Good D/D sPvP build, in need of improvement

Good D/D sPvP build, in need of improvement

in Elementalist

Posted by: TehGems.1947


Main rotation:
1) Start in air attunement, use 4 and 5.
2) Switch to fire, use 3, 4, Energy Wave, 5.
3) Go to water, heal up a bit, or go to air, run away like crazy.

It does very good damage while adding some survivability through runes/jewel and two utilities out of three. I went full power with some vitality and thoughness, but I can’t really understand if the extra survivability is really worth it, because while I rarely lose 1vs1s (my defeats are usually against pretty good warriors or guardians), it’s still very squishy, so sometimes I think about going full glass cannon with power, precision and critical damage. Testing against the dummy golems, I don’t see that much of a damage difference using Eagle of Mesmer runes and Berseker jewelry, and letting 10 traits in water and earth go to get +20 into air.

What do you guys think? Would it be worth it to go full glass cannon?

Good D/D sPvP build, in need of improvement

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eraven.5834


This link is bad and you should feel bad.

Good D/D sPvP build, in need of improvement

in Elementalist

Posted by: TehGems.1947


Just copy and paste it instead of clicking. GW2 forums block it for some reason.
I feel really bad.

Good D/D sPvP build, in need of improvement

in Elementalist

Posted by: Odie.5142


The build I Use OP. If you want to consider possible synergies.

My build has low toughness, but sports some decent healing, I’m trying to work in some more toughness to help with the burst classes, but we really have to sacrifice too much damage for me to see it working. But if you take a look, you’ll see that you have some decent healing/regen/vigor and pretty impressive might potential, and I usually walk around with 10-15 stacks on me at any given time.

As far as your build goes, seems viable, but seems to be lacking some oomph. I personally think the movement speed buff is useless, considering all our dagger abilities move us or have > than melee range. I don’t like that you invest points for cantraps and arcane though, they feel wasted to me, if you focus on one or the other you can get better bonuses, 1 stack of vulnerability is pretty under powered to consider using 5 points for it as well. I also like having a stun breaker and a shorter mist form, but that’s me.

Weapon swap Sigils are mandatory in my eyes, since we switch attunements so much. 5% damage is meh.

Your rotation should be more like.

Start in air, 4, 2 and 3, 5 (pass up on a flash cast stun shield/Weakness because why?)
Switch to fire, 3, 4, EW, 5.
Now you decide, more dmg? or do I need some Defense?
If dmg then Earth 2, 4, 5(use 3 when needed, but 4>5 is a good combo, a lot of people don’t understand, and usually eat Churning Earth, which is huge dmg).
If you need to recoup then get in water, use you’re shield when getting focused, heal up and PB chill to help you with the “OH KITTEN! switch into air and run away”.