I hate the Elementalist
Why dont we have an ele guide sticked for kittenus sakes.
I mean really. come on mod help these guys out.
They should not have to search the forums or make sensational posts to get this basic info.
daphoenixs d/d guide post may not be for some reason perfect but it convers all kinds of stuff and should help these guys.
Whatever weapon set up you use with the elementalist, you have to keep cycling attunements to get the best effect (CC/Damage/Healing). That’s why putting points in the Arcana tree is almost a must, to reduce attunement swapping cooldown and give you buff on attunement swap. Pulling yours pets out also helps if you need something to tank for you, the earth elemental is really tanky.
It is a known problem that the class mechanic is almost useless if you don’t put points in Arcana, and you’re too squishy if you don’t put points in water so both trees are a must. Generally with Staff you want to kite and lay down your crowd control AoE’s, or you can use dagger/dagger and keep cycling through attunements and casting things to stay alive, which has a little bit of a learning curve. Scepter is arguably the worst weapon choice, and in PvE it’s probably only good for killing one thing at a time since most spells are single target.
Well I love Elementalist and im a hardcore solo player. I have soled and completed 70% of ore maps so far give and take maybe 3 skill points I maybe could of soloed but did not. Im a D/D S/D ele and im full 0/10/30/30/0 and can solo 3 to 4 ore mobs at time maybe more. The hardest run I have head was the Arah waypoint due to the constant locks on me. I have 20k Hp and My armor Tough is 1,715 and Vit is 1.696 with armor 2.522 and im only 3 in Exotics right now so these states will change once I get full set.
Don’t go Staff while leveling, it’s really bad for that. The easiest thing to do, once you get the hang of it, is D/D and making sure you use enough vitality on your gear. Leveling Ele can be pretty frustrating, because the builds that work well at 80 are highly specialized.
Thanks for all the replies, I will try all your suggestions and see if I can get the hang of this character.
Why dont we have an ele guide sticked for kittenus sakes.
I mean really. come on mod help these guys out.
They should not have to search the forums or make sensational posts to get this basic info.
daphoenixs d/d guide post may not be for some reason perfect but it convers all kinds of stuff and should help these guys.
because for some reason, people on these forums have a problem with looking for information and want it all handed to them. if someone can sit here and say “ele sucks”, then i know they have done nothing to research it. it is a very strong class but do not belong to the lazy.
i actually prefer it this way, maybe the people who do not want to learn will go back to WoW or something.
also, playing a class to lvl 31 doesn’t make you seasoned on the class. a 5 year old can level but learning how to play each class is soooooo much different that hitting any level (cap included)
everyone needs to quit making new threads asking for a build when there is a great thread with more information then they could possibly need no more than 5 posts below theirs
quit being so lazy!!!!!!!!!
….in other words, i agree with you 100%
So glad to come back to see that people are still making the “ele should be for the elite players only” argument. The high cost/low reward ratio still seems way off and why is the ele the “strong class but do[es] not belong to the lazy”? Jeez, these posts are why I quit (besides the abhorring service that is Anet and the mediocre game that they pass off as being fantastic while they break more parts of the game (looking at you DR and the BAD loot system I learned about from a large topic earlier today) than they fix…)… This game is broken and going down fast. This game is the Titanic and Anet is the iceberg.
Dunno, my experience is completely different. I always solo skill points, even when there’s other people around I try to wait so that I can have a go at those myself, alone. So far the only PvE content I’ve ever had trouble with were ranged champions (though a focus/scepter combo for those helps a lot, but then I’ll be at it for a looong time) or champions which use CC a lot (still ele is a dead ele).
Since the OP pays attention to his gear, I’d say the only issue is probably lack of attunement rotation. Not even moving for that part… I frequently just take out my staff and walk around while blasting mobs, I only need to run and dodge if there’s more than two mobs on me.
So basically, swap attunements like mad, use your big skills, if you use staff you have awesome combos, use Glyph of Elemental Power to empower all your spells with cripple/weakness/extra burning etc., use conjured weapons for tight spots (lightning hammer ftw – I’ve soloed a group of about 20+ mobs once with that, granted not lvl 80 at the time, but still, AoE blind can be a real life saver).
Use self-combos! Always stack up might if you have trouble taking something down, you can have AoE regeneration, chill, weakness, plant down a fire field, switch to Earth and add plenty of damage to your Earth projectile attacks… and so on and so on.
Use Ether Renewal – it is probably the strongest heal skill in the game. You remove a condition each tick, use it with Obsidian Focus if you want some extra protection while channeling it.
Plenty of ways to play an elementalist, and the class in not weak or broken, it just plays very differently from the rest and you really do have to learn to play it before you can do well with it.
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken
Forget d/d ele for leveling
Use lightning hammer – 20 points in fire for conjures
at least 25 in water for cantrip mastery and reduced cantrip cd
You can facetank mobs with your melee weapon that has its 3-mob cleave and AOE blind every 3rd hit. Not the most exciting way to level, but it much easier and you can do suicidal things that staff and d/d ele cant do while leveling.
I usually die if there is more than 1 enemy, making it next to impossible to enjoy the game.
Try the earth elemental summons, they tank quite well and gather a lot of aggro by themselves. With Quick Glyphs, you can have them up almost all the time.
I hate asking for help with every little thing that I do, and I do not want to have to play that way.
I have spent fortune on armor repairs, and I can’t afford to keep it up.How can I play this class effectively, and survive mobs of 2 or 3?
What weapons do I use? How to I effectively “trait” this class?
The thing is, the elementalist does take a lot of time, training and skill to become ‘fun’ to play. I remember my first Crucible of Eternity runs, I had no vitality and would die several times on each boss. It wasn’t fun and those that could hear me would wonder what was wrong. :-) Slowly however, I learned how the fights worked and upgraded my gear, and now I have little trouble with it.
But it took me quite some time to learn how.
The elementalist isn’t a class you can pick up easily and play well in a short amount of time. As for your questions, while there’s no easy way with the elementalist, there are some things that will help you out.
First of all, get toughness/vitality gear if you can. This will matter a lot. Don’t go glass cannon, at least not until you feel comfortable with the class.
Second, use some water traits that heal you and/or remove a condition. 15 points or so at least will turn each time you swap to water into a healing skill, which helps a lot while levelling.
Finally, learn to switch elements. This is the heart of the class and while there are some niche builds that can do without swapping, overall the elementalist will do a lot better if you switch frequently. We weren’t meant to be pyromancers or healers. We’re meant to be all of them.
Most skill points, I have to get help with.
Healing is the worst of all the classes I think.
My staff sucks. Most importantly, I can’t even weapon swap.
If you het better, there’s hardly anything you’ll need help with. Our healing is actually among the best of all classes (how many classes have 2 healing skills on their weapon and still the ability to go full damage if they want to) and as for your staff sucking, well, in general the staff does not suck in PvE. Try a different staff.
I have played every single class in the game to at least level 31, but out of them all, I hate playing the elementalist.
Then don’t play it. Don’t mean that as trolling, honestly. It’s a game. You do it to have fun. If you’re not having fun, go do something else. :-) It’s the reason I don’t play warrior.
No way , elementalist is realy a strong proffesion if played properly.I recognise what you mean when you say you needed help whit skill points .I was like that too in the begining up to level 30 or something.Trying to kite mobs only whit fire.
Staff is realy good to level whit on lower levels .Great for kiting.The only mobs you need to worry about are the ranged ones.Take care of those and you’re pretty much safe.
For ranged atacks switch between atunements .
You have skill number 3 on earth atunement for projectiles.
Knockdown , Blind and Stun on air atunement .
A good dodge and burn on fire atunement number 4.
And for Melee mobs use Water atunement skill number 4 to chill them and slow them down.
Keep switching between atunements and control your opponent.Thats the power of elementalist.
Summon pets and let them agro the mobs while you nuke them.
Elementalist requires you to push a lot of buttons so if you consider thats not for you then its not your proffesion.
I surely had it easier whit Elementalist while leveling than Thief and Warrior.
I just don’t get it. I played elementalist in every part of Guild Wars, and it always was my favourite class. Now it’s even easier, without stance-dance you can survive too. I’m almost 80, focusing on fire and air traits and it’s easy to survive even with 5-7 mobs chasing you. Staff fire skills do nice damage and they are all AoE. I just cast Meteor Strike before, then just run in circles spamming 123123 and after few secs all mobs are just lying before me dead. Move a lot, learn benefits of each attunement, and you should do fine. I love Elementalist and i don’t even want to create another character at least until I’ll do everything I can do on my Ele.