Help me 1v1 as an ele?

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I recently started playing ele in pvp this week and one thing I really like about the profession is it does seem to really punish you for making mistakes and the play style is fun overall.

However, I feel like I’m ALMOST there to playing well as an ele, but fall short on a few combos. I’m using sceptor/focus on a particular build that has 6 in air that is supposed to use lightning flash ,mist form, arcane shield and glyph of the elementals. typically the stretgy is to roll through the air skills, then blind with earth, then tune to fire and use all those skills for more dps, I think it’s when I attune to water I get messed up.

The damage output can vary drastically, sometimes I feel like I pop a lot of dps, but in 1v1 not only do they heal all my damage (including most rangers lol), but I struggle to survive.

Any advice on what to do in 1v1 if this is a good build? I would really like some input.

(edited by DrDivine.5378)

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


I think you meant scepter/focus. I always recommend players that are still not familiar with the Ele to start with daphoenix bunker d/d build. Bunker builds are very forgiving in this game. These builds provide many ways for you to recover from multiple mistakes you will make as a beginner on small scale battles like 1v1. Even if you are like me that come from other mmos playing Mage type of classes with high damage/burst builds . In gw2, it is just easier to start as a bunker and then once you get familiar with the Ele and knowing what to avoid from the other profession skills and playstyle only then you should start playing with more risky yet still very effective builds like fresh air with scepter/d, s/f.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I think you meant scepter/focus. I always recommend players that are still not familiar with the Ele to start with daphoenix bunker d/d build. Bunker builds are very forgiving in this game. These builds provide many ways for you to recover from multiple mistakes you will make as a beginner on small scale battles like 1v1. Even if you are like me that come from other mmos playing Mage type of classes with high damage/burst builds . In gw2, it is just easier to start as a bunker and then once you get familiar with the Ele and knowing what to avoid from the other profession skills and playstyle only then you should start playing with more risky yet still very effective builds like fresh air with scepter/d, s/f.

You’re gonna have to link the build because I tried the D/D build on the meta wiki and it didn’t fair very well.

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

D/D 02066 or 00266 for starters who still need to learn the skills, combos and mechanics I’d say try cleric amulet, sigil of battle, sigil of doom, signet of restoration, armor of earth, cleansing fire, glyph of elemental power and pick FGS if an opportunity arises to use it.

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


D/D 02066 or 00266 for starters who still need to learn the skills, combos and mechanics I’d say try cleric amulet, sigil of battle, sigil of doom, signet of restoration, armor of earth, cleansing fire, glyph of elemental power and pick FGS if an opportunity arises to use it.

Thank you, I’ll have to try this one out. Some class click with me (mesmer, engi, etc.) while others don’t (Thieves lol), I think ele is somewhere in the middle

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

D/D 02066 or 00266 for starters who still need to learn the skills, combos and mechanics I’d say try cleric amulet, sigil of battle, sigil of doom, signet of restoration, armor of earth, cleansing fire, glyph of elemental power and pick FGS if an opportunity arises to use it.

Thank you, I’ll have to try this one out. Some class click with me (mesmer, engi, etc.) while others don’t (Thieves lol), I think ele is somewhere in the middle

I play all professions except mesmer (initially because last time I played mesmer it was WAY too op) but now its just because I lack the character slot for it.

I play all professions in tpvp. I had trouble learning thief, ranger and guardian but every other class has been quite easy to learn. Got 1500 hours on elementalist and started with the above mentioned build, once you’re used to DD cleric switch to Celestial, once y’r use to celestial try different weaponsets and see which fits your general playstyle best. Once you find your prefered playstyle get real good at it and when the time is right switch to zerker. Once you master zerker spec in tpvp 1vx fights you will have truly mastered the profession.

As for the thief:
Carrion amulet, Krait runes, Sigil of Agony, Sigil of Geomancy, D/D and P/D, 10616.
battle-seq.: Steal-switch to D/D, spam death blossom a couple times, stealth and retreat. Rinse and repeat each time your initiative is up again.
That’s step 1 to learning to play thief, I’m still working on that first step; it allows you to contribute in tpvp matches and I have once beaten a 1v2 against 2 thieves with it. Was lucky on the rally though :p

(edited by Swimsasa Stoon.8936)

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: clik.5409


Does anyone know of a guide that is relevant and current on d/d ele for spvp? I’ve recently came back to the game and decided try an ele out. I’m running a cookie cutter d/d celestial build and I’m having a really hard time. I usually start fights trying to stack might which I get to about 10 stacks and then I just fall over dead or get chained cc’d/knocked down/back all over the place. Or in the case of fighting hambow warriors or guards I just can’t seem to put a dent in their health bars.

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Does anyone know of a guide that is relevant and current on d/d ele for spvp? I’ve recently came back to the game and decided try an ele out. I’m running a cookie cutter d/d celestial build and I’m having a really hard time. I usually start fights trying to stack might which I get to about 10 stacks and then I just fall over dead or get chained cc’d/knocked down/back all over the place. Or in the case of fighting hambow warriors or guards I just can’t seem to put a dent in their health bars.

yeah same here, still having a hard time finding a build that is effective. So far mine severely lacks in DPS and “tankiness” lol