Good Build for noob ele levelling?

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mtl.5921



-end game





I am level 15 and simply would like to stop dieing every minute.

I am rotating my elementalist with 4 other profs, also around level 15, the difference is INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am about to ditch my elementalist because I like actually living more than 5 minutes.

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: JuniorSB.7089


Which build are you using right now? What kind of playstyle do you like? Based on what you’ve said right now I’d say the build that would help you not die as much would be either using a staff or using a scepter/dagger so you have range to help you. Kite the enemies with a staff since you can cast most all of the staff skills while moving. You can use the Look back key as you’re running forward and cast behind yourself. Eles have a steeper learning curve so it takes time to get used to it and learn how to survive. My first suggestion would be to use staff or scepter/dagger though so you can have more time to think.

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: PwnsFroggles.7561


I used to run signet of air and arcane shield along with a cantrip such as lightning flash all the time on my ele to level. I would suggest scepter/dagger or dagger/dagger for weapons

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: PwnsFroggles.7561


Also make sure to dodge. I learned to dodge and I live much, much longer.

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Raven.9603


I am level 15 and simply would like to stop dieing every minute.

I am rotating my elementalist with 4 other profs, also around level 15, the difference is INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ele’s are the single most squishy class in the game, especially at low levels where gear typically only has 1 or 2 stats. This is a growing pain, no one gets to skip it.

Are you using staff? Staff is a support weapon, not a dps weapon. You can use it to level, but it is highly suboptimal. The best weapons for leveling are dagger/dagger, and lightning hammer when it becomes available.

The single most important thing you can do is not have gear that sucks. Every 10 levels you should be buying a full set of gear you level and putting runes in every slot. Weapons can be upgraded more often, perhaps every 5 levels. At lower levels, dont match runes (meaning, the 1 piece bonus from a rune will be +10 to a stat, much more useful than the 2 piece bonus which will be some weak passive effect). Gear for power, vitality and toughness. Starting at level 20ish, add jewerly (necklace/earrings/trinkets) to the mix.

Get 10-15 in water early on. It will help with your low hit points. 5 points gets you passive regen in water, so you can sit in water while using a conjured weapon and regen through the damage you take. 10 will get you a trait choice, condition removal is a good choice. 15 will give you a heal on entering water attunement.

Get 10 in Arcana early on. It will reduce the recharge time on attunement swapping, give you crit chance for swapping, and the trait “Elemental Attunement” will give you bonuses for swapping.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

(edited by Raven.9603)

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mtl.5921


Favourite Playstyle? The one where they die fast.

I am level 18, and been using scepter/dagger.

More crucial, however, is my fire axe. Everything else feels like filler until I can finally use it and then stuff just dies so fast and makes me super happy.

Regarding movement and dodge – way way ahead of you there. Seriously, that’s the only way I survive. I was doing a solo group event this morning against a champion golem and killed it by just running circles around and around a house, dodging and healing whenever I could, until it finally went down.

But, the minute it reaches me, or the minute there are more than 2 enemies, no axe, it’s just GAME OVER. Everything else feels like filler till I can use the flame axe.

Some specific questions, and remember I’m only level 18:

-which spells would be best for this low level? I can currently have to 2, and I love my flame axe, but not sure which other one would be best

-which healing spell do you think is best for solo?

-Where should I place my trait points? Remember I have less than 10!

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Raven.9603


Favourite Playstyle? The one where they die fast.

I am level 18, and been using scepter/dagger.

More crucial, however, is my fire axe. Everything else feels like filler until I can finally use it and then stuff just dies so fast and makes me super happy.

But, the minute it reaches me, or the minute there are more than 2 enemies, no axe, it’s just GAME OVER. Everything else feels like filler till I can use the flame axe.

Scepter with few exceptions really only hits one mob at a time. Main hand dagger can hit many, as fire/water attacks all pierce and air’s auto attack has cleave (just like a warriors greatsword, it hits enemies in front of you in an arc). Conjure fire axe has the same problem, it only hits one target. When you unlock Conjure Lightning Hammer, that will cleave also, and should replace fire axe.

Some specific questions, and remember I’m only level 18:

-which spells would be best for this low level? I can currently have to 2, and I love my flame axe, but not sure which other one would be best

Generally, Lightning hammer (for damage) and Signet of Air (for runspeed). These are both third tier skills and may take time to unlock, but skill points are not level specific. Glyph of Elemental power (fire attunement for burning) or a cantrip of your choice are good also.

-which healing spell do you think is best for solo?

This is situational. Signet has the best healing potential but is generally only worth it with very fast attacks (dagger/dagger, no conjures). Ether renewal is best if up against mobs that condition (burning/poison). Glyph the rest of the time, perferably cast in water or earth attunement.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mtl.5921


Raven – hadn’t seen your post when I was writing, and it’s really good!

Could you please explain gear a little better?

Gear for my level? You mean from the NPC sellers? How expensive is stuff from the trading post? or would it be better to craft it? Regarding runes, I used two that matched for my helm, but green gear in general seems rare – go see the trading post?

Maybe I need a good general gearing guide :L

THANK YOU for your advice regarding trait points.

If I follow you correctly, I should place all my points in water till 15, and then switch to placing points in arcana? I was actually placing them in fire for increased power :L

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Raven.9603


Raven – hadn’t seen your post when I was writing, and it’s really good!

Could you please explain gear a little better?

Gear for my level? You mean from the NPC sellers? How expensive is stuff from the trading post? or would it be better to craft it? Regarding runes, I used two that matched for my helm, but green gear in general seems rare – go see the trading post?

Maybe I need a good general gearing guide :L

Buy gear off the trading post every 10ish levels. Typically blue gear will cost a few copper or silver, green gear will cost a few more silver, and so on. Blue gear will last you about 5 levels before you start to feel weak, green will last about 8, both of which leaves you to “suck it up” for a few levels until your next purchase. If sucking it up for the last few levels is painful, get the last few levels for that section from a dungeon ( so people can carry you, wvw, or a pve zone that is lower than your level.

Note that gear doesn’t always come out exactly every 10 levels, so use the trading post to figure out your next upgrade break; for example, there may not be a level 30 green set of power/vit armor, it might be level 35. it can be nice to know that ahead of time, so you have levels to aim for. yellow gear can last about 10 levels, but price varies wildly, so only pick it up if you feel the price is acceptable.

Runes go in upgrade slots on your armor, green runes are cheap, add +10 to a stat and dont have a level requirement (making them more powerful than the armor you put them in, at lower levels). yellow runes are available sometime in the 30s i think and are +15 to a stat. when it is time to upgrade your gear, you can use a salvage kit (use a good one, not a cheap one), for a good chance at pulling the runes out of your old gear.

Crafting costs time and money but gives good xp. With a guide and a level 80 to buy mats, it is by far the fastest way to level alts. However, if these are your first characters, crafting is going to cost far more to make your own gear than it will just to buy it off the auction house. Do it if youre looking to blow some money on easy levels, but not for the sake of making your own stuff.

THANK YOU for your advice regarding trait points.

If I follow you correctly, I should place all my points in water till 15, and then switch to placing points in arcana? I was actually placing them in fire for increased power :L

You can only spend 10 points in each line at first. At levels 40 and 60, you will buy skill books that unlock the next 10 points, respectively. So you will spend 10 in water, then 10 in arcane, then do whatever you want until level 40 so you can unlock 15 in water.

As far as other trait lines go, Fire is generally considered a terrible line, but 20 points in fire gives access to a trait that improves conjured weapon charges, if you like using them, thats another interesting place to spend points. 10 in air can get you “quick glyphs”, which you can use to reduce the cooldown of Glyph of Elemental Harmony (likely choice for a heal) and Glyph of Elemental power. Respeccing is very cheap, so you can mess around and try something without feeling committed to that choice.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

(edited by Raven.9603)

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mtl.5921


Thank you very much for that very detailed reply!

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sabre.1385


Also, I’d add that if you have problems in the second zone (I did when I began) you can go to another starter zone and do that to get some extra levels.

Noob directions to getting to another starter zone (if you know this, just ignore – I don’t know just how new you are): Click the pvp icon at the top of your screen and select Enter the Mists button. You will zone into the lobby for PvP. Across from you will be a portal. Enter this and you will now be in Lion’s Arch, the central hub city of the game.

In Lion’s Arch looking straight ahead you will see a bridge. Cross it and off to your left you will see a circle of portals. These lead you to the various starter cities. I’d suggest either the human or norn zones. Both usually are well populated, making events easier to complete.

Even after playing for a while now I still start off by doing two starter zones. Getting higher in level makes everything a little easier and you don’t need to be as careful about what order you do hearts and stuff in later zones.

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aedil.1296


Good Build for noob ele levelling?

>>> Swith to Mesmer!<<<

Trust me, it’s the better thing u can do)

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tarvok.4206


Worst thing you can do is actually get used to the Elementalist. You won’t be able to play other classes, except maybe the Engineer. They’re just too boring.

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Most of what Raven said is what I was going to suggest. Buying TP Gear at your level and making a quick stop to the nearest TP npc to pick it up is required. When you get a bit stronger, check out the frost bow (mainly for frost bow 4 then 3 then drop) it will do a lot of aoe damage whilst adding range to the Dagger mainhand.

Also upgrade your weapons, you will notice the difference.

Other good utility for PvE is the elemental. The earth elemental can help to tank up some of the damage, the other do more damage output but die quickly. This skill is 1 utility and the elemental changes per attunement you are in.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

Good Build for noob ele levelling?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ptolomy.6984


Don’t forget the earth Glyph of storms cant remember how many times it saved me from a group of mobs