I got downed from a downed

I got downed from a downed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Danicco.3568


I saw a Thief ally fighting an Engineer, and came to help.
A couple spells, and he’s down.

He started to attack me in his downed state. I was at full health since he was fighting the thief and I only got there to cast a spell and down him, and that’s 16800 Health.
The thief starts to stomp… I just threw a Lava Font on him thinking “He’ll die soon”, and kept attacking.

Thief got interrupted, so did I. He kept attacking me. Thief starts the stomp again. He finally stomps the engineer, and I’m down to 180 health and a Burn/Bleed, can’t remember what was it.

Luckily there was no one else around, or I dunno the Thief would stop to ress me.

Is this normal?

I’m using Berserker Amulet, of course (or else I don’t crit ever and can’t kill a thing) with a 20/20/0/20/10 build.

I got downed from a downed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Danicco.3568


Oh, and today also, I fought a Thief with 5~10% health. I had 80%+ Health.

I got him down, and decided to just attack him to death (I guess I am WvWing too much), I get downed and almost die from his auto attack.
He died when I was at 10% or so health left in downed. I checked the combat log just due curiosity, and his attacks were dealing 1700~2600 damage.

At this point, I’m guessing my Elementalist is bugged somehow and I’m taking 2x damage from everything…

I got downed from a downed

in Elementalist

Posted by: MindlessRuff.1948


Well when you run a glass cannon build like that, you tend to take quite a load of damage from everything. You need some toughness somewhere.

I got downed from a downed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


thiefs also have a trait that gives +50% damage in downed state so dont forget that its not ur armor in terms of that but that one simple trait can dish out sum mean damage i play a thief myself and its funny to see people drop from it lol.

I got downed from a downed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

thief + 50% more dmg in downed state + they sometimes also have rune of air = OP burst while downed.

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

I got downed from a downed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Danicco.3568


Oh, I forgot about that… actually I never thought people used these, but it makes sense.

The Thief did had Sigil of Air, since I checked the log (aside from the obvious spark effect).

I don’t think I’m running a glass cannon, if it didn’t made any dif. I’d just run 30/30/X with 10k health instead of this then.
I just thought it was pretty weird I was getting hit that badly, but since I don’t play sPvP on my Elementalist too often, I was wondering if that’s what’s normal for Elementalists…

I got downed from a downed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


wvw has its own problems, most of them are down too how high crit dmg can be stacked

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

I got downed from a downed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alurazle.5430


The best thing as an elementalist to do when your downed is turn to mist form and run away to heal, unless the enemy can die in one hit. But I find I recover from downed faster then my Guardian (downed skills are horrible), but I am so tanky with my guardian that I am rarely downed in the first place.
