Good luck and may the six watch over you
Heal skill
Good luck and may the six watch over you
Arcane Brilliance, because i only play WvW and take every blast finisher i can get to keep up my team and stack the right buffs fast enough
I run D/D so only possible one – Signet of Restro. Over 300per a cast is quite nice. Others would be solid in other builds but not mine.
All of them because the ele is that awersome
I’m another Brilliance in most cases, as a Staff user. The utility from the blast finisher is pretty great, and even without enemies nearby, it’s a great AoE heal if used in a water field.
Glyph of Restoration. The swiftness comes in handy for roaming around, but in all aspects in a very strong heal that I typically wouldn’t need to cast that much if I played my positioning and cc right as a staff ele.
Myself I use Ether renewal.
Its great to get rid of all conditions in a few sec. The downside is that you cant cast any skills when its active. But since you can move I thougth it was worth it.
Good luck and may the six watch over you
Signet of Restoration because I’m too lazy to press the heal skill, I’d rather just dodge around a bit and atune to water for a heal.