Healers and clickers
I don’t see any advantage of clicking…care to explain?
….So much potential wasted….
Care to explain what exactly in that video shows that your “healer” isn´t just gimbing the group by starving it of all the cc and damage staff ele is capable of? Or what is so good about almost dying multiple times despite all the defensive cooldowns being there and trying to click water fields that nobody then blasts?
It´s also rather atypical show of…skill?…to gank people coming out of spawn in eb, you do know most of those people have no idea of what they´re doing?
<edit> you might want to tell your “healer” that scepter/dagger does strictly more healing when you don´t bother to blast his water fields.[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
u really should try playing without clicking
u r way too slow by casting spells, an ele who would be bashing the keyboard but knowing what he is doing could have get em
dont hate me, just my 2 cents
Anything works when you are fighting randoms in WvW; vid doesn’t prove much aside from how terrible the ele player is.
Fyi one of the top sPvP team runs a cleric ele and actually does extremely well. But I didn’t learn it from watching this bad video.
I don’t understand why anyone would post a video embarrassing themselves so badly…
u really should try playing without clicking
u r way too slow by casting spells, an ele who would be bashing the keyboard but knowing what he is doing could have get em
dont hate me, just my 2 cents
Guess that’s preference. I too activate most of my skills by clicking on them, but you’d be surprised how fast one can get at doing so.
As for the video…the background music prevented me from watching more than a few seconds. :S
I use to play MMOs as a clicker (mainly vanilla WoW).
I don’t think I could ever go back to clicking abilities now, considering how easy and quickly you can react to things. Also it makes movement a lot easier.
Wazla ~ Asura Engineer
Jade Quarry
That was the worst ele i’ve ever seen. In the end he even does laugh emotes over the corpse after running away from his party and a bunch of good players come to his rescue, no class at all. I avoid playing with other ele because of people like this.
I use to play MMOs as a clicker (mainly vanilla WoW).
I don’t think I could ever go back to clicking abilities now, considering how easy and quickly you can react to things. Also it makes movement a lot easier.
I actually use my keyboard and mouse to move as well. But I tend to click my skills mainly because I need to actively place them with my mouse cursor anyway.
Of course, it did kinda force me to buy a good gaming mouse…
Clicking is the superior form of key input.
Got a Naga for WoW and use it in gw. Nothing is faster than having every ability at mercy of one thumb. XD
Clicking is the superior form of key input.
Never said that. Just saying you can get used to it. One of my guild plays with a touchpad…something I could never see myself doing.
Got a Naga for WoW and use it in gw. Nothing is faster than having every ability at mercy of one thumb. XD
That must be one muscled thumb…
Clicking is the superior form of key input.
Never said that. Just saying you can get used to it. One of my guild plays with a touchpad…something I could never see myself doing.
Got a Naga for WoW and use it in gw. Nothing is faster than having every ability at mercy of one thumb. XD
That must be one muscled thumb…
It used to hurt after raids. Every ability I had was 1-12 on the side of the mouse and alt/shift/ctrl variants of 1-12. It’s a little over kill for GW2 but it frees up my keyboard hand to focus on movement/dodging/class mechanic use (Shift,z,x,c instead of F1,F2,F3,F4)
That was pretty terrible play.
The video is a testament to the awful skill level of most WvW players. As terrible as the Ele was, his opponents were somehow worse.
I actually logged into the Forums just so I could say that I couldn’t even finish that video clip cause the game play was horrendous. Please learn to press the buttons without using the mouse you’ll be able to do so much more and might actually reach a level of play worth recording.
If you think keybinding is hard, start off with just a few keys beside your normal movement buttons. It will save you loads of time. I remap all my keys in games. I don’t use F1-F4 for attunements. I use 1-4. Get a mouse with more than 5 buttons.
Also, when someone is running from you, use earth 5.
That ele in the video kinda reminds me of this guy
I can easily identify a skill clicker (and keyboard turners) in PvP and as a Thief I exploit the hell outa it by instinct and annihilate them. Even if you think you’re an amazing player, you will without a doubt be way better if you used hotkeys~ you don’t have fast enough control over everything at once if you’re wasting all this time clicking all over the place. I’d understand if you have a valid excuse, like being disabled, then you’ll have to just master an inferior playstyle as much as possible.
Anti hater :
Ofcorse these forums are full of haters and trolls.
Here is what I saw:
- You kept your team alive,healed and cured
- Perfect CC at the correct time
- You did what was needed to not die, and win the fight.Really,what else can you ask for?
- They came after you 2-4 at a time, and you did not die.Even vs a hammer spam warrior and buddies working as a team.
- You and only you caused the death of three directly that would have got away for sure.
I had no opinion on clicking as you call it, before this. I assumed all used mouse/hotkey. That said, it seems to work for you just fine. Do not listen to the haters hun.I watched many of you vids and you seem to kill whoever you want and never die even vs 2-10 on 1.I for one am impressed. Do your thang girl!
Like many, I am/was bored of the same old classes and builds.I was inspired and made myself a full support/healer. I am having a blast.
I am curious about the advantage you talk about on many vids from this click-style?If it is secret can you PM me. In one vid you slipped? Said somthing about off-axis misses during a tight linear circle straffe?Does this mean getting evades of sorts when you don’t actually evade?
Sorry to be so long. In one vid I actually played with the pause key. in one tick I saw you get over 2400 regen???? What is this secret? Do you tell others?
Anyway I liked the vid,Do not be discouraged by trolls.
Great song mix also. Who is it?
ola lay viva la raza
I’m inclined to agree with this guy myself. In the end its the result that matters. They didn’t die despite being outnumbered, the enemy did.
(edited by Nikkinella.8254)
Anti hater :
Ofcorse these forums are full of haters and trolls.
Here is what I saw:
- You kept your team alive,healed and cured
- Perfect CC at the correct time
- You did what was needed to not die, and win the fight.Really,what else can you ask for?
- They came after you 2-4 at a time, and you did not die.Even vs a hammer spam warrior and buddies working as a team.
- You and only you caused the death of three directly that would have got away for sure.
I had no opinion on clicking as you call it, before this. I assumed all used mouse/hotkey. That said, it seems to work for you just fine. Do not listen to the haters hun.I watched many of you vids and you seem to kill whoever you want and never die even vs 2-10 on 1.I for one am impressed. Do your thang girl!
Like many, I am/was bored of the same old classes and builds.I was inspired and made myself a full support/healer. I am having a blast.
I am curious about the advantage you talk about on many vids from this click-style?If it is secret can you PM me
. In one vid you slipped? Said somthing about off-axis misses during a tight linear circle straffe?Does this mean getting evades of sorts when you don’t actually evade?
Sorry to be so long. In one vid I actually played with the pause key. in one tick I saw you get over 2400 regen???? What is this secret? Do you tell others?
Anyway I liked the vid,Do not be discouraged by trolls.
Great song mix also. Who is it?
ola lay viva la razaI’m inclined to agree with this guy myself. In the end its the result that matters. They didn’t die despite being outnumbered, the enemy did.
this good stuff, keep it up
Anti hater :
Ofcorse these forums are full of haters and trolls.
Here is what I saw:
- You kept your team alive,healed and cured
- Perfect CC at the correct time
- You did what was needed to not die, and win the fight.Really,what else can you ask for?
- They came after you 2-4 at a time, and you did not die.Even vs a hammer spam warrior and buddies working as a team.
- You and only you caused the death of three directly that would have got away for sure.
I had no opinion on clicking as you call it, before this. I assumed all used mouse/hotkey. That said, it seems to work for you just fine. Do not listen to the haters hun.I watched many of you vids and you seem to kill whoever you want and never die even vs 2-10 on 1.I for one am impressed. Do your thang girl!
Like many, I am/was bored of the same old classes and builds.I was inspired and made myself a full support/healer. I am having a blast.
I am curious about the advantage you talk about on many vids from this click-style?If it is secret can you PM me
. In one vid you slipped? Said somthing about off-axis misses during a tight linear circle straffe?Does this mean getting evades of sorts when you don’t actually evade?
Sorry to be so long. In one vid I actually played with the pause key. in one tick I saw you get over 2400 regen???? What is this secret? Do you tell others?
Anyway I liked the vid,Do not be discouraged by trolls.
Great song mix also. Who is it?
ola lay viva la razaI’m inclined to agree with this guy myself. In the end its the result that matters. They didn’t die despite being outnumbered, the enemy did.
he did well even tho beeing a clicker, yes, but his opponents were srsly so crap.
and on top, again, if he would be bashing his keyboard he would have done way better.
I tested myself key-binding vs clicking. I don’t know how to edit or post video so you have to take my word for it. My skill rotation was E2 —> W5 —> W3 —> Arcane Wave —> Walk to target —> Arcane Brilliance. (The target NPC was roughly 1000ish range). With keybind, it took 5.4 sec while clicking took 8.4 sec. That is 3 sec difference simply because clicking required to move cursor up and down many times.
I won’t judge if the healer in OP’s video was good or bad, but mousers do own clickers.
Just love it how people here will tell you exactly how to play the game and why you’re an inferior lifeform if you don’t play exactly the way they do.
Of course you’re not gonna be fast at clicking if you’re used to hotkeys…biggest duh in the history of duhs. It’s the same vice versa. Adopting a new playing style will take time and practice.
Just love it how people here will tell you exactly how to play the game and why you’re an inferior lifeform if you don’t play exactly the way they do.
Of course you’re not gonna be fast at clicking if you’re used to hotkeys…biggest duh in the history of duhs. It’s the same vice versa. Adopting a new playing style will take time and practice.
It’s not about practice, it is physically impossible for clicking to be as fast as keybinding because of the travel time requires for mouse movement for clicking style.
I’m not going to bash aside from saying you can tell the person here wasn’t living up to his max potential. The botched lightning flashes are a good indicator.
However he didn’t die under pressure, he used a good rotation under fire as staff so props to him.
But I also didn’t see him make any life saving moves for his team.
Really the reason I dislike clicking, especially for this class, is AoEs. If you are a dedicated clicker, to use an AoE you have to take time to move your mouse to the desired point and back before using any other skills.
Not to mention how much it will slow down your instant cast utilities and skills, and thereby disrupt your combos.
what is the point of this thread
I’m talking to the ele in the vid now and can answer a few questions if you’d like, but then i’m done. This is just turning into alot of trolling right now. So i’ll post his responses to all of you.
To Valt- The advantages of clicking explained in details in description of the video.
Strang- He did only what was necessary to cc the enemy, heal the team and not die. End results are all that matter.
Wyrden- Most people are slow at clicking because they are bad at it.
To all the haters, how is healing,, CCing the enemy, and not dying a bad thing?
Solo- “The worst ele I’ve ever seen” He kept me healed and kept the enemy CCed. I wouldnt call that bad. Personally I was glad to have him in my group.
ThiBash- Right on dude.
Doggie- This is just funny. We actually easily can identify mousers and can easily kill them.
Wyrden again- “would have done way better” again what’s better than not dying, getting away, and killing the enemy?
soistheman- Sounds good. what it shows is you’re not a good clicker. You have to learn to do it fast.
ThiBash- I agree with you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ePTZezN_Iw
In closing, the point of this thread:
Its to show GW2 does have healers, you can be successful as a clicker. hate and troll all you want. He never died
Second wave incoming. I’m not even going to appraise ele from video (but he’s terrible) or explain why clicking is inferior to proper usage of UI. But
The advantages of clicking explained in details in description of the video.
Here is that description:
Yea yea yea, I know " clickers suck, ANY good normal player would own you"
“GW2 has no healers” “1 hammer warrior would kill you in seconds” " try 2 on 1 and see if you last"Bla bla bla heard it all 5000 times.
Funny how many of these kiddies STILL have no idea the 2 huge advantages "clicking " gives you.
Like most zerg blob servers, DB is ONLY good when 10 on 1….or more. When numbers are even or close, we OWN them.
They do not have ONE good solo player or roamer.This is typical for chinese based servers in general.BEST D/D ever on any server : Washu Rivers .
Conclusion: Hey DB (whoever you are) – he owns you, kiddies! Clicking is cool! /laugh /laugh /laugh /laugh
I still think this is a trolling thread
You did not just response to youself, did you? O.O
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Yeah, clicking is perfectly fine, now go try and unleash the S/D ele instagib combo with mouse clicking, then come back.
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius
Strang- He did only what was necessary to cc the enemy, heal the team and not die. End results are all that matter.
He didn´t really though.
To be honest, it would´ve been exactly the same results even if our clicking healer wasn´t there. Most of the time he kept autoattacking in water while team was full health or when there was nobody to receive the healing, questionable cc placement while not even using everything he has, slow skill chains (i mean come on, 1s stun should be plenty to land next bit of cc on the target), slow reaction to attacks, almost no utilisation of damage eles can pump out, seriously inefficient kiting, complete disregard for some of the best skills he has…
…and signet of air!? attunement swap properly and you´ll have near perma swiftness with staff and elemental attunement alone (which he clearly is using already).
He did indeed survive when few people “focused” him…by running around not doing even what little he previously did for his team… Go look up something from good wvw guilds eles Scnd, RG, VII, Sin etc. they can survive full guild train running over them while still supporting their own team
<edit> and again, i strongly recommend scpeter/dagger for this healer if he doesn´t coordinate his fields with team. S/D does strictly more healing than staff without coordination.[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
(edited by Strang.8170)
Was a nice suprise when a guildee showed me this from last weeks matchup.
Nothing like seeing your own guild getting clowned by DAOC again.
We all dueled her and lost, 13 in a row.
I for one am going to make a warrior now and beg Fastcar to help me build it right.
We had duels for a week in EB behind mendons.
How is it in 7 days DAOC never lost a single fight on any class?
I am ready to leave my server and join YB.
lol this thread necro
On a somewhat relevant note you should be using hotkeys for your skills and aiming them with the mouse. Regardless if you have fastcast help on or not. I find it better for me to have the fast cast off because I’m constantly turning my screen and with fast cast on I’ll be hitting no one with my aoe skills.
Fast car david is the best macho in guild wars, get it right you hotkeying elitists!
All hail the lord and saviour!
For he who giveth life, by breath o’the banner.
I had to sign in to voice my cringe. the /laugh too, really? :S
O yea, the few that PM me, I am IOJ. Moved here 4-5 months ago.
Kind of sorry I did /