How many guys play elementalist
I bet you’d make a great warrior.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
If you do make an ele just make sure you never forget to check your flux capacitor.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Not a lot of guys play Elementalist
Source: Notice how a lot of the Eles are female (and human)?
Not a lot of guys play Elementalist
Source: Notice how a lot of the Eles are female (and human)?
Most those female humans are men.
Charr Ele`.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
I actually chose to be an Elementalist because a lot of elementalists are female. So I can be an Elementalist that dishes out destruction while chillin with the ladies.
I play an ele i actually find it hard to play other classes
human male elementalist to continue the legacy of my gw1 elementalist.
I don’t understand what is that mean “flux capacitor” Anyone know about it?
Not a lot of guys play Elementalist
Source: Notice how a lot of the Eles are female (and human)?
They’re part of the long and venerable tradition of GIRL (guys in real life).
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
I don’t understand what is that mean “flux capacitor” Anyone know about it?
It’s before your time.
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
I picked a girl for several reasons.
1. If I must watch my character run around from behind for several hours, that kitten WILL be sexy
2. when I first through about it I had horrible visions of men in dresses/robes.
3. Big fan of Slayers. Enough said.
As for me I am male human ele and this is the only class I can seem to play well so I stick to this and they are so fun to play!!! I mean look, changing between 4 elements to survive, kill and support all at same time!!!
If you do make an ele just make sure you never forget to check your flux capacitor.
I lol’d
My ele is female, because I am one. And I tried all other races and deleted them numerous times; I gave in and made it human, now she’s 80.
Raspanthia -sylvari engineer (Predator)
I am male and my Ele is male (well for an Asura).
I had an Asura Male Ele I deleted and a Human Male Ele I kept. Prefer the animations albeit the Asura Racial T3 armor was pretty slick looking.
I like playing the Ele because I can act tough and talk about how much tougher it is to play an Ele than any other class.
eles are awesome, nuff said…
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over
I am female if I play an ele it will be a male.
PS: Amusing how this is now the topic
I couldn’t picture a male elementalist, had to make mine female.
I mean what kind of guy goes around calling himself an “ele”?
Guess what
Female players make a Male Character Eles
Male Players make a Female Character Eles
Oh and my most favourite class of mine is Eles, female Asura, so CUTEEEEEEEE…Fall n love with her over and over ^^
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
I always have the habit of making healers and casters female and rangers and meele characters male for every game that I play. I tend to play casters and healers therefore it always ends up me creating a female character (even though i am a female). Would NEVER make my adorable female asura into a male of any race.
Not a lot of guys play Elementalist
Source: Notice how a lot of the Eles are female (and human)?
GIRL = Guy In Real Life
Meanwhile back at the Female Human Elementalist
Sophea of Elements
Played a fair bit of ele during the BWE. Truthfully I played more Ranger. My first toon was a Warrior, to try and preserve the name Slasher, but alas, even a few hours before pre-release it was taken. Second was Sophea Sladorian (female char ranger) and third was Sophea of Elements, to show off a build to my friend who was running the invulnerable staff build (before d/d was found). Now my Ele is my highest lvl PVE toon and most played pvp toon, even though it was made for pvp lol.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
I’m male, and hav Female ele,..
Well,..having female toons can be stress reliever after working for the whole day. XD
Regnum Ascalon[RegA] – Devona’s Rest
No offence, Zapp but your Asura looks more like a Shark than an Asura, but the hair style is so funky
Here is mine. She is my little princess :::)
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
because male casters are gross, its a class designed around a dress.
did the same thing in wow, human female priest. it just makes sense.
No offence, Zapp but your Asura looks more like a Shark than an Asura
, but the hair style is so funky
Here is mine. She is my little princess :::)
He’s not a shark, he’s clearly a gremlin.
because male casters are gross, its a class designed around a dress.
did the same thing in wow, human female priest. it just makes sense.
Hmm, I don’t know about you but my male elementalist doesn’t wear a dress, he wears a long coat over a pair of pants.
Does this look like a dress to you?
I think the reason is that we have to stare at the back of our character for up to hours at a time, and I’d much rather a females curves then some guys but.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
I play a Sylvari female elementalist as my main……… :P
I am guy btw…. have 8 other chars…. all female…. :P :P :P :P
I think the reason is that we have to stare at the back of our character for up to hours at a time, and I’d much rather a females curves then some guys but.
That rationale really only works for human, norn, and perhaps sylvari elementalists.
If you’re a male with a female asura elementalist because to want to ‘stare at her curves’ … you’ve got issues.
I’m a huge, male, norn, black, not D/D elemtalist. How rare is that, tell me?
IMO, if you’re a decent ele, you’d be amazing at everything else as an alt. (Give or take a few new keybinds.)