How DD ele work? with this bad design?
now im using full condition damage set up, no other one can deal remarkable damage
its the silly idea by anet that your damage is the sum of target you hit…
So a circle hitting 5 target for 7000 is for anet stronger that a 35.000 100Blades or 20.000 killshot.
They didn t think to the fact that you lacks single target options AND you need to use all skills due to the long CDs.
In the real game you have a BURST of 10.000 on long CD while warriors does that SUSTAINED damage with just autoattacks.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
difference is that the warior puts one skill on cooldown to dish out 10k dmg while an elementalist needs to put 5+ skills to do the same amount of damage in the same amount of time.
Plus we have options to counter the killshot just equip a focus and use 4 on earth atunement when you see the killshot coming. The animation is pretty long, not too hard to miss since most wariors are huge norns.
difference is that the warior puts one skill on cooldown to dish out 10k dmg while an elementalist needs to put 5+ skills to do the same amount of damage in the same amount of time.
Plus we have options to counter the killshotjust equip a focus and use 4 on earth atunement when you see the killshot coming. The animation is pretty long, not too hard to miss since most wariors are huge norns.
As its have been said lot of times:
Good luck seeing a killshot in WWW
That is the worst mistake people talking about balance does.
take killshot:
Useless in PvP because you have few things too look at.
Take it to www and you have an OP skill because its easy for a warrior to killshot from mars (1500 range) when you are dealing with something other.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
its the silly idea by anet that your damage is the sum of target you hit…
So a circle hitting 5 target for 7000 is for anet stronger that a 35.000 100Blades or 20.000 killshot.
They didn t think to the fact that you lacks single target options AND you need to use all skills due to the long CDs.
In the real game you have a BURST of 10.000 on long CD while warriors does that SUSTAINED damage with just autoattacks.
exactly. It seems that dd ele is just a sad tank that so hard to deal damage and the only reason for us to exist is give away our life to make others laugh. or run like a rabbit and capture points. If u cant win in combat, this game just become boring.
difference is that the warior puts one skill on cooldown to dish out 10k dmg while an elementalist needs to put 5+ skills to do the same amount of damage in the same amount of time.
Plus we have options to counter the killshotjust equip a focus and use 4 on earth atunement when you see the killshot coming. The animation is pretty long, not too hard to miss since most wariors are huge norns.
and warrior’s 1200 range skill deal 10 times more damage than ele’s 300 range skill
I left my line here:
If S/D ele is a better tank, staff ele is a better support, and both of them deals more damage in safer range, what can dd ele does? so plz just delete dd ele cause that’s what they designed to be.
And be aware that in what kind of mood can I say things like this.
Im not here to say bad things but…I just love dd ele so much and now im just …. sad
People in beta complained about the damage of Ele on everything so it got nerfed from back then. Yes Mesmers are fine with double damage and mind wrack doing up to 4x the damage of arcane wave… Yup seems balanced…
The Dragoon Brotherhood
Sigh…listen OP months ago they had promised that DD eles dps would be scaled up o be more inline with other melee sets. After the whole DD bunker is OP debacle that went out of the window. Anet is well aware the DPS on the DD set is too low and takes too long. Either they are pushing back the buff till the class is mush or its simply not going to happen.
Never compare DPS to warrior. The warrior will compare healing to you. Eventually you’ll realized your both getting screwed and not by each other. You get me?
IF you want warrior sustained DPS then play a warrior. you want thief burst play a thief. You want a bunker build that hits hard play a BM ranger. However, don’t point at the other guy and say I want the best of his class while not accepting concession in your own. Ele will never hit Warrior DPS and Warrior will never get ele healing. DD eles do need more DPS but not number is the range of warrior or thief.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
Never compare DPS to warrior. The warrior will compare healing to you.e healing. DD eles do need more DPS but not number is the range of warrior or thief.
Compare everything with a warrior, since warriors are “at the balancing sweet spot”. (Although I’ll never understand how a class with the most life and armor can also have the skills with the highest base damage … and be called it balanced). Heals are not to compensate lousy dps, but low base health and armor.
Until that, I’ll play GW2.
It deals descent damage if your a glass canon and have 11000hp. Else with 16000hp+ d/d elementalists and elementalists in general make less damage than every other class.
They felt it was necessary for elementalists to do less damage than other classes because our skills are so very fast… /sarcasm
by the way: a thief removed 20000hp from me in less than 3 seconds today, less time than it takes to charge the most powerfull ele spell, which hits for roughly 6000-7000 on a critical hit with a glass canon. Oh and he was also freaking invisible all the time so you cant even hit him while your down…
The game is just totally unbalanced. I don’t understand how they can leave things in a mess like this and keep adding stuff.
difference is that the warior puts one skill on cooldown to dish out 10k dmg while an elementalist needs to put 5+ skills to do the same amount of damage in the same amount of time.
Plus we have options to counter the killshotjust equip a focus and use 4 on earth atunement when you see the killshot coming. The animation is pretty long, not too hard to miss since most wariors are huge norns.
and warrior’s 1200 range skill deal 10 times more damage than ele’s 300 range skill
A decent D/D ele has 4 gapclosers and perma swiftness. Gapclosers add up to 600+1200+900+600= 3500 range. Wariors with GS+rifle can’t run away from that add in some knock downs and dodges and y’ll be fine. The problem is the shout healing and high tough/vit that the warior has. It takes a tremendous amount of time to take ’m down and eventually fatigue and the horendous CD on our skills become our demise.
Sigh…listen OP months ago they had promised that DD eles dps would be scaled up o be more inline with other melee sets. After the whole DD bunker is OP debacle that went out of the window. Anet is well aware the DPS on the DD set is too low and takes too long. Either they are pushing back the buff till the class is mush or its simply not going to happen.
Never compare DPS to warrior. The warrior will compare healing to you. Eventually you’ll realized your both getting screwed and not by each other. You get me?
IF you want warrior sustained DPS then play a warrior. you want thief burst play a thief. You want a bunker build that hits hard play a BM ranger. However, don’t point at the other guy and say I want the best of his class while not accepting concession in your own. Ele will never hit Warrior DPS and Warrior will never get ele healing. DD eles do need more DPS but not number is the range of warrior or thief.
im just cpmpare the dps, cause I dont want to use healing build on ele, what joy u get from getting hit and never kill? or at least I got no joy. and if u set up the dps, I dont think the amazing healing will saty, ull have good condition damage, which takes like more than 10s to fully done, and poor heal, which is less than shouts heal, and slower.
and now i dont want to go any further cause I will not use dd ele until they balanced this, and im tired of all this things. Now i use dd minion necro, absorb 60k damage and deal high damage, and no dungeon ill be like anyone else, use warrior. Im tired of building my ele when no way out.
D/D still works great and is viable. Most people who are complaining about its nerf are bads that need to learn to play. If I can jump on my D/D ele with green gear, and roll face on 2 people, (Although 3 or more is hard, especially with green masterwork gear).
So can you. I’m not specially skilled, neither are all my opponents terrible as statistically speaking, at least some have to be decent or better when you count how many people you encounter.
Kill shot is hard to avoid in big groups yes, but I must ask if you’re dealing with someone else already, why so many Ele’s expect to get off in 2v1’s easy. If its a 2v2 situation, I would ask your friend to occupy the warrior. I often find many misguided Ele’s thinking they should be able to solo groups alone. No class should, not to any half decent group.
Anyway, I don’t wanna bring a debate to this topic, more so, I wouldn’t quit on D/D, still works great. One of the more fun and viable sets on ele That’s how I feel though.
Also, I can understand the need to get an overview but you should keep comparisons minimal in balancing. The problem is, every class has different mechanics and functions which work in different ways. To compare an Ele to a warrior is silly. Warriors have more damage but that’s all they have, and it has been proven time and time again that due to sustained healing+perma protection any Ele worth their salt can tank people better than a warrior can with use of skills and evades due to vigor up-time.
Ele as a class has its issue as every class does, and I feel its best to look at the mechanics themselves rather than compare damage to another class, for one the damage is far different in access, functionality and methodology. If any class had to be a good balance base though, its not warrior. They are tremendously good in pve, are the worst class in spvp, to the point people will openly mock you for playing them and decent in WvW. The 2 most balanced Classes right now are arguably Mesmer and Guardian who fill their roles very well in all game modes and excel at a lot of different areas. Its generally best to aim for their status quo in PvE, PvP and WvW.
(edited by PistolWhip.2697)
D/D still works great and is viable. Most people who are complaining about its nerf are bads that need to learn to play. If I can jump on my D/D ele with green gear, and roll face on 2 people, (Although 3 or more is hard, especially with green masterwork gear).
So can you. I’m not specially skilled, neither are all my opponents terrible as statistically speaking, at least some have to be decent or better when you count how many people you encounter.
Kill shot is hard to avoid in big groups yes, but I must ask if you’re dealing with someone else already, why so many Ele’s expect to get off in 2v1’s easy. If its a 2v2 situation, I would ask your friend to occupy the warrior. I often find many misguided Ele’s thinking they should be able to solo groups alone. No class should, not to any half decent group.
Anyway, I don’t wanna bring a debate to this topic, more so, I wouldn’t quit on D/D, still works great. One of the more fun and viable sets on ele
That’s how I feel though.
Also, I can understand the need to get an overview but you should keep comparisons minimal in balancing. The problem is, every class has different mechanics and functions which work in different ways. To compare an Ele to a warrior is silly. Warriors have more damage but that’s all they have, and it has been proven time and time again that due to sustained healing+perma protection any Ele worth their salt can tank people better than a warrior can with use of skills and evades due to vigor up-time.
Ele as a class has its issue as every class does, and I feel its best to look at the mechanics themselves rather than compare damage to another class, for one the damage is far different in access, functionality and methodology. If any class had to be a good balance base though, its not warrior. They are tremendously good in pve, are the worst class in spvp, to the point people will openly mock you for playing them and decent in WvW. The 2 most balanced Classes right now are arguably Mesmer and Guardian who fill their roles very well in all game modes and excel at a lot of different areas. Its generally best to aim for their status quo in PvE, PvP and WvW.
I read literally – “I think Eles are fine in WVW and if you don’t agree with my opinion you are bad.”
No I tell you go and try a 30 30 10 0 0 build in tpvp and let me know how you do.
Half of the nerfs are not in PVE/WVW, so take care when you speak.
The Dragoon Brotherhood
I did, and I stand by it. To be honest, I extend my sympathies, if this nerf is hitting some of you other ele’s this hard, I only considered that I had no trouble and thought it would extend to the majority. Its my fault for being short sighted I guess.
Good luck you guys who are having issues then, I wish you the best.
I did, and I stand by it. To be honest, I extend my sympathies, if this nerf is hitting some of you other ele’s this hard, I only considered that I had no trouble and thought it would extend to the majority. Its my fault for being short sighted I guess.
Good luck you guys who are having issues then, I wish you the best.
Try getting invited to p4 arah with your ele.
PvP balance is ok,PvE is nonexistant.
I did, and I stand by it. To be honest, I extend my sympathies, if this nerf is hitting some of you other ele’s this hard, I only considered that I had no trouble and thought it would extend to the majority. Its my fault for being short sighted I guess.
Good luck you guys who are having issues then, I wish you the best.
im talking about dps but not tank all the time
Yea I knew dd ele could be tank,
And im not comparing the warrior, yea I knew someone would say it’s not wise to do this compare.
I mean, basicly, if one is close ranged, shouldnt it got higher damage?
now dd ele’s fire 2 skill is nice if all comdition damage done quick, but when im testing it, it’s need 15 second to damage all the way down(from u start using fire 2 till the burning end), 15s yes. and u could be die already when even my dd necro can deal at least 10k damage by auto atk.
and I havent mention how long does it take to use ur skill.
yes many dd ele’s skill is nice, and could be a good tank, and nothing else. it’s hard for u to kill a single person unless u go condition damage set or high power set.
when my necro got 26k hp and 3.1k atk in minion build with better recovering, I really think that dd ele’s damage is not equal to the risk it take.
dd ele need to switch often, and damage needs long to fully dealed, to a dude enemy! cause every better player know to remove condition, and they got 15s to do that. so the point is, both my ele and necro using dd, and when using necro i dont need to think about anything, just press keyboard randomly and kill one or two easy. and when ele, i have to think of a skill combo that I need to use and always take so long to kill one dude enemy
what I want is, ele have some burst. like fire 5, it’s damage like 2k r 3k at most, and need so long to cool down, if it can deal like 4k or 5k damage, then it’s more useful.
and now the auto ayk of dd ele is useless, i never use them. if the atk of them could be improved or atk speed, then i can use auto atk sometime.
(edited by Alcy.3642)