Glass Ele S/F Arcane Tempest Build {PvP}
If you absolutely hate Tempest, replace the spec with Water for condi cleanse.
Change the heal to GoEH / SoR, elite to FGS.
(edited by Abelisk.4527)
you are rigth. Focus on damage. Coni removal is critical but tempest is to strong.
I made an adaption and don´t underestimate this changes. Forget about torrets …
But it´s gimmick. Low HP + condi clears will often kill you. Doge and block the bombs … Maurauders is also OK.
It has weakness and two stunbraks. The first CC that hits you is gorgeous = shock aura + might + weakness on oponents + superspeed. Now you overlaod and pop the shield. After taht you fire rebound ans swap earth and back on reset ….. Total wereckage on pugs.
you have maximum15 seconds total anihilation then you need to run (or you are dead annyways ^^)
(edited by Wolfric.9380)
People will be suprised by how well they survive with zerker amulet.
Bad Elementalist
not me. OK i used demolisher/marauder for testing…. Still went back to my fire/earth tempest which prooved more reliable but i got some blowouts with a shoking aura build like i posted (did´t use arcane blast). I nearly singlehanded blocked their respawn :-/.
(edited by Wolfric.9380)
Superspeed trait is one of the best traits ele has, the synergy it has with fresh air is insane, so I’d probably never play fresh air without it, but otherwise, if you are playing for fun and don’t plan to be in the top 250, you can do fine on the build.
Are you guys trolling right? so why don’t slot icebow also, you know just to have more on point pressure
To each his own. Zerker is fun but prob not optimal in higher tiers
Bad Elementalist
Superspeed trait is one of the best traits ele has, the synergy it has with fresh air is insane, so I’d probably never play fresh air without it, but otherwise, if you are playing for fun and don’t plan to be in the top 250, you can do fine on the build.
You can easily swap traits, at the cost of a trivial amount of ferocity.
I like warhorn more than focus. More healing and damage, CC doesn’t require a target. Sand Squall gives protection and some healing. Earth Overload is another magnetic aura, so earth is basically your go-to attunement for projectiles.
I chose S/F for the build because that’s what most people like more.
The thing with warhorn is that, on a damage focused build, it doesn’t give you reliable CC and invulnerability focus does. The defenses from focus are what allows you to play aggressively and focus on bursting down targets.
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]
Dps ele is perfectly fine, but people won’t run it since your support is so ungodly strong.
Dps ele is perfectly fine, but people won’t run it since your support is so ungodly strong.
It really isn’t. It doesn’t fulfill a role in conquest.
- Does dps ele support? Of course not, its not meant for that.
- Does dps ele hold a point? Of course not, you stand off-point and do damage.
- Does dps ele drop insane group pressure like a necro? Of course not. If you are tempest, you can have decent pbAoE, or core ele is mostly single-target burst, but you can’t quickly burst a nuke onto a team anything like a necro, or even glass staff ele can, with less survivability to boot.
- Does dps ele have the mobility needed to quickly pop into fights, burst, and gtfo? Not in any way.
The role ele wants to fulfill is that last one: roaming spike dps, but it lacks the mobility to do it effectively. Yes, it can brawl better than a thief, but not as well as a revenant or even shatter mesmer, while having mobility that pales to all 3. It doesn’t bring anything unique to the table to make you consider giving up what they can do, and because the mobility outside of a fight (one with air gives great in-fight mobility) is so pathetic, you are always at a significant map disadvantage by taking ele. This is not even comparing the damage that the other burst options can drop (which is much higher, with higher survivability).
Sure, you can make it work at the level where people make plenty of mistakes and you can out-skill them. After a certain point though, you reach a skill level where it becomes quite painful to realize that the tools you have to work with are far inferior to what you could be doing.
I play it because I enjoy it more than support. Im too much of a god at support anyhow.
Bad Elementalist
I play it because I enjoy it more than support. Im too much of a god at support anyhow.
Yea, I play it in unranked myself too (although I am just picking up thief, and man is it insane just dodging 5 times in a row if needed – more if you use your heal, which gives ~2 extra). Just because I laid out its weaknesses and shortcomings, don’t let it stop you from playing what you enjoy!
I know you know the class and know the points I made, as well as this. I am just saying it to not discourage others from trying the spec out if they want.
Dps ele is perfectly fine, but people won’t run it since your support is so ungodly strong.
Lol sure… Show me a video in wich you play, or anyone play, a dps Ele spec in mid/High tier pvp please.
I really want to see how PERFECTLY FINE it is.
I dont play healbot Tempest since a lot because is boring, lot of time I play DPS Ele because I love the gameplay of it.
Play DPS Ele after HoT its like play Extreme mode while everyone else play Easy mode.
You say Ele DPS is perfectly fine because you dont know nothing about Ele, maybe you got reckt from someone very good while you are a potato and then you think “DPS Ele is fine”.
But you dont realize that you can archieve way better reward playing with very less effort any other DPS classes.
Typical ele response above.
well… I main a healbot for over a year now but currently in love with my cheese condi-war. I met a lot eles with that build (or something like that) with my war, always a pleasure to meet them and kill them literally in a few seconds by signet of might and a simple headbutt. But I play in silver so maybe there is not enough skill there.
on the other hand, auramancers I can’t even touch.
Typical ele response above.
Typical response of someone that doesn’t know how to reply
f you want to try something different i am having fun with this build . It is not strong as mender meta but it has good burst and a decent survivability . I agree that dps ele is not a thing in pvp. It is something you can play if you don’t care losing . It is fun , you can win 1vs 1 ( not easily ) but if you want to rank up mender meta is much better. If you want to go up with a dps class, i think dps ele is not the best one
How you guys deal with tankier sort in 1v1 situation,especially druids are causing me problem on point.Cant kill em,and given some time,they will get me usually.I simply dont have enough dps to get through usuall cele form reheal and repeat,they can stand there and eat all dmg,even fire 2 with 4,but it wooont die,while pet is eating me bit by bit.
tanky builds used by good playes are very difficult to bring down with ele. Building ele for that is also not worth. you give up to much potential and won´t kill somthing like warrior or druid fast enough annyway. Live with it being a stalemate and don´t fight on their point. Go elswhere to support or kill a lighter target.
And maybe you try it that way going heavy offensive.
(edited by Wolfric.9380)
How you guys deal with tankier sort in 1v1 situation,especially druids are causing me problem on point.Cant kill em,and given some time,they will get me usually.I simply dont have enough dps to get through usuall cele form reheal and repeat,they can stand there and eat all dmg,even fire 2 with 4,but it wooont die
,while pet is eating me bit by bit.
When you are playing a burst build, you SHOULDN’T be 1v1ing. Your role is to roam into fights, end them fast, then move on. If you are 1v1, you are in the wrong place. You’ll do more for your team to either:
1. Hold on for a bit until someone gets there to hold the point then you can just blast them down 2v1
2. Leave and go +1 a fight that you can end quickly.
Dps ele is perfectly fine, but people won’t run it since your support is so ungodly strong.
Lol sure… Show me a video in wich you play, or anyone play, a dps Ele spec in mid/High tier pvp please.
I really want to see how PERFECTLY FINE it is.I dont play healbot Tempest since a lot because is boring, lot of time I play DPS Ele because I love the gameplay of it.
Play DPS Ele after HoT its like play Extreme mode while everyone else play Easy mode.
You say Ele DPS is perfectly fine because you dont know nothing about Ele, maybe you got reckt from someone very good while you are a potato and then you think “DPS Ele is fine”.
But you dont realize that you can archieve way better reward playing with very less effort any other DPS classes.
Are you for real? FA ele is what Phantaram has been playing primarily during S5. Feel free to watch his videos and learn something:
Phantaram is good for sure, but you can in his vids he doesn’t try to steal far too often. Primarily he was fighting home and mid. Playing FA you can see obvious setbacks not so much with the build, but with the role you are trying to fulfill. Pretty much outclassed by thief in every way in terms of reliable burst and mobility.
Bad Elementalist
Dps ele is perfectly fine, but people won’t run it since your support is so ungodly strong.
Lol sure… Show me a video in wich you play, or anyone play, a dps Ele spec in mid/High tier pvp please.
I really want to see how PERFECTLY FINE it is.I dont play healbot Tempest since a lot because is boring, lot of time I play DPS Ele because I love the gameplay of it.
Play DPS Ele after HoT its like play Extreme mode while everyone else play Easy mode.
You say Ele DPS is perfectly fine because you dont know nothing about Ele, maybe you got reckt from someone very good while you are a potato and then you think “DPS Ele is fine”.
But you dont realize that you can archieve way better reward playing with very less effort any other DPS classes.Are you for real? FA ele is what Phantaram has been playing primarily during S5. Feel free to watch his videos and learn something:
If you watch Phantaram streams to the end when he starts seeing more competent people when his rating increased the FA S/F Ele is wrecked or he can’t just not influenced the match as he wants to, he just switched to Revenant.
I see 3 reasons for it, first to deliver damage in F/A you just have to do insane combos, with revenant you just make one click, rev finds the enemy and deals damage (same with Thief, one click you teleport to enemy), unbelievable map mobility and and the most important one, Staff 5 and Herald Elite moving the down body, there is so much stability in the game that is impossible to something to rezzers only better option is to move down body away from their rez zone.
As long as Rev/Thief are so good in these subject FA S/F will never replace them….
i love sceptre focus and ranged dps, but i have now given up on it for the moment, because it is significantly inferior to dagger – the reasons ?:
- The sceptre burst is fun, but easy to avoid, and sustained dmg is meh
- Sceptre is mid range, but you need to hold points in melee range negating the benefits of range.
- With Tempest you have to move into melee range to apply Overloads – again totally defeating the purpose of being ranged.
-Dagger fire 3 is really strong, the maneuverability is massive for ele survivability + burst
-Sceptre heal – practically non existent v Heal 2 on dagger and no dps ?? Whereas you have strong heal, cc and dps for dagger
-Dagger Air is stronger with skill 3, skill 3 is useless for sceptre
-Dagger 2 offers more on demand survivability making earth a stronger package of mitigation
I really wish they would sort out Sceptre, Ele badly needs that ranged dps role with mitigation – its like the 2 weapons are being developed by 2 developers who do not know what each other are doing.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
(edited by vesica tempestas.1563)
i love sceptre focus and ranged dps, but i have now given up on it for the moment, because it is significantly inferior to dagger – the reasons ?:
- The sceptre burst is fun, but easy to avoid, and sustained dmg is meh
- Sceptre is mid range, but you need to hold points in melee range negating the benefits of range.
- With Tempest you have to move into melee range to apply Overloads – again totally defeating the purpose of being ranged.
-Dagger fire 3 is really strong, the maneuverability is massive for ele survivability + burst
-Sceptre heal – practically non existent v Heal 2 on dagger and no dps ?? Whereas you have strong heal, cc and dps for dagger
-Dagger Air is stronger with skill 3, skill 3 is useless for sceptre
-Dagger 2 offers more on demand survivability making earth a stronger package of mitigation
I really wish they would sort out Sceptre, Ele badly needs that ranged dps role with mitigation – its like the 2 weapons are being developed by 2 developers who do not know what each other are doing.
Are you playing Dagger/Focus? It doesn’t really synergize with FA very well since you don’t have a skill like Lightning Strike. Shocking aura is much better than Blinding Flash, but on more than double the CD you have to wonder how useful it really is in a burst-centric build. I’ll try D/F the next few days, I’m on vacation so I have time.
i love sceptre focus and ranged dps, but i have now given up on it for the moment, because it is significantly inferior to dagger – the reasons ?:
- The sceptre burst is fun, but easy to avoid, and sustained dmg is meh
- Sceptre is mid range, but you need to hold points in melee range negating the benefits of range.
- With Tempest you have to move into melee range to apply Overloads – again totally defeating the purpose of being ranged.
-Dagger fire 3 is really strong, the maneuverability is massive for ele survivability + burst
-Sceptre heal – practically non existent v Heal 2 on dagger and no dps ?? Whereas you have strong heal, cc and dps for dagger
-Dagger Air is stronger with skill 3, skill 3 is useless for sceptre
-Dagger 2 offers more on demand survivability making earth a stronger package of mitigation
I really wish they would sort out Sceptre, Ele badly needs that ranged dps role with mitigation – its like the 2 weapons are being developed by 2 developers who do not know what each other are doing.
Are you playing Dagger/Focus? It doesn’t really synergize with FA very well since you don’t have a skill like Lightning Strike. Shocking aura is much better than Blinding Flash, but on more than double the CD you have to wonder how useful it really is in a burst-centric build. I’ll try D/F the next few days, I’m on vacation so I have time.
Ok, tried it in low-level unranked sPvP with my alt account. Still not viable even at that level. Ele is the squishiest profession, playing competitively with a 300 range weapon with few active defenses is a bad idea. Scepter allows you to hurt thieves and warriors especially when they far away from you, but Dagger MH forces you to brawl with them. Just proccing Electric Discharge a lot will not do enough damage. Burning Speed would be a lot better if it automatically aimed itself at the target, but as of right now it’s very unwieldy. Even ground targeting would be better than its current incarnation, which is just going straight in the direction in which your character is currently facing.
If you’re looking for more damage, I’d suggest S/D. Dagger OH is quite powerful and fun, and you still have the usefulness of the Air burst from Scepter.