How do you stay alive in PvE?
I haven’t seen you mention Lightning Hammer in your description? Why don’t you use it? It’s the best tool since the attack cleaves, blinds and allows you to facetank mob.
In dungeon, you don’t have to do might stacking on the boss. You can totally do it before engaging the boss, drop the hammer and start fighting.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Sorry, I do use Lightning hammer but typically only in dungeons. I guess it never really occurred to me that I could use it when soloing/farming t5/t6 mats. Is that what people do?
And I suppose I could practice might stacking before a boss. I’ve heard of people doing it but I’ve never tried practicing it. Looks like I should get on that! Thanks for the tip.
You should try a Dagger/Focus build. This weapon set-up has tremendous possibilities. It is also one of the most efficient for all aspects of PvE.
We have two guides for you:
DeKeys’ practical approach:
My more philosophical approach:
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I’d like to add that slotting Arcane Shield can really help with your survivability in parties.
For solo open world exploration, using Piercing Shards in a 30/10/10/20/0 build doesn’t make much sense. You don’t stack vulnerability to activate that bonus during your normal rotation! You can swap it out for water X (or whatever numeral it is) for some condi removal at the loss of DPS, or you could try a more self-sufficient build like 30/30/10/0/0, 30/30/0/10/0, or 30/25/0/15/0. You can also try using Glyph of Storms (Earth) to blind enemies if you’re without LH.
Thanks for the pointers everyone. I’m trying LH for soloing right now and I feel pretty safe, I don’t have a focus to try a D/F build but I may check it out in the future. The main reason I didn’t go with a build like that is because I wanted to be the best possible build for group content first, soloing second. But obviously grouping all the time isn’t very reasonable. Going a different build is definitely a possibility, but I still don’t want to be kitten in dungeons. I will play with the idea though for sure!
Any reason why you haven’t tried using Staff? 1200 range is not the only benefit, it’s the 4k Lava Fonts + 4K Fireballs + 6K Meteors which amounts to extremely high sustained AoE damage without having to face-tank. That’s besides the permanent fire field that melee classes will love you for :P
The simplicity of using Staff allows you to concentrate more on the fight, especially in dungeons.
^ 10 loose points, can throw them into either Blasting Staff or 30 Air depending on what you prefer.
Nuke away!
I have toyed around with Staff but I feel like it just isn’t my playstyle. I enjoy playing mages but the combat in GW2 just feels weird to me when you’re wielding a staff. I carry one around anyways for WvW or zergs but I don’t think I would be interested in full-timing a staff ele!
I use damage mitigation skills like Glyph of Storms (Earth) for mass blinds and Radiation Field for mass weakness. That lets me facetank anything except Champions and make mobs sit in my fire/earth fields while I blast them in the face with my staff. If things get too hot, drop a chill field, Static Field, or the earth wall skill, then dodge backwards to buy yourself time to heal, or just run for it. (But I rarely need to.)
How do you stay alive in pve? Simple dodge and seeing you are using scepter it is even easier with keeping yourself at range. It is that easy.
Only tip:
play with a guardian.
There is no way you can dodge every attack and you will die by most Attacks that won t even scratch other professions.
Mesmer has blurred frenzy and a powerful regen signet but mostly has shorter animation skills in melee that is why its easier to melee with a mesmer (paired with HP).
Focus obviously enhances survivability by a lot as much as reducing your dps unless you camp in air or use conjured.
May i see anyone saying “simply dodge” soloing in D/D spider queen and kohler in reasonable time?
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
May i see anyone saying “simply dodge” soloing in D/D spider queen and kohler in reasonable time?
You dont even need to dodge to solo spider queen. You can just walk behind her before her attacks hit.
Alternatively, if you continue to struggle regardless of weapon or conjure, you can trait for survivability and instead gear offensively. The typical d/d build (0/10/0/30/30) and its variations offer superior condi clear and healing, and it works well with any weapon set. Just swap out traits to fit your needs. The key is to make effective use attunement swapping and dodge rolling to sustain yourself, at the sacrifice of some of your damage output.
May i see anyone saying “simply dodge” soloing in D/D spider queen and kohler in reasonable time?
You dont even need to dodge to solo spider queen. You can just walk behind her before her attacks hit.
the issue is dying in few hits of whatever attack….
Example…an ele at kohler can easily die from the first necro add …not to mention ele…or even kohler normal attack that alone will down you in few hits.
L2 evade could Worth if you go tanky with a sigil of energy and condition cleanse…at that point your dps is awful and you are useless.
On the other hand a mesmer can easily go full offensive and keep a decent survivability between blurred frenzy, distortion, signet, parry mantras etc.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Yes ele is a lot harder to play well. I dont disagree with that. One slip up and you could be flat on the floor in many situations. I was merely pointing out that spider queen isnt the best example to use because she can be solo’d pretty easily and you barely need to dodge.
Only tip:
play with a guardian.
Bad tip.
Better tip: do not play with guardians, as much as possible.
The reason for this is that guardians trivialise many encounters. Therefore you hardly spot your mistakes and you never improve. The day that you have to face difficult content or guardians are not here to hold your hand then you will fail.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
As S/D you souldn’t die too much even in high fractal. In standard PvE nothing should trouble you too much, I think that you need to dodge more/practise more.
Try 0/30/20/0/20, you’ll get fres air, mass buff as protection ,; stab, regen, fury and so on. You can put more on water and arcane first but at the end go back to DPS because ele is born to make DPS !!!!!!!
If you are using scepter for anything other than might stacking you are doing it wrong. :P
Spoj, Nikki has tormented me enough for making my legendary Meteorlogicus. Please no more >.<
I still find a good way to use scepter in the Grawl Fractal (kitten that camera!) and in the multiple-champ room in the Harpy fractal (kitten that ettin and flame legion combo!) In normal dungeon, scepter/dagger is still very good for the LH build to keep up the might stack during mid fight. D/F/LH cannot triumph that.
However, if I’m soloing in Cursed Shore with its annoying respawning rate, the cleave in D/F is something that cannot be missed. Swirling wind is so good to alleviate the pressure from ranging mobs and Obsidan Flesh is as good to buy myself time to heal. D/D has worse DPS than D/F imho. D/D may have more big hits in terms of raw power but they are all with horribly long cast time and long cool down. Even forget about Ride The Lightning to escape, mobs can just chain CC on you and you are as good as a sitting duck.
My order of practice ‘how to survive as an ele’ is: swap weapons (S/D to D/D to D/F) -> swap armors (Knight to Zerk mix to pure Zerk) -> swap traits (from a couple in water to full glass) -> swap food (endurance food to non-endurance food).
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
(edited by Iris Ng.9845)
“If you are using scepter for anything other than might stacking you are doing it wrong. "
I really disagree, with 0/30/20/0/20 you always have at least 10 stack, a lot of boons and i don’t take boons of teamates. What’s more good survability. I really enjoy this build and this is another very good way to play ele.
Try using the heal on cast number six skill
Apart from dodging well and using protection boon/heals…
….the Earth Elemental elite summon. It tanks like a pro, gathers aggro like it offended their mothers and can take more hits than current day music charts.
Only tip:
play with a guardian.Bad tip.
Better tip: do not play with guardians, as much as possible.The reason for this is that guardians trivialise many encounters. Therefore you hardly spot your mistakes and you never improve. The day that you have to face difficult content or guardians are not here to hold your hand then you will fail.
Since i lost time putting detail to what i said….instead of a generic L2P answer wouldn t be more helpful proving what i said wrong?
That is…..
-dps ele has no slots left foc cond cleanse
-dps ele playing flawlessly and evading 1hko will still die from normal attack other professions will facetank. (due to damage mitigations, lower CDs etc)
-if you rely on other profession fields OR reflect is the same as relying on a guardian…the point is being able to pug in any situation….thing a DPS ele can t do, while a tanky/balanced ele can (the issue is dps for ele is all or nothing… there is no mid ground).
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
I guess relying on ranger’s, thief’s and warrior’s fields as well as their reflects is my recipe for success while running fotm 49/50.
If you desperately want a condition removal (though I have no idea why, magnetic wave is enough) just slot ether renewal. You can die from any attack anyway so it’s not like you need a healing skill. The only thing I’m relying is the bear duo because bears are best tanks, followed up by d-series golem and earth elementals.
I Just re-rolled a toon into an ele, and so far I haven’t had problems with surviving (only level 41 atm).
The main clutch tool I use is Arcane Shield. The 3 blocks in PVP kind of sucks, but in PVE that shield has saved me time and again. Depending on weapon sets, however, I’ll usually pace the usage of my blinds, controls, and heals to maximize efficiency.
If built for DPS, you don’t need to live very long before you plow through an enemy group.
EDIT: Also I always try to have high vigor uptime. Those dodges really help.
Yes but if you take arcane shield your dps drops drastically. At the same time warriors don’t need to take anything.
Yes but if you take arcane shield your dps drops drastically. At the same time warriors don’t need to take anything.
I thougt you were experienced enough to compare endure pain with arcane shield…but since you can t, feel free to browse the balance section that is infact discussing this exact matter.
And i was referringo to mesmer mostly where with the same permavigor, mpre HP, an eveade every 9,6 , a block every 12, and distortion explains how a light armor class with not many HP should work.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Why would I compare endure pain to arcane shield? Endure pain is two classes above and warriors now have the best healing skill ever, defiant stance. Poor elementalists, it’s either no dps or dead dps.
Cool now the next step is looking at skill placements….(skills VS utilities)
If you get this, you are ready to read the topics in balance section about elementalist sustain.
That explicitly speaks of cooldowns on utilities….
Now consider speedruns times beween fights……
While you are here…
Did you try as i told you arcane shield:
1) against champion rabdovich
2) to prevent (not to break) a stun from ac gravelings leap attack.
3) against a www cannon
Happy to see btw that you answer every single post i write….seems like you are really interested.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Ah, yes, blocks are ineffective against unblockable attacks. That’s why endure pain is so strong and is the reason behind warriors dominance.
Arcane Shield, Mist Form and Signet of Fire are what I usually bring to the fight against the last boss Arch Diviner in Fractal level 50. Abeit having lower DPS than when I fight bosses like Bloomhunger, they help me sustain a lot in that fight and go as far as to revive allies should they fall.
I suppose the eles won’t bring a lot of DPS nor useful buff on the table like wars or guards but I believe their roles are beyond that of no DPS or DeadDPS:
- Taking aggro with Earth Elemental
- Chaining Chill, Immobilize and Cripple on Arch Diviner
- Best cleave range, able to take down those annoying Bone Fiends at once
- Chaining block, invulnerability to revive downed allies
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Ah, yes, blocks are ineffective against unblockable attacks. That’s why endure pain is so strong and is the reason behind warriors dominance.
try mesmer sword 4…
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
….the Earth Elemental elite summon. It tanks like a pro, gathers aggro like it offended their mothers and can take more hits than current day music charts.
try mesmer sword 4…
So you claim mesmer block allows you to block unblockable attacks? That’s interesting, I’m going to ask someone to check it but you’re going to pay the repair bill, ok?
I consulted the best pve mesmer in game and then I performed seperate experiment. Sorry to disappoint you but it doesn’t block unblockable attacks.
Sustain is needed if the incoming damage is constant and too high for you. You die from one-two hits so how would sustain change it? Even healing signet wouldn’t change a thing. Sustain is the problem in pvp where incoming damage is steady, unlike in pve. Answering the title of this thread, you stay alive by playing not badly. If you have issues it’s either generic l2p (I help any ele that asks me for an advice) or just the problem of getting more guardians.
I do AC daily and I’ve never been CC’d with blockable attacks while having arcane shield up. I made tests yesterday and never saw anything what you say. Make a video of it happening, otherwise noone will believe your baseless claims.
Sustain is needed if the incoming damage is constant and too high for you. You die from one-two hits so how would sustain change it? Even healing signet wouldn’t change a thing. Sustain is the problem in pvp where incoming damage is steady, unlike in pve. Answering the title of this thread, you stay alive by playing not badly. If you have issues it’s either generic l2p (I help any ele that asks me for an advice) or just the problem of getting more guardians.
I do AC daily and I’ve never been CC’d with blockable attacks while having arcane shield up. I made tests yesterday and never saw anything what you say. Make a video of it happening, otherwise noone will believe your baseless claims.
Frankly I barely even get hit in AC anymore. If you take frost bow there, which you should, burrows die instantly, and all of the bosses are pretty easy if you know where to stand.
Stack and skip makes everything boring, but at least it’s fast, and nobody enjoys their fifth AC p3 run in a week.
Frankly I barely even get hit in AC anymore. If you take frost bow there, which you should, burrows die instantly, and all of the bosses are pretty easy if you know where to stand.
Stack and skip makes everything boring, but at least it’s fast, and nobody enjoys their fifth AC p3 run in a week.
Its the only resource a dungeon player has to stay on par with champ trains….and not be eaten alive by “speculation”
Ac takes less than an hour and pays the costs for fotm and www foods.
But as i said….and i won t answer to haviz provocations any more…. everyone that tried pugging with a dps ele OR had one in party, can see who gets grounded more often and when, if the Group lacks a guardian.
Could mean that every single ele is bad……or simply that HP/Armor is the difference between having a human reaction window/opportunity or not….
Next time you will see a dps ele without a guardian maybe you will notice and remember.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Surprisingly enough, I play dps ele without a guardian or even a mesmer. And by dps ele I don’t mean putting 20 points into water and 30 into arcana.
Hey everybody. Please keep this thread productive and respectful. Otherwise, we will have to close it.
Only tip:
play with a guardian.Bad tip.
Better tip: do not play with guardians, as much as possible.The reason for this is that guardians trivialise many encounters. Therefore you hardly spot your mistakes and you never improve. The day that you have to face difficult content or guardians are not here to hold your hand then you will fail.
Totally agree, specially in fractal where so many rely on guardian on the lava boss when they are not needed if the players are good with their professions.
Only tip:
play with a guardian.Bad tip.
Better tip: do not play with guardians, as much as possible.The reason for this is that guardians trivialise many encounters. Therefore you hardly spot your mistakes and you never improve. The day that you have to face difficult content or guardians are not here to hold your hand then you will fail.
Totally agree, specially in fractal where so many rely on guardian on the lava boss when they are not needed if the players are good with their professions.
I play a DPS ele. I don’t rely on anyone in anywhere else but there, at the Elemental Grawl Boss, I have to admit I wear PVT and rely on my guard pal for the painless experience.
I consider I’m decent with my ele.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Let’s see… where was that…?
Here it is:
It’s posted in a joke reddit, but it’s true. Movement is the main key of survival in GW2.
With movement techniques, you can do things like avoiding an entire barrage of projectiles from an enemy without spending any endurance.
If you play often with people that say “Stack here”, find other people. Relying on that will get you in trouble when that stops working if they rework enemies, but moving smartly always works, anywhere.
CM snipers beg to differ
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Well what should i answer?
I read that dps builds (look on forum) have no issue with condition cleanse and stability……
If you just deny it, it just suggests you could not realize the support you receive when you play with your friends and that pugging more would help…..
But who am i to point out the most obvious downsides of ele…….better L2P….
I wonder why devs came to the absurd idea of reducing armor of earth CD…….
The other point was evading….
Now simple math will show for a dps ele 2-3 Attacks are enough to kill it without support..
Now since you say a dps ele doesn t need support you will show me a dps ele soloing kohler in a reasonable time… i will se how do you manage energy/cds.
If what you say is true i think some proofs are needed.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
CM snipers beg to differ
You move behind a tree or other obstacle, and then move within the cover of the tree, or move away from their range, deal with the enemies, and then move next to them starting from the one at the top.
You can also avoid their attacks altogether by quickly and repeatedly strafing left and right. They’ll aim to where you were going to be, but since you move in the opposite direction right away, they never hit you. The AI can’t deal with that for now. It also works with most other single target raged attacks, like hylek blowgun barrages or karka water bullets.
In any case, they are kind of stupid. They effect should be increased critical damage against stationary enemies, not increased damage against moving ones. As if snipers could hit more easily moving targets than still ones.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
Or Deadeyes. I have never tried strafing, but like it might work…
I think in CM p1, there is a room with boss and lots of snipers without any shelters.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I think Deadeyes are more like a channel, but I guess it might be worth a shot if I’m out of dodges.
The vast majority of ranged attacks in AC Story are homing, though It would be much easier to deal with some of the enemies if I could strafe-avoid their attacks.
you mean besides running away if an enemy so much as glances in your general direction?
I usually end up in melee tanking the enemies just to make sure they get fully hit by Meteor Shower. It takes an upscaled champion for my ele to truly be in danger of going down though. The trick is not to go 100% dps, but take a few pieces of defensive gear. Not too much though, as you’ll want good dps too.