(edited by GuiAzzi.8653)
Help on stats. Precision or Vitality? :s
Well for pve i would go for precision, u kill mobs much faster, but the problem is you can’t handle harder enemies cause u die to fast.
If you want to do dungeons/WvW forget about precision and go for vitality/toughness instead.
I personally would go vitality, as i have a constant 20% crit chance from my fury.
much rather think about the whole set than just 2 stats like that… Low lvl armor dont work exactly like that but all higher gear are categorized similarily.
So you are comparing Rampager (Pre/Con/Pow) and Carrior (Pow/Con/Vit) type armor. Of which I would go for Carrion because it’s more stat effective and pull more mobs than you would do with Rampager.
For more direct damage oriented you can combine Soldier (Pow/Tou/Vit) with few Berserker (Pow/Pre/CD) pieces.
There are many ways to go about it, all will serve you well.
If you go with Knight or Rampager you should have 30 Fire spec to balance out the power better.
precision is the worst stat to pump.
beyond 30% crit chance stacking precision is not a good idea. You will sacrafice way too much health and toughness.