Heavy Armor on a scholar

Heavy Armor on a scholar

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kethus Nadroev.5049

Kethus Nadroev.5049

I am pretty sure Crusader Cale is an elementalist that wields a staff and shoots rocks. So the players can’t equip a different type of armor, even if it’s just as a skin for cosmetic reasons, but NPCs can do whatever they want.

(edited by Kethus Nadroev.5049)

Heavy Armor on a scholar

in Elementalist

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Before Rytlock disappeared into the mists, he wielded a pistol and sword as a warrior. So, yup. NPCs can just do things we can’t. No bug, though.

Heavy Armor on a scholar

in Elementalist

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Before Rytlock disappeared into the mists, he wielded a pistol and sword as a warrior. So, yup. NPCs can just do things we can’t. No bug, though.

Necromancer in the charr personal story dual wields Infinite Light …

Heavy Armor on a scholar

in Elementalist

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Necromancer in the charr personal story dual wields Infinite Light …

You mean Soure Doomsday? He’s actually a Mesmer although everyone refers to him as a Necromancer.

Heavy Armor on a scholar

in Elementalist

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Necromancer in the charr personal story dual wields Infinite Light …

You mean Soure Doomsday? He’s actually a Mesmer although everyone refers to him as a Necromancer.

That is just more inconsistency.