Here's an idea

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Asurmir.7956


Clearly there is a divide in the belief on the state of the Elementalist: Is he under-powered or balanced? Everyone has their own opinion and feelings on the matter, and that is good. The problem, however, is that we lack data. We lack the concrete evidence of the success or failure of the Elementalist as a profession. So, I propose that we, as a community that obviously loves this profession, collect this data.

I propose that we engage in 1v1 bouts against the other professions.

Yes, I know that sPvP is a team game. (Believe me, I am an avid fan and player of League of Legends. I’ve given the “team game” speech before.) I also know that a good team needs to be composed of individuals that can handle themselves when alone.

The bouts should be recorded in some fashion [screencap, video, note and paper, etc]. For this to be even remotely helpful, we’d need as much data as possible: builds of both parties, how long the bout lasted, damage taken/given. If we can come together and compile this information, then we should be able to get a real idea of the strengths/weaknesses of the Elementalist. If it turns out that the Elementalist is UP, then the data could be offered to the ANet masters as tribute. If the Elementalist turns out to be balanced, then a nice serving of humble pie will be served out to everyone who thought otherwise—myself included.

Long story short, data doesn’t lie. With the appropriate amount of data, we can see through the fog of frustration that plagues the Elementalist community.

That’s my idea. Take it or leave it.

Asurmir “The Heretic” Ravenclaw

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


Ive played all the classes and i can say our damage is too easy to avoid, I cant say for dagger dagger though , dont like the sound of dagger. Sceptre dagger dragontooth and phoenix are pretty sluggish. And staying in air isnt a option because it hits for less than most classes auto hits. Our heal abilities are also significantly lower.

Rangers heals without traits, 6.5k 20 second cd

healing spring about 15k if you stand in the regen for full duration 25s cooldown, also heals nearby allies for 5k if they stay in the regen

Troll unget 8.5k heal 25 second cd

Ele with 20 points in water ill redo it again probs later but im going bed soon and cba to reset traits
signet of restoration 3.3k heal 222 heal on spell cast 25s cd, you cant use it though unless you want to trait heavily into earth for signets passive stays.

Glyph heal 5k with 25 second cd gives a short buff, if you attune to water it can heal about 6.5k

Im not sure about ether renewal but its a 4 second channel so you cant move or do damage.

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Asurmir.7956


Ive played all the classes and i can say our damage is too easy to avoid, I cant say for dagger dagger though , dont like the sound of dagger. Sceptre dagger dragontooth and phoenix are pretty sluggish. And staying in air isnt a option because it hits for less than most classes auto hits. Our heal abilities are also significantly lower.

Rangers heals without traits, 6.5k 20 second cd

healing spring about 15k if you stand in the regen for full duration 25s cooldown, also heals nearby allies for 5k if they stay in the regen

Troll unget 8.5k heal 25 second cd

Ele with 20 points in water ill redo it again probs later but im going bed soon and cba to reset traits
signet of restoration 3.3k heal 222 heal on spell cast 25s cd, you cant use it though unless you want to trait heavily into earth for signets passive stays.

Glyph heal 5k with 25 second cd gives a short buff, if you attune to water it can heal about 6.5k

Im not sure about ether renewal but its a 4 second channel so you cant move or do damage.

Good sir, I thank you for your post. Unfortunately, you’re posting what I like to call ‘stagnant data’. We need specifics from being in combat. Instead of “our damage is too easily avoidable”, we need “I’ve hit 37 out of 100 dragontooths.” I know its a difficult task, but it can be done. The more precise the data, the better we can see where the chips have fallen.

Asurmir “The Heretic” Ravenclaw

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Fact: Attunement twisting CD’s are almost twice that of other classes weapon switching

Fact: Attunement twisting is a built in neccessity to obtain not laughable damage.

Fact: Our damage is easier to avoid. (looking at you dragon’s tooth)

Fact: Our glass cannon builds do not come close to the damage of other classes.

Fact: You can’t trust pvp videos.

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Asurmir.7956


Fact: Attunement twisting CD’s are almost twice that of other classes weapon switching

Fact: Attunement twisting is a built in neccessity to obtain not laughable damage.

Fact: Our damage is easier to avoid. (looking at you dragon’s tooth)

Fact: Our glass cannon builds do not come close to the damage of other classes.

Fact: You can’t trust pvp videos.

Hammerheart, oh Hammerheart, you’re posting what has been posted long ago. And, while I would agree with you on some points, I must say that what you see as “fact” others can call “fiction.” Numbers, my friend, must be added to back up your claims.

Asurmir “The Heretic” Ravenclaw

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Hammerheart, oh Hammerheart, you’re posting what has been posted long ago. And, while I would agree with you on some points, I must say that what you see as “fact” others can call “fiction.” Numbers, my friend, must be added to back up your claims.

The amount of hard numbers you’re asking for is unrealistic. You can’t reasonably expect a community of strangers to start putting their nose to the grindstone to come up with enough data to support your “idea.”

I’m positive Anet has seen where they fouled up with the Elementalist and is in the process of fixing us.

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


i see what you mean Asurmir ill see what i can do. It feels 40 hit 60 miss atm unless i stun then its 90/100 not many people seem to feel the need to stun break my knockdowns they want to save it for warriors ect. I played against a thief from team paradigm and he used a lot of stun breaks to dodge it. I eventually killed him because i use mist form and lightning flash which both allowed me to dodge his pistol whips.

I think any other class that used the runes of air on weapons and armour would destroy me in damage done.

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Asurmir.7956


Hammerheart, oh Hammerheart, you’re posting what has been posted long ago. And, while I would agree with you on some points, I must say that what you see as “fact” others can call “fiction.” Numbers, my friend, must be added to back up your claims.

The amount of hard numbers you’re asking for is unrealistic. You can’t reasonably expect a community of strangers to start putting their nose to the grindstone to come up with enough data to support your “idea.”

I’m positive Anet has seen where they fouled up with the Elementalist and is in the process of fixing us.

Quite honestly, ANet has already stated that they are looking for actual data from the community as a whole. This is really an idea to help get the community involved to speed up the idea. A good alternative to complaining here in the forums, don’t you think?
And my idea is just that, an idea. It isn’t perfect and needs work, but with the community that doesn’t have to be all that difficult.
When gathering data, if you collect from everyone’s input it is possible to create the necessary curve without anyone having to go through strenuous work. Stranger, or not, I’d rather fight for this profession than idly twiddling my thumbs.

Asurmir “The Heretic” Ravenclaw

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Quite honestly, ANet has already stated that they are looking for actual data from the community as a whole. This is really an idea to help get the community involved to speed up the idea. A good alternative to complaining here in the forums, don’t you think?
And my idea is just that, an idea. It isn’t perfect and needs work, but with the community that doesn’t have to be all that difficult.
When gathering data, if you collect from everyone’s input it is possible to create the necessary curve without anyone having to go through strenuous work. Stranger, or not, I’d rather fight for this profession than idly twiddling my thumbs.

Does anyone take into account the fact that the other professions are not denying anything we claim? They know we are the squishiest, lowest damage dealing profession in the game currently. The only thing we excel at is staff support, with an emphasis on high armor and so so condition damage.

And if we’re being honest, any game developers that ignores 90% of the playerbase saying we are underpowered, and doesn’t look into it, is ridiculous.

We are underpowered, the GW2 community knows it, and at this point if we aren’t fixed you will find the profession woefully underrepresented until it is.

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razarei.2809


@Asurmir – What Hammerheart said ^

But yeah, it’s kinda unrealistic what you’re asking, because player skill becomes a huge impact. Instead, we should be reporting what areas you have problems in, and why (which is already accomplished in that bug / suggestion sticky thread)

Elementalist – Blárp, Razarei, 55HPMonk, Need More Defense
Revenant – Master Blárp [Desolation]

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Why can’t you trust PvP videos? Have I missed something?

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razarei.2809


Why can’t you trust PvP videos? Have I missed something?


- PvP Videos SO FAR are just compilations of kills, when the player is not focused in combat and simply ‘helping’ another player.

- PvP Videos vary too much on individual player skill, which should have little bearing on balance. If a person takes a bad class and plays it well, it is still a bad class.

-PvP In every PvP video I’ve seen so far consist of average – good players using tactical awareness which can be applied to any class for a better effect. This in itself does not relate to the profession, but the player.

Elementalist – Blárp, Razarei, 55HPMonk, Need More Defense
Revenant – Master Blárp [Desolation]

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wheeping Song.6423

Wheeping Song.6423

so ive been playing ele since release. mostly doing sPvP.

anyways, last night i tested messmer with an ordinary Greatsword/1h sword pistol build.

its quite funny to see all these big numbers without even having to think. my jaw dropped the first 10 mins. of playing. its about double the damage and a ton more of survivability.

for guys who havent tried it, try it and youll be amazed.

besides, how is it that elementalist is the only profession that cannot decline beeing killed in downed mode? every other proff. has at least 1 skill to delay the finishing move. (and im not talking about the one which cant be used right after going down due to cd)


Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


we need “I’ve hit 37 out of 100 dragontooths.”

Using numbers for things like that suggests an accuracy that doesn’t exist. The player could be very poor at aiming, or excellent and we wouldn’t know. Besides, I’d say that having to write down wheter your skills hit or not will greatly affect your playing effectiveness as a whole.

You may value numbers more but ‘our skills are to difficult to hit stuff with’ is actually valid feedback.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Asurmir.7956


Thank you, ThiBash, for your post.

“Using numbers for things like that suggests an accuracy that doesn’t exist. The player could be very poor at aiming, or excellent and we wouldn’t know.

You are correct in this statement, but what you’re missing is that individual differences disappear as the data is collected. By collecting from every skill level an accurate picture of the profession as a whole can be depicted.

Besides, I’d say that having to write down whether your skills hit or not will greatly affect your playing effectiveness as a whole.

That can be solved through programs that record gameplay. Record and review, which is something any player truly wants to improve should be doing anyway.

You may value numbers more but ‘our skills are to difficult to hit stuff with’ is actually valid feedback."

Valid feedback? Yes.
Reliable? No.
That’s why such data is needed. By giving reliable feedback—statistics of performance—the problem becomes clearer.

Keep in mind, this is something that ANet Testers must do on their own. I am merely asking for the community to provide aid.

Asurmir “The Heretic” Ravenclaw

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xriah.5743


Fact: Attunement twisting CD’s are almost twice that of other classes weapon switching

Fact: Attunement twisting is a built in neccessity to obtain not laughable damage.

I have a serious problem with these two statements.

First off, weapon swap has a cooldown of 10 seconds. Attunements have a cooldown of 15 seconds. That’s not “almost twice as much”. Second, we have twice as many weapon sets to switch to that are only put on a negligeable cooldown. If you’re using all four elements, you can switch between them once every 5 seconds.

Second, swapping attunements is necessary to make the most out of our class. Yes it is. It’s our defining feature. If you want, you can just stay in fire and do relatively good damage on some weapons. Granted, you won’t do very well once someone notices you, but that’s why we have other elements. We called elementalists for a reason.

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: zafery.6784


Any data that is collected from player vs player will be based on player skill level… The amount of data you have to collect to even out the deviation will be huge.. And there will be trolls there too, whose data will you trust?…

Instead collect statistical numerical data if you want to.. Open up a bunch of characters, equip them with same amulets/sigils etc in the mists, record your auto-attack dps / full on attack dps, heals… Compare character stats, buff stacking capabilities etc… If they are significantly lower… Well you have your definitive answer.. Since active defenses part can only be theorized under these cirumcstances, there’s a margin of error.. But that margin is a lot lower than what you’re proposing if you ask me…

And Anet can get all the numerical data they want themselves, if they want to.. I guess that’s what they were refering to as gathering data.. Every point of damage you deal to any mob or player can be recorded…They can event collect your client data like your cpu/gpu usage, fps etc… What they cannot collect, is situational bugs of skills, like ride the lightning problems etc.. And that’s the only kind of help they seem to appreciate..

I do have an idea of my own on how those numbers do look like…

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Asurmir.7956


“Any data that is collected from player vs player will be based on player skill level…”

Agreed. And that is how it should be. The Elementalist needs to be examined at all skill levels in order for an appropriate fix can be made. Otherwise, its just guess work of buff and nerf…like the horrible mmo-coaster that was/is Ragnarok Online.

“The amount of data you have to collect to even out the deviation will be huge..”
That just made me smile because you’re speaking my language. And, unfortunately, you are right. That, however, does not make the task insurmountable.

“And there will be trolls there too, whose data will you trust?…”
You basically described the world of research. Trolls exist. They can’t be weeded out completely.

“Instead collect statistical numerical data if you want to.. Open up a bunch of characters, equip them with same amulets/sigils etc in the mists, record your auto-attack dps / full on attack dps, heals… Compare character stats, buff stacking capabilities etc… If they are significantly lower… Well you have your definitive answer.. Since active defenses part can only be theorized under these cirumcstances, there’s a margin of error.. But that margin is a lot lower than what you’re proposing if you ask me…”
You’re right. I am looking for something greater.

“And Anet can get all the numerical data they want themselves, if they want to.. I guess that’s what they were refering to as gathering data.. Every point of damage you deal to any mob or player can be recorded…They can event collect your client data like your cpu/gpu usage, fps etc… What they cannot collect, is situational bugs of skills, like ride the lightning problems etc.. And that’s the only kind of help they seem to appreciate..”
That doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t/won’t appreciate the help of the community in other areas. Bugs are instances that need an immediate fix. The performance of the Elementalist as a profession, not so much.

“I do have an idea of my own on how those numbers do look like…”
As do I, however, the go to evidence is lacking. Therefore, stating such ideas would only continue the flames agony that is the argument on the State of the Elementalist.

Asurmir “The Heretic” Ravenclaw

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Seraskus.6810


I propose you a fairy simple test:
1.Take each profession 1 by 1 and try how strong they are in starting areas.
2.Take each profession to the heart of the mist and see how good they are doing on training golems.

My result was elementalist lvl3 running away from 2 level 5 drakes after most of skills in cooldown and (for example) guardian lvl 3 killing them both standing in 1 place and pressing skill 1 and 2 ^^’

For the HotM Dummies it was a nice aoe party though. Too bad no mob or player stads in 1 place watching AoE fields under his feet :<

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dominia.5179


After a couple weeks of wvw and pve, it’s my belief that elementalist playstyle is just not for everyone.

An ele is not a mage or typical caster in the mmo sense. It’s predicated on taking advantage of your opponents mistakes and controlling space more so than other classes. It has good mobility, high escapability and a large toolbox to handle most, if not all situations.

But, and this is a big but, the penalty for making a mistake is massive and for most, too high. Does it impede on their enjoyment of the class? Or are they just fishing for a buff? I don’t have an answer for that but personally I don’t believe Ele’s are in that underpowered.

Personally I’d like to see more reasons to power swap, i.e. a shorter CD on swapping (maybe 25% drop or so, nothing drastic though).

- DT

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Deitydarklight.8403


so ive been playing ele since release. mostly doing sPvP.

anyways, last night i tested messmer with an ordinary Greatsword/1h sword pistol build.

its quite funny to see all these big numbers without even having to think. my jaw dropped the first 10 mins. of playing. its about double the damage and a ton more of survivability.

for guys who havent tried it, try it and youll be amazed.

besides, how is it that elementalist is the only profession that cannot decline beeing killed in downed mode? every other proff. has at least 1 skill to delay the finishing move. (and im not talking about the one which cant be used right after going down due to cd)

I have the same sentiments, staff mesmers essentially does what an staff ele does but immensely better. It has more survivability, auto attack induced condition damage which also buffs allies, and a short cd field effect that does what auto attacks do but taken up to the eleventh which is pretty much instant. Never mind the clones that can also do high damage and apply condition to people and that mesmers are nearly impossible to deal with 1vs1 if the “I Win Button” is off of cd.

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Just to close your thread because it’s one of Oh so boring threads -.-

Let me give you answers in numbers which you look for, by binary conduct:

Can We heal : 1 (Yes)
Can we survive : 0 (No)
Can we DMG : 0 (No)
Are we useful : 0 (No)
Are most of our weapons useful in SPvP : 0 (No)
Do our traits have synergy : 0 (No)
Do OTHER Professions have trait Synergy : 1 (Yes)
Do other profession have higher DMG : 1 (Yes)
Can other professions survive much more easily : 1 (Yes)
Do Other Professions require control of 30 skills per fight : 0 (No)
Does Elementalist have to control 30 skills + dodge during a fight : 1 (Yes)
Does Elementalist require more skill and concentration : 1 (Yes)
Is Elementalist’s skill, risk and concentration rewarded : 0 (No)
Are our Dagger skills precise and hard to avoid : 0 (No)
Do we have a weapon based on solo nuking : 0 (No)

Does our attunement switching serve the same role as do weapon switching for other professions : 0 ( No)

Are we underpowered : 1 (Yes)
Will over 90% Elementalists vouch for that : 1 (Yes)
Are you boring with anwsering to every replied post : 1 (Yes)
Will L2P Elitist say that Elementalist is balanced : 1 (Yes)
Do L2P Elitist have a life : 0 (No)

If over 90% elementalist makes post about their profession being under powered, If other professions vouch for that Also , if there are countless videos advocating that, should ArenaNet fix/buff Elementalist’s : 1 (Yes)

Will ArenaNet fix their mistake?
ANet : Uhmm ..mistake …what mistake …we didn’t make a mistake ….how could we make a mistake ???

I rest my case, You’re Welcome

(edited by Lillian Wandom Hale.7102)

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dominia.5179


@Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Definitely can’t agree with all of your binary assertions.

Also 90%? Really, where did this number come from? Was there a survey I was left out of? Is this you counting replies in a forum where people only go to complain about how UP their class is? I can’t agree with this assertion either.

I’m not overly disagreeing with your conclusion, just with how you arrived there.

- DT

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sharpe.1485


This debate about elementalist being UP, OP or balanced is really getting annoying.

It’s simple, go, right now, right this moment, in sPvP and tPvP – join 10 games (you don’t even need to stay and fight) count how many elementalists you see.

After you do that, stop coming on the forums posting garbage like “elementalist is actually quite good and balanced”

This post is aimed at noone in particular – it’s just getting real tiresome having these “forum ego trip” folks who have absolutely no idea what class balance is.

The class is broken – not just slightly broken – even other classes casually say the same.
So, please, just stop already!

Just in case people continue to be too stupid to understand : Individual skill has absolutely no bearing on class balance! Read that sentence again please.
It’s how the class fares against others, at the most basic level… raw numbers vs numbers.

(edited by Sharpe.1485)

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Dominia.5179


@ Sharpe.1485

What is the causal link between

people don’t play this class <====> this class in UP

Hint: there is none.

I’m not saying you’re wrong but your argument is totally off base and no action will probably be taken because of it.

Based on your argument, it just sounds like you’d enjoy other classes more than Elementalist.

- DT

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Sharpe.1485


@ Sharpe.1485

What is the causal link between

people don’t play this class <====> this class in UP

Hint: there is none.

I’m not saying you’re wrong but your argument is totally off base and no action will probably be taken because of it.

Based on your argument, it just sounds like you’d enjoy other classes more than Elementalist.

No, not really – there’s a direct correlation between how many people play a class in a certain aspect of the game and how balanced (or OP or UP) that class is.

You go into sPvP right now and what do you see? The -vast- majority of players are on thieves, warriors and mesmers, with the odd guardian thrown in.
Those are the classes most people consider OP – thus it’s mostly all you see.

You will be lucky if you see 1 or 2 elementalists in a 10 game span. It is by far, the least represented class in sPvP / tPvP – and there is a reason for that.
Especially considering that according to Anet’s own chart, elementalist was the third most rolled class – now, go to a city, any city, and tell me if you see as many elementalists as you see warriors, rangers and guardians.
I’m pretty sure you won’t.

I really like the elementalist playstyle, and I’ve been sticking to it, trying different builds, different stats combinations, different weapons, different skills, but even if some are more effective than others, overall, the class is still far worse than the levels of effectiveness of other classes – namely in the damage and staying power department, of which we have neither. Regardless of how we trait or gear.

Can I actually accomplish things with my ele? Ofcourse, I can farm Orr easily, I can kill bronzes with relative ease, in PvP I struggle alot even though I am determined to make it work, but it’s just clear that we, elementalists, are far, far down the food chain in this current state.

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

@Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Definitely can’t agree with all of your binary assertions.

Also 90%? Really, where did this number come from? Was there a survey I was left out of? Is this you counting replies in a forum where people only go to complain about how UP their class is? I can’t agree with this assertion either.

I’m not overly disagreeing with your conclusion, just with how you arrived there.

My number of over 90% came from very simple … experiment. One does not need survey if one is villing, has time and friends, and can write

  1. I have friends ( also few non-players that just like math ^^) who helped me skimm over 95% posts in Elementalist segment
  2. There are 10 page segments
  3. Each segment has 30 posts
  4. that’s 300 posts, for a group over 5 that is less then 60 per person
  5. In the end each of us gave survey by the post that looked like this example :
  • Post had (ie) 45 replies
  • There were 21 active repliers in total (repeaters, persons, names XD)
  • Trough their posts 16 agreed Elementalist was UP, 3 agreed Elementalist was balanced, 2 agreed he was OP

At that time we didn’t had 300 posts of course, since at THIS moment there are around 300, but we did keep an eye out for balance between UP-OP posts

After math and calculations you recieve over 90% voting that Elementalist was UP
When we noticed some names just creaming UP/OP with no given reason in over ~15 posts, those voters were excluded or had their voice diminished

I could give you exact percentage but without a doubt it was changed and was never correct by all the decimals, but it was, still is and forver will be without a doubt over 90% ^^ …until the buff ofc ^^

PS. As a constructive criticism I would really like If you would elaborate on which points do you disagree with me ?

(edited by Lillian Wandom Hale.7102)

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Dominia.5179


@ Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

That’s quite a way to arrive at that number, I’ll tip my hat to that lol.

Can We heal : Yes – and probably be the best at healing when spec’d for it.
Can we survive : Yes – when we’re spec’d for it (earth+earth armor+ s/d earth skill 2 is very tankey)
Can we DMG : Yes – through burst combos and through bleeds we can be very effective
Are we useful : Yes – playing a pure support build in pvp is very useful
Are most of our weapons useful in SPvP : Subjective – some attunements in some weapons need help (staff and scepter fire, dagger air, focus)
Do our traits have synergy : There is a lot of synergy, it’s just our two strongest trees are earth and fire and most people don’t enjoy condition based builds especially in pvp.

Does Elementalist have to control 30 skills + dodge during a fight : Yes but that is a defining characteristic of us, like playing zerg in sc2.
Does Elementalist require more skill and concentration : Again yes, defining characteristic.
Is Elementalist’s skill, risk and concentration rewarded : Subjective question, I feel rewarded when my team wins a match or I complete a dungeon.
Are our Dagger skills precise and hard to avoid : They can be out ranged if that’s what you mean, they don’t require wind up time though. This would be more of a problem for scepter.
Do we have a weapon based on solo nuking : We have dagger fire(1) and scepter earth (1) for nuking (burst and bleed respectively).

Does our attunement switching serve the same role as do weapon switching for other professions : It’s actually a better role, we can give a lot of awesome group buffs with power shifting. That is unique.

Are we underpowered : We were nerfed right before live which probably means we might be a little UP, but we were way OP before.
Will over 90% Elementalists friends, family and a few posters on the official forums vouch for that : Sure.
Are you boring with anwsering to every replied post : I really should be playing GW2 instead….
Will L2P Elitist say that Elementalist is balanced : I would trust their opinion over my own.
Do L2P Elitist have a life : LOL most do

IF you really want to know my issues with ele…

*dagger range is too short for almost all abilities
*more abilties should do what that element is made for, fire = burn, air = blind, water = vunarablilty, earth = bleed instead of only having a few abilities on long CDs
*our air traits are weak, not many go 10+ into with a legit pve or pvp build, no one would take it over fire
*our arcana traits don’t really are not that good and the trait bonus stat "attunement recharge rate is an unnessecary tax for a gameplay that should be encouraged and rewared

It’s my belief most people want to go 30 fire /30 air and blow someone up but the air talents just don’t allow you to do that currently.

That’s just my thoughts at least.

- DT

(edited by Dominia.5179)

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

@ Dominia.5179

You repeated some posts just to confirm them which I like, and I respect your opinion.
I would just like to point out 3 …very little things I noticed you mentioned:

  • As you said, if we do anything, we have to be speced for that …which is a little hard during Story, Dungeon, SPvP, I hope you understand what I want to say ^^
  • Uhmm .. they removed armor that Rock Barrier (earth scepter 2) were giving and gave us Point Blank AoE DMG in stead ….. kinda stupid for 900 range weapon XD (now if we wanna survive we need 2-3 cantrips, focus and arcane shield -.-")
  • I said solo nuking WEAPON (for SPvP and PvE) …..other professions have weapon that at least 3 out of skills deal Solo Nuke …we have 1 weak skill out of 20 ……yaay us ?

PS. If you never noticed …_dagger 1 fire is cone AoE ^^_

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Will Ele players ever understand that the class doesn’t follow the typical mage archetype many other games use and thus scream “Underpowered!” because they don’t have the highest DPS: 0 (No)

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Lillian Wandom Hale.7102

Will Ele players ever understand that the class doesn’t follow the typical mage archetype many other games use and thus scream “Underpowered!” because they don’t have the highest DPS: 0 (No)

We don’t have Highest DMG (or any for that matter), Highest Control, Highest support. What are we by your standards …we call that UP

PS. Elementalist was created by the pure principals of typical mage archetype …. ArenaNet just failed ^^

If they wanted original they could :

  • give us daggers that have typicall close range abilities and envelop us by magic for extra protection so that we are viable in close range
  • cantrip us for damage, not weak Invulnerable that doesen’t work -.- or protection, or atleast balance 50/50
  • elemental clones and not just servants
  • play with elements (Fire – Heal, Water – DMG) …IRL Water is MUCH more offensive then some weak fire hazzard
  • add hover for extra survival and mobility
  • add AoE’s of extreme power with long channel (Meteor shower isn’t extreme power….not in a million XD)
  • add upkeep skills (you decide on the duration)

Sooo many original skills and posibilites ….they just failed

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dominia.5179


Story, dungeon and solo I run a 30/10/30/0/0 build which I gave a description of here. When solo I run arcana spells and d/d though and works well enough.

In spvp I’m running a 0/0/30/30/10 build tanky bleed based build with mostly cantrips. I can hold my ground against great players, 1v1 competent players and and can 1v2 bad ones. I can also provide an immense amount of support to my team mates with this build. Not sure what else I could ask for outside of the quality of life things I mentioned earlier.

I do wish for a bursty 30/30/10/0/0 build but we can’t get everything in life lol.

Also scepter earth still does provide armor.

- DT