Help me enjoy this class

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eimi.4062


…or at least this game

I’ve recently come back from trying this game out at launch, to find that the elementalist is basically in the same state it was, with Staff being a largely boring affair, with none of the skills being that satisfying, even dagger really only has Fire 5 that really packs a punch. I’ve tried a variety of builds with this class, but nothing seems to click; and solo things largely have a feeling of me being in a frantic race to reduce a mobs hp to 0 before mine hits that, particularly in Orr.

Like I said I’ve tried several staff and D/D builds, but they don’t click and all feel relatively samey to me. However is there a build I don’t know about that makes this class feel fun? Or at least more like a traditional mage in terms of power?

Barring that, I’ve tried thief, and did not like it for the same reason I’m meh about my ele, in that it’s very much a racing class only…more one button. What classes are able to easily take out mobs in Orr? Preferably while not being an autoattack snore fest.

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Columbo.5924


If you want to see high numbers, you have to go full berserker gear. The difference between defensive (or even balanced) gear to berserker gear is staggering. Due to the increased scaling of berserker you have to go really all berserker gear to get that damage. With berserker the mobs usually die a LOT faster than you do, except for a few one-shotting and ill-designed mobs in orr (champion risen subjugator – nuff said). Orr is also not the very best place for an immersive game experience. Some time ago they tried to make it more challenging and like an elite area but did massively overshoot with the scaling and damage. There were threads full of screenshots where players were hit by 48k hits and more. The scaling was reduced some months later but it is still far from perfect.

That said, if you want to do stuff easily the answer is always: roll a warrior. If you want more action then you really might want to try a full berserk bomb/grenade engineer.

Abaddon’s Mouth (DE)

(edited by Columbo.5924)

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gokil.2543


What columbo said about zerker’s gear is very much true.

Learn the tricks of frost bow, fiery greatsword and lightning hammer as well. They offer either insane burst damage or dps.

Other than that, S/D can make thrash blow up, as can S/F. Stack might with S/X then mash things with a conjure.

[Walk] Elemelentalist

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eimi.4062


So even though I currently I have Zerker’s jewelry but I think Knight armor, I should replace the armor?

Barring that I have thought about rerolling to War or Guard, Guard kind of feels(in terms of theme) like something I’d enjoy…but War has better performance.

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Columbo.5924


If you are this disappointed with zerker + knights then you certainly won’t be statisfied with full zerker on your elementalist either. Maybe elementalist just isn’t your class. If you like high ranged AoE then you might really like a full zerker engineer. Engineer also get an additional utility skill for each utility skill you have equipped (sounds weird, but its a great mechanic if you get the hang of it).

If you want the easiest way to play then you want warrior. Warrior has no skills except for weapon skills + utility and with the overpowered healing signet you don’t even have to use the heal skill anymore.

Guardian could be very interesting for you if you don’t want to have it that cheesy. That class has the same low hitpoints as an elementalist, so the error margin is lower than on a warrior. But guardians have virtues, boons and a lot of team support to show for it. Guardians can really prevent damage on the team using blocks, blinds, stuns and reflects. They can also heal a lot when specced for it.

Abaddon’s Mouth (DE)

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wynne.3908


Do you stack Might and Fury on yourself in ridiculous amounts? That’s where the fun begins. Scepter/Dagger with 30 in fire. Trait XI. Blast away for insane damage. I recommend Assassin’s gear over Berserk but both are fun.

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in Elementalist

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Its the game not the class, PvE content is in a very odd place right now. The lack of “the trinity” creates balance issues for scrubs so content is either way to difficult or way way to easy. Orr is a good example of this, although I have no issue blowing through Orr with a good group it can be a pain to pug.

If you consider yourself a good player then there’s no need to re roll. Staff ele is probably the best AoE dps in the game and its easy to play, if your looking for a challenge then go S/D or D/D or heck bust out LH and smash face.

I was just posting in another forum about this but IMO ELE is one of if not the strongest classes in GW2 but the skill cap for the class is MONSTROUS and 90% of players (even good players) just cant get the APS (Actions Per Secons) down.

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: reikken.4961


If you want to do HUGE damage, wearing partial zerker gear is not enough. You also need to take the damage traits and skills. 30 in air if you’re scepter/dagger, and 30 in fire if you’re staff. (Or 30 in both). Then take a damaging utility or two (arcane _, lightning flash) and sigil of fire/air, and make things explode.

Alternatively, just use lava font + meteor shower on something relatively stationary.

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eimi.4062


Well I’ve been trying mesmer and warrior, and while I like them…I am still torn on what to play. Is there any build that has some utility in dungeons but can also lets me play solo without running around screaming “NOT IN THE FACE” the entire time?

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


Well I’ve been trying mesmer and warrior, and while I like them…I am still torn on what to play. Is there any build that has some utility in dungeons but can also lets me play solo without running around screaming “NOT IN THE FACE” the entire time?

Guardian. Full zerker guard has comparable DPS to warrior, tons of reflects/blocks/boons. The mobility is a bit lacking (not really, but that’s what you’ll probably hear from everyone), but every party will want you for dungeons and soloing is easy too.

About the screaming, I don’t know what to say. What’s causing all the screaming? Perhaps you should get a helmet with a face-guard, wouldn’t want to mess up that pretty face, would ya?

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: reikken.4961


Well I’ve been trying mesmer and warrior, and while I like them…I am still torn on what to play. Is there any build that has some utility in dungeons but can also lets me play solo without running around screaming “NOT IN THE FACE” the entire time?

I dunno what you’re asking, but slot a lightning hammer or earth shield if you want to go melee a lot in PvE. Glyph of storms (earth) helps too. Utilities can be swapped out at any time, so this works for any build.

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eimi.4062


I dunno what you’re asking, but slot a lightning hammer or earth shield if you want to go melee a lot in PvE. Glyph of storms (earth) helps too. Utilities can be swapped out at any time, so this works for any build.

Well in general with how squishy I seem as an ele. Since it seems I die in very few hits. So I want something that is comfortable to solo on. As for Guard I’ve thought about it, though I don’t like their greatsword compared to warrior’s, it doesn’t seem as active/fun.

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in Elementalist

Posted by: reikken.4961


have you tried using a focus? the invulnerability, anti-projectile skills, and disables go a long way to making me feel tanky, without actually being tanky. in that you can keep attacking without having to dodge or kite. if you use a scepter in the main hand, you also have two blinds (I perfer dagger though)

the blind spam on glyph of storms and lightning hammer accomplishes much of the same. as does the 4 second cooldown block on earth shield, especially combined with the AoE daze and the invulnerability

sword/pistol thief is similar. blind spam lets you face tank, as does pistol whip

now, if you want to actually be tanky, and eat hammer blows for breakfast instead of blocking them; if you want to take tons of damage and still have tons of health left, and do this while still building for damage. then no, ele doesn’t do that. what you’re looking for in that case is warrior. that is the class GW2 has for that kind of thing. also try necromancer

(edited by reikken.4961)

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mochann.5298


For that traditional Mage feel, the only way IMO is Glass Staff. Full zerker with glass lets you rain fire like no tomorrow on swaths of enemies, leaving you feeling very satisfied indeed.

Scepter Dagger is close to but more focused on mid range combat, if that’s your idea of Mageing around. D/d is strong but doesn’t feel like a Mage, feels more like Batman with fire and lightning gadgets running around.

If you want a build that “clicks” in Ele, my advice is to stop trying out various builds. It’ll take you at least a month to get good enough with any Ele build until it “clicks.”

#ELEtism on Eredon Terrace

Help me enjoy this class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Durlug.5631


Does anyone have any suggestions on traits I should focus on while leveling an Ele? I came back to the game after taking a break since SAB was near done. I was looking to play a new class since I am quite bored of my Ranger and also bored of leveling my Warrior. However I am finding that it is very difficult for me to kill stuff as my Ele without just absolutely getting destroyed. Maybe I am just used to the really easy leveling of both the Ranger and Warrior? I just seem to be incredibly weak