Help me be a good Ele

Help me be a good Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I main mesmer, warrior and necro but do have characters of every class just so I can understand what I’m going against in tpvp. Keep in mind this is for tpvp, not pve or wvw.

I’ve gone against very tanky or damage worthy elementalists, I’ve never quite been able to use d/d myself though. Probably my biggest downfall is the healing signet, I can live without the healing signet, but whenever I use it I feel like the heals just aren’t enough. My damage is also rather medicore, so I need legit advice on everything from rotations to might stacking, everything that makes a solid elementalist in tpvp.

Help me be a good Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: GodSpeedFist.8642


Cecilla Alcotte(Ranger)
Fatina Flameheart(Elementalist)

Help me be a good Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mahuyo.3079


What do you want to do as an ele?

Help me be a good Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: apoidea.7095


As a celestial D/D ele, you would almost never want to use your healing signet as the passive will heal way more than the measly (3k heal?) in 25 sec cd.

If you run evasive arcana (the GM trait in Arcane), then make sure you are dodge rolling effectively. A well timed dodge in water can save your life (condi removal + heal) and other dodges do neat stuff too! (Fire one apples TWO stacks of burning! Blind on lightning! Blast finisher on earth!!!!).

Always be swapping in and out of attunements. You never want to be staying in one element too long.

Know your might stack rotations (using blast finishers inside fire fields in an efficient way). A perfect might rotation means you used almost all of your blast finishers in the fire field to maximize your might while still making the most use out of your skills (i.e. actually landing an earthquake to interrupt your foe while still getting 3 might stacks for blasting).

If you’re running cantrips, use them DEFENSIVELY. Save them for the best moments to save your butt. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and using cantrips offensively is a big risk that may mean you’ll lack disengaging options later on when you need it (cantrip CD is really high).

If you’re running signets with Written in Stone (Earth GM trait), use them OFFENSIVELY. Just activate them whenever you can (of course you still have to think of the best times to use them, but you can definitely be more liberal with your signets since they’re on a low CD). Heck, with written in stone, you should be using your healing signet too since you don’t lose the passive.

If you’re running glyphs or conjures, consider switching to cantrips or signet (exception would be the elites).

Help me be a good Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mahuyo.3079


I think the real thing is knowing what you want to do all the traits are rather good, just some people like more than other. An example is with Evasive Arcane, it good for a survivability, Elemental Surge is good for condie builds, while Bountiful Boons is good for “Large” dmg hits (i should know 24k hits are 0.0). So really the thing in what do you want to do as an ele.
If you don’t know about this site i can help with your build, and is kinda nice to see your build flat out: