kill a whole group solo with DD.
try with staff now.
and then scepter/focus.
(edited by eldain stenlund.4306)
I liked it! You should do scepter videos though, D/D everyone does :P
The reason I wanted to post a second video is because most videos I saw of d/d in outnumbered situations are against underleveled opponents.
I have tried playing with sceptre. But I just can’t seem to like it tbh.
I might post a video with focus in future tho, but that probably won’t be a 1 vs x vid
With staff in the current situation, you won’t be able to beat a skilled player. I’ve had 1vs1’s with staff in the past. You’ll only kil players that aren’t too skilled. Not saying that you can’t survive against a more skilled player, but you can’t kil them either.
Right now I’m enjoying mesmer very much. So I might record some stuff with that.
(Everyone calls elementalist OP, I haven’t had problems with most elementalists as a mesmer tho)
you seem as a skilled player on elemental. (abit above the average)
and you say you could never do the same with a staff or scepter, as what you do with your DD. ??
If you agree. we have more people stating the same facts.
Buff and fix the other weapons to give us more real options.
>Everyone calls elementalist OP, I haven’t had problems
> with most elementalists as a mesmer tho
because you played ele a lot, understand ele, know its weakness and use it to your advantage. Now you can kill ele on any proffesion (but probably not on any build).
>I’ve had 1vs1’s with staff in the past.
and I you already realized that staff it not the best 1v1 weapon.
Maybe even some ppl already realized that this wole game is not about 1v1 at all – yep you can call me Captain obvious
Ofc you can still do some 1v1 but this game was not designed for it, there is even no 1v1 duel option, the 1v1 balace (considering huge variety of builds) is even not that bad but obviously game was not designed for 1v1 and some wapons (like ele Staff) perfectly proves it.
@ eldain stenlund
Sceptre isn’t bad, I just don’t like the skills.
And in my opinion staff wasn’t meand to be a 1vs1 weapon.
Staff becomes very usefull in bigger groups.
@ Lavadiel
The only thing I do in gw2 is WvW and I understand that the game is not about 1vs1. But when I do get in such situation and I’m not in a hurry. Then I won’t say no to it
(Thats bassicaly the only 1 vs x things I record)
I know staff is not a good 1vs1 weapon. (Never said it was) I was just replying to eldain stenlund’s first comment. I think anet didn’t want staff to be a 1vs1 weapon anyway. In bigger groups on the other hand, staff can be way more benefitial for the group then d/d.
It’s that way for every proffesion. Some weapons are better in smaller fights, other weapons are meand to use for bigger fights.
i dont like ther scepter either atm.
and like alot of people have said.
staff not 1v1. use DD for such.
if we can not have a weapon swap.
dont you think, All our weapons should be suitable for Both encounters then ?
anyways, hope you make a staff vid.
even tho it will take 5 times more work to stay alive and deal dmg.
I don’t really understand how anyone with his unbroken armour can ever die to bunker elementalist. Guess I overestimate general skill level in zvz.
@TrashHunterz.. what kind of trinkets and jewelry are you running? nice play btw,
I’ve been running a self made build for wvw d/d for months now.. going to try out bunker to see the difference.
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.
Right now I’m using full cleric. During this video I didn’t have boon duration runes yet. (I’m a bit lazy when it comes to optimizing armor)
I’m planning on dropping some healing power for more damage. In the description of my vid theres a link to my guide. I’ll be adding my new gear to that when I have it ready.
Edit: I’ll post the link here. If anyone has questions. Feel free to ask.
(edited by TrashHunterz.4751)
Sigh the reason I hate these videos is that you guys never fight anybody good.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
Sigh the reason I hate these videos is that you guys never fight anybody good.
If you got any video of anyone posting getting roftstomp all the way, let me know.
The only one existed is those that show the other side hacking/cheating .
Ayumu-lvl 80 Necromancer
Tsu-lvl 80 thief
Alright I’ll admit it. I had my cat dancing on my keyboard randomly pushing keys…