Guards get all the credit

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bazooms.3452


I think most people have no idea what a good D/D ele in a pve group does.
I was doing CoF today and at the end of one of the paths the war in the group goes
‘our guard is amazing’
because of all the boons from his shouts keeping everyone up (or it could of been cause we were in CoF and people shouldn’t be down in the first place) but of course no
‘this ele is awesome’
I realize that a lot of D/D boons are pretty short range but keep in mind this is melee talking. So let’s see what a d/d ele with the proper build does:

Tons of might stacks from blast finishers in their combo fields.
Might, regen, swiftness, and protection from elemental attunement and swapping non stop.
AoE auras and constant fury and swiftness along with them through Zephyr’s Boon.
Lots of healing through water attunement: regen, soothing mist, cone of cold, cleansing wave, evasive arcana ae heal.
AoE cleanses.

Though I was in a group yesterday with a dagger ele that stayed in fire attunement the whole dungeon so I can see where people can get a wrong impression.
So anyway done with my rant. I don’t post ever but it bugs me that no one realizes that all the boons they have when I’m in a group could possibly come from a elementalist.

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bazooms.3452


Good Guardians do bring a good amount of stuff to the table I’m not arguing that. Stability like no other… Aegis which no other class gets… and especially some utilities that come in handy in specific situations. But most guards you get in pug groups hit hold the line when its up and swing their greatsword. Oh and then take credit for my boons!

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Towren.1745


I really wouldn’t worry about it. You completed a Dungeon, you’ve got your rewards. Who cares what somebody else thinks about another player you’ll probably never see again? I run Dungeons with a regular group and we all know each and everyone of us brings something unique to the table, but we don’t have to vocalise it, we just know.

And that’s enough

Recipe for Disaster
Guild Leader
[EU] Desolation

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bazooms.3452


What does your consistent group of 5 knowing what each of you do have to do with what I’m talking about . This doesn’t keep me up at night, I was just thinking about it after today. Only thing I do on this game right now is log on and try to get dungeon runs to save up gold for my legendary. But I have to sort through the groups that are like AC All paths NEED GUARDIAN (what do you need a guardian for for easymode stuff). And then when I do get a group and they see all the extra dmg and boons they’re doing its ‘thank you guardian for all that you do for us’ =P That’s all.

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Towren.1745


It was an example of the type of attitude I believe people should perpetuate, that was all

To many people let things stress them out these days, both in game and in real life. I’m glad this isn’t an issue that is keeping you up all night, but then I have to ask, in a polite manner, what is it you want from this thread? We are all well aware of silly people making requests (such as LF1M Guardian) when there is no need, and recognition for your contribution to groups in game (and real life) are often unrewarded. As long as you know what you’re doing and contributing then it doesn’t matter.

I just think we should all smile more!

Recipe for Disaster
Guild Leader
[EU] Desolation

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Humposaurus.5764


Go skip the lava fields in 10 sec’s, or solo kite the ‘defend magg’ part. That will convince their minds

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: paperplay.6941


because there are no meters.
you never know who are the real cornerstone contributors that make the party great.

most of the time , players are just judged by how many times they die , not how much they contribute.

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


because there are no meters.
you never know who are the real cornerstone contributors that make the party great.

most of the time , players are just judged by how many times they die , not how much they contribute.

the game don’t need meters. the game need sources i.e telling you who gave you that 20sec fury boon.

meters would make a huge amount of protests. much like the ascended stats.

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: TwoBit.5903


Preaching to the choir, mate.

The combat’s design makes it hard to see who’s contributing what. Instead of having one class shift the momentum of one aspect of the fight (healing, DPS, defense, etc), everyone contributes to the momentum so individual contributions get drowned out. This the natural result of giving every profession access to everything without clear specialization paths. I’m personally beginning to miss specialized roles. But not the trinity though. That system can go die in a fire.

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Preaching to the choir, mate.

The combat’s design makes it hard to see who’s contributing what. Instead of having one class shift the momentum of one aspect of the fight (healing, DPS, defense, etc), everyone contributes to the momentum so individual contributions get drowned out. This the natural result of giving every profession access to everything without clear specialization paths. I’m personally beginning to miss specialized roles. But not the trinity though. That system can go die in a fire.

nice statement, i agree. and yes having classes specialize in certain areas would be nice. like the guardian reflection/shield. that’s very easy to note because it’s very class specific. as a ele we have a few unique things we bring to the table;

  • almost constant fury for the entire party ( yes, even staff builds support this. however scepter don’t and not all builds support it, but it’s the most common build)
  • if you run a staff you have the most combo fields in the game. not to mention they are very useful and , unfortunate, also very unappreciated and underestimated.
  • conjure spells, but pretty much everyone agrees they are pretty useless and/or underpowerd outside of AC P1/3.
  • we can provide some pretty nice healing even if we don’t gear/spec for it but it’s the combo fields that’s the important part tbh.

we have a few other cool stuff about us but that basically the major thing we bring outside of the obvious ( AOE dmg and AOE CC)

but nothing that is easy to spot thus people get the feeling we are useless. other professions is suffering from the same problem. atm there is very little content where a warrior/ guardian is not the most efficient way at tackling the problem. and this i think should be changed.

you don’t know how much a profession bring to the table unless you have played it and learned the profession. personally i will always want to have a ele in my group. because the amount of fury and combo fields they bring is just insane. not to mention the aoe dmg and utility.

(edited by Waraxx.4286)

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyon.9735


I’d take a D/D bunker ele over a guardian anytime at CoF. All those boons + healing plus decent DPS.

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


A well played Guardian is a huge asset – a well played Ele is also a huge asset. However, a decently played Ele is bad whereas a decently played Guardian is still very helpful and still a large asset even if they don’t play anywhere close to “optimal”.


A further factor is also, that a well played Ele isn’t any stronger or more helpful then a well played Guardian. If it were the case that a well played Ele is significantly more helpful to a group then an equally skilled Guardian then people may be willing to risk bringing the Ele along more often. However, even if you do get lucky and get a well played random Ele – he still won’t be much better for the group then a Guardian would be.

So basically bringing an Ele instead of a Guardian is a really high-risk trade-off with virtually no reward for the higher risk of bringing the Ele. Or at least that’s how I see it.

…and this. i think you pretty much nailed it. however i’d much rather take an skilled ele then another equally skilled warrior/guardian if we already have 3 heavy classes in our group. so assuming it’s a experienced ele, I think they contribute more than having a multitude of the same class. however having 2 or 3 eles gives a much higher diminishing return than having 2 or 3 warriors/guardians. so the ultimate group for me will always consist of a ele. my current dream comp is atm.

  • 1 ele,
  • 1-2 warriors
  • 1-2 guardians
  • 1 memser

thieves are also really awesome because they bring more stealth. i haven’t had enough of experiencewith ranger,engi and necros in order to know what they bring to the table that’s unique to them.(apart from the most obvious things)
note, this is for dungeon clears not speed clears. if the dungeon isn’t hard enough then i’d much rather take a speed clearer party like, 5war or 4war ,1 mesmer or 3war , 1 mes ,1 ele. but imo if the dungeon isn’t hard enough then i’d much rather play a harder dungeon. because a dungeon is supposed to be challenging and not to be cleared in the fewest amount of minutes ( sometimes it can be nice to speed clear for some nice gold/xp) i’ve tried to solo a few dungeons, but i haven’t reached that skill level quite yet.