Good race for an ele?

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: sirjosh.9561


I’ve decided to main an ele after over 150 hours of deciding and I’ve come to another stop…What race? In specific I’m looking for a race that…

~~IS NOT CHARR (I despise them)

~~Sylvari is my favourite race but I’ve made 2 characters up to level 26 recently to try out those classes so the story will get repetitive..Not ruling it out though

~~A class that looks good in light armours for a good elementalist

~~Preferably not Asura as it’s hard to see any armour or where you are.

~~Male characters only because I’m not a weird cross genderer lol

Thank you in advance!

(edited by sirjosh.9561)

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: oxtred.7658


No charr, no asura, possibly not sylvari? Then that’s either human or big human. I’d take norn, I love my cultural mix. Human get a useful elite for WwW so that’s something to consider.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: eMKay.4028


As Asura and Charr are ruled out lets think about the rest:

1. Sylvari – my fav race, I have 5 out of 9 characters that are Sylvari and even stopped playing my main human ele in order to make a Sylvari one which is my main now. There are some drawbacks however.

When it comes to this race they, IMO, only look good in cultural armor (they actually look amazing). They essentialy have human animations but dont really look great in normal type of clothes so if you dont wanna go for a plant like style with luminescence I wouldn’t bother. Also, since you dont wanna roll female (they look far better than males and have nicer animations imo) you gotta know that males have some issues with bulky skirts when it comes to pants. As an indult to injury theirbelt weapons when not used seem to float in the air – they are quite far away from the body.

2. Human – an all around good race. Since, again, you dont wanna a female (their cultural T3 looks dashing), the male looks quite nice in cultural T3 as well as in other armors. They are, however, the most used race in game and quite bland IMO. I used to have only one human – that was my female elementalist which I made for the emperor title and because I had to shelf my sylvari necro since she became obsolete in pve. Never, however, was I satisfied 100% with how she looked so finally this September I made a new sylvari ele and kept the human as a mule. You can get some nice looks if you work good enough. Again remember that I use Cultural armor on all my sylvaris – in normal attire human looks way better.

3. Norn – these are something to consider. I am not a big fan of them myself as I only have one female Norn Ranger but they have unique animations and look… well… specific. The male is like a Juggernaut and having an ele that looks like that can lead to some unique results

Anyway it’s all about your own tastes. Just think about pros and cons of every race before you make one since there is no race change

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: MatthijsB.4731


I’d say sylvari. Im not a huge fan of humans and I enjoy their glow. If you don’t like plant armor like me. Here is a screenshot of my sylvari elementalist with a mix and match armor and my sylvari guard in costume. I have no problems with the beltweapons (mostly dagger/dagger) since you will keeping spamming the skills for more movement.

Screenshots :,fJqaZiO

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daximus.8547


Only one choice IMO


Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: sirjosh.9561


Only one choice IMO

Idk throughout the Sylvari story line they’re pretty racist to the Sylvari.

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sizer.5632


Go human or sylvari. Both have decent cultural armor and dont have the clipping issues of the bigger races, and they dont look ridiculous like asura.

Both also have pretty decent racial skills. Humans have an elite with poison/chill (one of our only ways to get poison) and hounds of balth which is a decent summon in pve, as well as a utility that cleanses if you find some reason to need more cleanses.

Sylvari have an grasping vines and healing seed, which are decent in some situations, as well as take root, which is neat since it lets you pretend to be an engy (and the turrets do solid damage too).

Asura also have decent racial utilities for condis and one that dazes, but you need to deal with playing one all day long, and if you dont think you like them now you probably wont after 100 hours playing one.

Norn are alright but theyre too tall, and their racials arent anything special.

And charr are just silly looking, but at least you arent considering them.

Borolis Pass – [TOVL]
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

~~Male characters only because I’m not a weird cross genderer lol

Well then you better pick human then, so that you won’t be a weird cross-race-er!

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Go norn so you can take the elite that lets you turn into a kitty and run away. You’ll need to do alot of running away in wvw. And if they get their way, FGS will be nerfed to be even more useless than it is now, so the mobility will be important.

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


I have a human and an asura ele both 80. I find that the armors for female humans are amazing and there is a lot of variety to them to suit anyone. Asura animations are by far the more entertaining to watch with any profession, and with an ele they fly through the air and murder things to amusingly! Yes their armors are a little more plain and hard to see (if you make them the tiny size) and the males and females are both clad in the same outfits, but you can find one or two sets/pieces that can look great. In the end though, it comes down to whatever race you can stand listening to the attunement swapping over and over again.

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Norn or Human.
Merely because of their elites.
The elites of the elementalist are just plain bad. Balthazars hounds are better than the glyph elite, the Grenths aura works well in D/D or D/F as you want to stay close.
Some of the Norn transforms give stealth or mobility or something which is nice (haven’t tried it out much but have seen videos of it.)

But if you want to go for looks I’d go with Sylvari. I like the Sylvari customization options.

Or make Iron Man:


(edited by Swimsasa Stoon.8936)