Give might back to cantrips - PLEASE
Cantrips are very powerful def tools to give them an power was a bit to strong. That and it simply did not fit the ideal one line one utility now every thing is in its places. The truth be told cantrips are the last utility that needs a buff all the others do. Cantrips right now give 3 major effects from water line cdr reg and vigor where most other utility only give 2 effects cd and one other (though i think arcain effects give 3 all though it dose not realy match up conditions and crit dmg dose not mix all that well). How about putting 3 stacks of might on signets on the earth line or conja weapons pick up (glyph have good might on them already all though its still on the week side).
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I don’t think they need to give might on cantrips back completely, cleansing fire is decent there. The problem is that the other traits at adept are just pretty bad. Conjurer is 100% useless, especially with how weak conjures are. The trait could give pulsing fire auras for 5s every 5s while holding a conjure (which is objectively OP as an effect) and conjures would STILL probably be bad. Burning precision is pretty bad as a trait as well. 1 stack of burn is useless, and 20% duration doesn’t do much either – if you have a lot of burning damage, it is already long enough to kill if not cleansed. Perhaps if you used glyph of ele power or something to frequently burn, but then you are giving up survivability even more!
I don’t think they need to give might on cantrips back completely, cleansing fire is decent there. The problem is that the other traits at adept are just pretty bad. Conjurer is 100% useless, especially with how weak conjures are. The trait could give pulsing fire auras for 5s every 5s while holding a conjure (which is objectively OP as an effect) and conjures would STILL probably be bad. Burning precision is pretty bad as a trait as well. 1 stack of burn is useless, and 20% duration doesn’t do much either – if you have a lot of burning damage, it is already long enough to kill if not cleansed. Perhaps if you used glyph of ele power or something to frequently burn, but then you are giving up survivability even more!
The trick would be to give when holding a conjar wepon gives you 1 stack of stab ever 1 sec much like the flame thrower for eng.
The problem with burning precision is the same for all the icd for ele its per activation not per player. If burning precision was per player and say something like blinding ash was too it would be a very powerful set to take up. I am still not sure why so many icd ele effects are not made to work with aoe when ele is one of the strongest aoe classes in the game.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I don’t think they need to give might on cantrips back completely, cleansing fire is decent there. The problem is that the other traits at adept are just pretty bad. Conjurer is 100% useless, especially with how weak conjures are. The trait could give pulsing fire auras for 5s every 5s while holding a conjure (which is objectively OP as an effect) and conjures would STILL probably be bad. Burning precision is pretty bad as a trait as well. 1 stack of burn is useless, and 20% duration doesn’t do much either – if you have a lot of burning damage, it is already long enough to kill if not cleansed. Perhaps if you used glyph of ele power or something to frequently burn, but then you are giving up survivability even more!
The trick would be to give when holding a conjar wepon gives you 1 stack of stab ever 1 sec much like the flame thrower for eng.
The problem with burning precision is the same for all the icd for ele its per activation not per player. If burning precision was per player and say something like blinding ash was too it would be a very powerful set to take up. I am still not sure why so many icd ele effects are not made to work with aoe when ele is one of the strongest aoe classes in the game.
I’m not sure even pulsing stab would make it worth using any of the conjures besides FGS. Earth shield is a defensive skill that you can’t use to properly respond to enemies offense thanks to a stupidly long cast time (defensive skills need be instant). Lightning hammer doesn’t have much utility outside of an auto attack, and in pvp you are better off with the greater range on lightning whip. Flame axe has no use whatsoever, and ice bow has been put in the same situation since the change.
As for the burning being per-target (like other aspects), I just chalk that up to the devs not having any clue about what makes things strong/weak on an ele. They just put effects in, maybe test in 1v1, then wonder why they never see use.
I don’t think they need to give might on cantrips back completely, cleansing fire is decent there. The problem is that the other traits at adept are just pretty bad. Conjurer is 100% useless, especially with how weak conjures are. The trait could give pulsing fire auras for 5s every 5s while holding a conjure (which is objectively OP as an effect) and conjures would STILL probably be bad. Burning precision is pretty bad as a trait as well. 1 stack of burn is useless, and 20% duration doesn’t do much either – if you have a lot of burning damage, it is already long enough to kill if not cleansed. Perhaps if you used glyph of ele power or something to frequently burn, but then you are giving up survivability even more!
The trick would be to give when holding a conjar wepon gives you 1 stack of stab ever 1 sec much like the flame thrower for eng.
The problem with burning precision is the same for all the icd for ele its per activation not per player. If burning precision was per player and say something like blinding ash was too it would be a very powerful set to take up. I am still not sure why so many icd ele effects are not made to work with aoe when ele is one of the strongest aoe classes in the game.I’m not sure even pulsing stab would make it worth using any of the conjures besides FGS. Earth shield is a defensive skill that you can’t use to properly respond to enemies offense thanks to a stupidly long cast time (defensive skills need be instant). Lightning hammer doesn’t have much utility outside of an auto attack, and in pvp you are better off with the greater range on lightning whip. Flame axe has no use whatsoever, and ice bow has been put in the same situation since the change.
As for the burning being per-target (like other aspects), I just chalk that up to the devs not having any clue about what makes things strong/weak on an ele. They just put effects in, maybe test in 1v1, then wonder why they never see use.
Like lighting hammer that what missing from it the abitly to be able to last long enofe to get its dmg off. That why a lot of ppl want lighting hammers effect to be ranged and why ice bow was so useful. By adding in an “weak” stab effect you let eles get in there. The lack of stab is what holding the shield back too just being able to have hp def / hp means nothing if your stunned up most of the time.
The the thing there is one icd effect in the game ele has that is per person and its one of the stronger ones Glyph of Elemental Power. Its effect icd is per person not per activation and it has some of the stronger effect in the game on an passive like effect that dose not even need a crit for a chase to happen. Burning Precision, Blinding Ashes, and Arcane Precision if they where icd per person and not per effect there would be real room for an on crit/on hit ele/tempest build that ele/tempest is lacking. Images fire overload that blinds everyone once ever 8 sec. Or being able to stack 2 burns per crit vs a full zerg of ppl with staff ele.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Thief-main here(ele secondary/tertiary depending on my mood). I don’t think cantrips need the might back. The other utilities and traits need to be brought up instead on ele. For instance, elemental surge and arcane precision sort of step on each other’s toes. Take the condi application out of elemental surge and roll it into arcane precision instead. Then give elemental surge the thief/ranger treatment and have it remove 2 condis when you use an arcane spell. On top of that, arcane shield could use a competitive CD at 40 – 45 seconds. Arcane brilliance couls use a better cast time at 0.25 – 0.5 seconds. I think bringing some of the other utilities up for ele would be better than rebuffing cantrips.
(edited by Maugetarr.6823)
Cantrips don’t need the Might back. If anything, Cantrips should get more nerfs so other utilities can see the light of the day. Where are the Signet/Glyphs Elementalists? They are totally overshadowed by Cantrips. As much as I love Cantrips, we should request buffs for other utilities instead.
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
Cantrips don’t need the Might back. If anything, Cantrips should get more nerfs so other utilities can see the light of the day. Where are the Signet/Glyphs Elementalists? They are totally overshadowed by Cantrips. As much as I love Cantrips, we should request buffs for other utilities instead.
Cantrips are eles best utilities, but you are taking the wrong approach. It isn’t that cantrips are too strong – quite the opposite. They are appropriately balanced, especially when traited.
The problem is other ele utilities are WAY too weak or don’t give the right things. You don’t see glyph eles b/c the glyph heal is hilarious weak (due to too long of a CD and way too long cast time), glyph of storms has too long of a cast time/CD for a stationary offensive skill in pvp, glyph of lesser elementals does zip in pvp, and the res glyph has too long of a cast time to be used consistently (it only works when not expected). Conjures are pathetic across the board (except FGS for mobility), and signets have pretty bad actives (besides air). Arcanes are only good for a burst ele, b/c that is all they do, and taking them leaves you nearly defenseless.
At the end of the day, ele utilities (and most classes for that matter) are chosen for the strong defensive capabilities they provide. Pretty much every class gets enough offense from their skills, and utilities with long CD can’t be relied on to generate offensive pressure effectively. The only defensive utilities (or mixed defense/offens) eles have that allow you to respond to enemy instants are: cantrips, signet of air, arcane shield, and glyph of ele power. Due to the great trait synergy, cantrips just win out across the board.
So to answer your question, if you want more builds that aren’t just cantrips, give eles more decent options at utilities. Just nerfing the few that works hurts everyone.
They nerfed it too much. 2 Stacks would have been fine
I think they should have transfer the might to another trait or skill type to let that might option available. For example, why not improve the ‘inscription’ trait to make it give 3 might when using a glyph instead of 1. Hardly nobody take that trait over the 2 others anyway. It could only help diversity while keeping the old option available. That or improve pyromancer puissance…
They nerfed might on cantrips to make the fire overload from Tempest be worth using.
Since Tempest is basically just recycled stuff doing the same effect ele has always been doing (no new auras, no new condi or boon, just the same) it was easy to predict that they would nerf our other lines to make Tempest seem better. I wouldn’t be surprised if they removed powerful aura from water soon since the trait is overlapping with all the tempest shouts.
Anyway the best might source is now tempest overload/fire aura with the fire line. You can get 4 stacks of might from each shouts and 10 from the fire overload.
The problem with nerfing the might on cantrips is that it had a much greater affect on staff than the intended targets. D/X and S/X have absolutely no problems might stacking in all facets of the game, but for Staff, it was pretty much the only way to might stack.
This is just another case of a poorly thought out solution to a problem.
The fix would be to have it still provide might while wielding a staff.
Cantrips don’t need the Might back. If anything, Cantrips should get more nerfs so other utilities can see the light of the day. Where are the Signet/Glyphs Elementalists? They are totally overshadowed by Cantrips. As much as I love Cantrips, we should request buffs for other utilities instead.
Nerfing something into uselessness because something else is useless is a very stupid way to go about things. I haven’t seen evidence that ANET is that bad at game design and decision making ….close perhaps, but NOT that bad.
Cantrips are very powerful def tools to give them an power was a bit to strong. That and it simply did not fit the ideal one line one utility now every thing is in its places. The truth be told cantrips are the last utility that needs a buff all the others do. Cantrips right now give 3 major effects from water line cdr reg and vigor where most other utility only give 2 effects cd and one other (though i think arcain effects give 3 all though it dose not realy match up conditions and crit dmg dose not mix all that well). How about putting 3 stacks of might on signets on the earth line or conja weapons pick up (glyph have good might on them already all though its still on the week side).
Too strong? Yes, too strong in sPvP running D/X or S/X in Celestial gear. Too strong using staff any any facet of the game? Not even close. Putting might on signet use is interesting, if the earth line didn’t completely blow across the board.
Cantrips are very powerful def tools to give them an power was a bit to strong. That and it simply did not fit the ideal one line one utility now every thing is in its places. The truth be told cantrips are the last utility that needs a buff all the others do. Cantrips right now give 3 major effects from water line cdr reg and vigor where most other utility only give 2 effects cd and one other (though i think arcain effects give 3 all though it dose not realy match up conditions and crit dmg dose not mix all that well). How about putting 3 stacks of might on signets on the earth line or conja weapons pick up (glyph have good might on them already all though its still on the week side).
Too strong? Yes, too strong in sPvP running D/X or S/X in Celestial gear. Too strong using staff any any facet of the game? Not even close. Putting might on signet use is interesting, if the earth line didn’t completely blow across the board.
For staff you use cantrips as pure def tools just simply keeping the staff ele alive is all you need becuse staff in it self is a powerful wepon for the ele class. Having cantrips give might did not fit in both the ideal of what cantrips are and that being a mostly water line utility it was for some random reason in fire too (I mean why not have protection on cantrips use from the passive AoE?).
The trick with utility is to fit or agment what they do. Sigent should be on use effects mostly an condition on use. Glyph are the boon generators that realy should be aoe and stronger. And arcain are pure offensive tools the different of cantrips so they need higher base dmg effect not conditions.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Cantrips are already the only utilities I see used, i think other utilities should get a buff instead. Arcane getting might on use or glyphs getting might in addition to their other buffs makes more sense.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
Cantrips are very powerful def tools to give them an power was a bit to strong. That and it simply did not fit the ideal one line one utility now every thing is in its places. The truth be told cantrips are the last utility that needs a buff all the others do. Cantrips right now give 3 major effects from water line cdr reg and vigor where most other utility only give 2 effects cd and one other (though i think arcain effects give 3 all though it dose not realy match up conditions and crit dmg dose not mix all that well). How about putting 3 stacks of might on signets on the earth line or conja weapons pick up (glyph have good might on them already all though its still on the week side).
Too strong? Yes, too strong in sPvP running D/X or S/X in Celestial gear. Too strong using staff any any facet of the game? Not even close. Putting might on signet use is interesting, if the earth line didn’t completely blow across the board.
For staff you use cantrips as pure def tools just simply keeping the staff ele alive is all you need becuse staff in it self is a powerful wepon for the ele class. Having cantrips give might did not fit in both the ideal of what cantrips are and that being a mostly water line utility it was for some random reason in fire too (I mean why not have protection on cantrips use from the passive AoE?).
Except you are wrong, at least in the case of WvW.
I used ether renewal shortly before contact because I knew it would be up again by the time I needed it. If I wasn’t running FGS for its run away ability, I also prestacked might with Tornado (because it is useless most of the time). Add in my lightning flash for opening static and I was starting the fight with +9 might stacks. Pure life savers would be mist form only (run the cleanse + burn in sPvP offensively to add burn stacks with its low cooldown).
Sorry, but cantrips are not strictly defensive by nature as 1 is pure offensive (tornado), 3 are both offensive and defensive (flash/flame/armor of earth), 1 is heal/cleanse, and 1 is pure defensive. If anything, the very nature of cantrips support their duality…..
Also, if you want to stay alive as a staff ele ….. you should be utilizing your staff skills to their fullest.
I am guessing this is from a PvE standpoint. I only play staff elementalist and I’ve noticed almost no difference in my damage output after the trait change and here’s why.
- With Sigils of Strength and Runes of Strength plus might on hit trait, it’s pretty easy to build up 20ish stacks of might without the cantrips.
- Cycling your attunements is important, but it’s situationally important and those situations aren’t constant, lending to more than enough time to spend in fire. In fact, before the nerf, you were spending 50% of your time in fire in PvE, because the pressure and difficulty in PvE just isn’t there like it is in PvP and doesn’t require constant attunement dancing.
- The Burning Precision trait is strong enough even without condi damage to compensate for the damage loss. Realistically, might on cantrip was a small, constant damage increase, because it puts you at a huge disadvantage to pop all your cantrips to build up a burst. Burning on critical provides that same small, constant damage increase.
- There isn’t much reason to take Cleansing Fire over Burning Precision, because the trait wasn’t all that useful in PvE besides the might on cantrips. It’s not very common to get 3 condis on you at once to trigger the cantrip in PvE, particularly with how much condi cleanse you have available.
So considering all of these, the nerf has had zero impact on my PvE gameplay. Like it’s not even noticeable. Considering this to be a major nerf to staff is hyperbolic at best. I just swapped out Cleansing Fire for Burning Precision and it’s business as usual.
(edited by MadRabbit.3179)
I can’t speak of PvE directly at all, so perhaps in that aspect it is hyperbolic ….. however, from a WvW and lesser extent sPvP point of view, your comments aren’t valid. Burst and timing of that burst is everything when you are fighting players.
I can’t speak of PvE directly at all, so perhaps in that aspect it is hyperbolic ….. however, from a WvW and lesser extent sPvP point of view, your comments aren’t valid. Burst and timing of that burst is everything when you are fighting players.
They are absolutely not valid, because I don’t run fire in neither WvW or SPvP, because to be honest, it’s not my job to burst and if you are playing staff to burst, you already got a small dog in that fight. There is a long line of builds and classes that could do burst better than staff.
When I run in WvW, I am usually running Air, because it’s provides better overall damage increase when I am swapping attunements constantly. My job and the job of the other staff elementalists is to coordinate with the zerg on water, static, ice and wall fields and to supplement the dps with meteor shower. Even if I ran Fire, the idea of popping all of my cantrips for stacks of might and lose their utility if I accidentally fell out of position is insane to me. The combined might of a fair sized zerg’s AoE pressure is more than enough that I don’t need to trade all my defensive utility for 9 might stacks.
In sPvP, honestly, burst staff was a joke before the trait change and to play anything else as staff besides a bunker support was paying your team a huge disservice. You have no realistic damage output except during point control when people have to make a hard choice between moving off point or staying in your AoEs. There is so many other builds that can do better in fights out in the open where enemeies can just dodge out of your AoEs.
I can’t speak of PvE directly at all, so perhaps in that aspect it is hyperbolic ….. however, from a WvW and lesser extent sPvP point of view, your comments aren’t valid. Burst and timing of that burst is everything when you are fighting players.
They are absolutely not valid, because I don’t run fire in neither WvW or SPvP, because to be honest, it’s not my job to burst and if you are playing staff to burst, you already got a small dog in that fight.
You can burst your AoE so it all lands close to the same time and time it with other player’s AoE. This isn’t really next level stuff here.
I ran air and fire in WvW …..
Also you don’t pop all your cantrips. Renewal because the cool down is low, tornado if not running FGS of ‘running away’ because it sucks 99% of the time, and flash to land that LR/Static (WvW). In sPvP with my build, I would save flash for more defense, and instead ea dodge roll in with fire, fire #2, and Fire cantrip to AE stacks about 2k worth of burn ticks on the point.
Burning retreat is better than lightning flash 90% of the time in getting away unless elevation change is needed. Earth 3,4/5, Air 3/4/5, Fire 4, Water 4 ….all extremely useful (in addition to the heals).
(edited by cillard.3986)
If they striped might from cantrips they could rework might on conjures – becouse now its: trait for fire aura on conjures + trait for two might while you get fire aura.
So two traits and still even not 3might? Merge those two and make getting 3might on fire aura. Remember you striped 3might stacks from cantrips so put some candies in fire.
Cantrips are very powerful def tools to give them an power was a bit to strong. That and it simply did not fit the ideal one line one utility now every thing is in its places. The truth be told cantrips are the last utility that needs a buff all the others do. Cantrips right now give 3 major effects from water line cdr reg and vigor where most other utility only give 2 effects cd and one other (though i think arcain effects give 3 all though it dose not realy match up conditions and crit dmg dose not mix all that well). How about putting 3 stacks of might on signets on the earth line or conja weapons pick up (glyph have good might on them already all though its still on the week side).
Too strong? Yes, too strong in sPvP running D/X or S/X in Celestial gear. Too strong using staff any any facet of the game? Not even close. Putting might on signet use is interesting, if the earth line didn’t completely blow across the board.
For staff you use cantrips as pure def tools just simply keeping the staff ele alive is all you need becuse staff in it self is a powerful wepon for the ele class. Having cantrips give might did not fit in both the ideal of what cantrips are and that being a mostly water line utility it was for some random reason in fire too (I mean why not have protection on cantrips use from the passive AoE?).
Except you are wrong, at least in the case of WvW.
I used ether renewal shortly before contact because I knew it would be up again by the time I needed it. If I wasn’t running FGS for its run away ability, I also prestacked might with Tornado (because it is useless most of the time). Add in my lightning flash for opening static and I was starting the fight with +9 might stacks. Pure life savers would be mist form only (run the cleanse + burn in sPvP offensively to add burn stacks with its low cooldown).
Sorry, but cantrips are not strictly defensive by nature as 1 is pure offensive (tornado), 3 are both offensive and defensive (flash/flame/armor of earth), 1 is heal/cleanse, and 1 is pure defensive. If anything, the very nature of cantrips support their duality…..
If your playing in wvw you should have 25 stack of might all the time unless your trying to solo as an staff ele lol. That and most staff ele run down the fire line the on might on fire skills dose go a long way.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Even if you run a crap WvW build and all the might trait, skills, and sigil/runes together you wont be maintaining 25 might stacks or even close without outside help. A useless ele is the one standing in buff stacks/empowers instead of applying pressure, hazing restacks, finishing downs, repositioning, and CCing when applicable.
Cantrips have provided both offensive and defensive buffs since the beginning… when you look at them as skills…. 2 are pure defense (Armor of Earth and Mist Form)… 3 are a mix of offense and defense… so its wrong to say that offensive buffs dont suit…
I cant speak for the other utilities… ive been using cantrips for a long time now… but they represented a great streamlined system… that was efficient and fun to play…. I am a staff ele player so am speaking entirely from this point.
I thought the idea of adding back might to c antrips when weilding a staff was a brilliant idea… since we seem to be feeling the hit most….
Yes it is possible to still generate good might while playing staff… but then you must stay in fire all the time… turning the staff… which used to be the most wonderful versatile weapon in the game… into a one dimensional spam tool… otherwise sacrificing offensive power….
trouble is… eles have the lowest stat potential in the game… so hits like this to performance will be felt more acutely… since it is already a real stretch to create a truly balanced (dps/survivability) build… for me.. this hit was devestating… more emotionally than in the numbers… to me… cantrips feel flat and dead… uninspiring… and im having to change and limit my playstyle if i want to keep the might up.
I used to play way from fire quite a lot.. using buffs to provide group support… now i am having to hang in fire much more… its just not as much fun for me.
In my original post I suggested adding fury instead of mught… since eles have scant access to fury esp if the trait for Pyromancers puissance… it would fill a gap imo… this would also feel good
It would also work to reduce the duration to 5s (it was quite long before) this would just give flares of might rather than stacking up too much… this would provide a great feel imo… while reducing the overall capacity or might gain.
for the good part… more classes are now able to buff the party with might… so often it is possible to achieve 25 stacks with group help… so this does help the matter a bit.
I agree with improving the other ele traits… but I rly rly hope they do something about this…. i was so excited waiting for HOT…. they slipped this in the back door… at the last moment… all my excitement has been knocked out of me feels like ive been mugged on my way to the jungle… feels like kitten
(edited by Naro.5496)
A bit of history
When they explained the concept of the new trait system:
Elementalists: “we’re gonna lose build variety”
Developers: “Don’t worry, we’re merging bad traits together to make good ones”
- They merged Cleansing fire with might on cantrips, eles were happy.
- Eles are played more and are strong because of the huge global burning buff
- People complain eles are too strong and that burning is broken
What Anet does:
1- Anet undo the trait merge by deleting the best half of a good trait, making the trait just as useless as it was before the trait merge for the new trait system. This is a complete step back but this time we have less build variety on top of having bad traits.
2- The nerf affected staff eles more than bunker d/d ele. Basically the unintended consequences are negative and are a bigger loss in terms of balance than the gain.
3- Anet also nerf blinding on burning and vigor in arcane, even through these are the class survival mechanism. Class is tunneled more into bunker build, and the improvements in the fire line will only have been temporary, they are all lost and we are back at the starting point (but with only 3 trait lines).
Unintended consequences #2:
Tempest becomes the best might source