Has Ele gotten better since release?

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lictor Alpha.3724

Lictor Alpha.3724


Iv been thinking about giving gw2 another shot, have not really played since a few weeks after it came out. I level’d my ele into the 50’s before I got sick of the game. My biggest problem was that during beta/ early launch eles were glass cannons with no actual damage. My ele was full fire spec with good gear, but it took 15+ spells to kill a single target, and I would normally die in 2-3 hits.
What ultimately made quit the game was seeing a warrior argo 6+ creatures, hardly take any damage, and kill them all with a single bladestorm (or whatever that move is called).

Should I give my ele another shot now that the game has had several updates, or should I just roll up a warrior, or whatever the new strongest PvE class is.

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254



Go with warrior if you just want the most powerful class that’s good at everything, sacrifices nothing, and completely outshines everyone else in every part of the game. Stick with ele if you just enjoy the playstyle, but don’t expect anything spectacular. The class has been nerfed into oblivion and gets progressively weaker with each patch. We’re at a point now where if you go into spvp as an ele people yell at you and insult you because they think you being there will kitten their team because they’d rather have another warrior instead. You’ll also be considered a free kill in wvw. and you’ll have to completely outplay your opponent flawlessly to win against even a mediocre player of another class. Ele is just THAT much weaker than all other classes now.

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lictor Alpha.3724

Lictor Alpha.3724

Go with warrior if you just want the most powerful class that’s good at everything, sacrifices nothing, and completely outshines everyone else in every part of the game. Stick with ele if you just enjoy the playstyle, but don’t expect anything spectacular. The class has been nerfed into oblivion and gets progressively weaker with each patch. We’re at a point now where if you go into spvp as an ele people yell at you and insult you because they think you being there will kitten their team because they’d rather have another warrior instead. You’ll also be considered a free kill in wvw. and you’ll have to completely outplay your opponent flawlessly to win against even a mediocre player of another class. Ele is just THAT much weaker than all other classes now.

Guess il be rolling up a warrior then, thanks for saving me some time.

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


We aren’t as bad as Nikkinella says, but we have like one good build, and have a bunch of horribly and unjustifiably nerfed abilities like ride the lightning (which went from 15s to 40s cooldown because of a single pvp map). Our hp is also way too low.

That said, it’s easy to hop between game modes with the same build compared to some other classes, we are good at tagging things, and good at soloing content in pve due to strong healing over time.

Get stoned whenever you want:
Endless Petrification Tonic

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


relatively, no they are junk
this is a very, very.. beyond broken game
but, to be fair.. some of the buffs received in the last patch prevent elementalist from 100% flat out being trolled to death.. there are now a few encounters where your opponent will have to put at least a minimal amount of effort into downing your character
i’m not being sarcastic either, that’s my honest assessment of elementalist vs pre-patch elem

i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Izer.2083


…. from my point of view ele actually give a decent damage. in pve….
our problem is that in wvw people got hit by our meteor twice at max, then they dodge rolled…. if someone stay in our meteor aoe circle i’m sure they’ll just die, or barely survive.

about the buff from last patch… actually i didn’t see any buff…. my build stay same, still 0-20-0-20-30…. for me it’s just a nerf. can’t have -20% water skill cd now. i don’t think it’s possible for ele to have a decent condition build… which why diamond skin trait is useless.
V,VIII,XI for arcane which used to be same (only blasting staff and Elemental Attunement switched place)
Water III,X which used to be I and V (too bad can’t get 20% cd on water skill now so going for 20% cantrip cd instead)

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: spoj.9672


Im baffled everytime i read this subforum. Ele is probably the most well designed class in the game. Its strong in all gametypes. Fun to play. Versatile. Has one of the best class mechanics and some of the best traits in the game.

I understand most of the “ele is bad” talk is from pvp and im no pvp expert but eles were dominant a while back and they recieved a few nerfs and now it seems everyone thinks they are trash. I dont agree. Even after the nerfs good eles were the only class that I just could not deal with in spvp. So could someone please explain why a few nerfs here and there made a god tier class drop to trash?

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


Not everything is about D/D ele and 0/10/0/30/30.

Classic D/D ele is still solid.

S/D fresh air build is also a good build.

Staff for zerging is good run however you like there I feel.

Lightning blaze and others Run S/D and do well with it but if you read these forums you think there everyone is a D/D ele. I run it and D/D classic is my favorite build but I recognize that S/D fresh air is also very good.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ephemeral.5409


Im baffled everytime i read this subforum. Ele is probably the most well designed class in the game. Its strong in all gametypes. Fun to play. Versatile. Has one of the best class mechanics and some of the best traits in the game.

I understand most of the “ele is bad” talk is from pvp and im no pvp expert but eles were dominant a while back and they recieved a few nerfs and now it seems everyone thinks they are trash. I dont agree. Even after the nerfs good eles were the only class that I just could not deal with in spvp. So could someone please explain why a few nerfs here and there made a god tier class drop to trash?

Yeah, I’d go as far as to say that ele is one of the best classes for PVE. High DPS, ability to put a lot of might stacks/perma fury on your team mates, and just a fun playstyle.

I think OP just needs to learn what builds/skills to use together, to string together the high damaging combos.

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pyrite.9641


Go with warrior if you just want the most powerful class that’s good at everything, sacrifices nothing, and completely outshines everyone else in every part of the game. Stick with ele if you just enjoy the playstyle, but don’t expect anything spectacular. The class has been nerfed into oblivion and gets progressively weaker with each patch. We’re at a point now where if you go into spvp as an ele people yell at you and insult you because they think you being there will kitten their team because they’d rather have another warrior instead. You’ll also be considered a free kill in wvw. and you’ll have to completely outplay your opponent flawlessly to win against even a mediocre player of another class. Ele is just THAT much weaker than all other classes now.

Roll up your sleeves and do whatever dirty work needs to be done to win. It’s quite possible to stomp faces, you’ll just have to work ten times harder and smarter.


Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mil.3562


From the very beginning, I didn’t know that you need a Master Degree in finger reflexes and keyboard button tapping in order to play the Ele well. If I knew, I would have stayed far far away from this class.

I have stopped playing since May this year because of all the nerfs we are getting. Recently I came back to see if things got better.

Well, see you guys in another six months time.

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


I have stopped playing since May this year because of all the nerfs we are getting. Recently I came back to see if things got better.

Well, see you guys in another six months time.

same here

they destroy the most fun class i ever played in a mmorpg

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


Ele is very challenging to do well in wvw roaming and even more in spvp.. in zerg within wvw is where we excel the most. It all depends on how skillful you are with the profession and your in depth knowledge of at least some of the major skills animation and rotations across the other professions to counter them.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!