I keep dieing in 5 mans help plz

I keep dieing in 5 mans help plz

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nemusk.3874


I have 30% crit in high Pres I most be pulling aggro in instant death
I went this build so I Wont die doing solo map completion that’s been working ok but in dungeons im dieing constant in ending up with 30silver + repair I can’t keep this up.

Is there any armor Runes I can switch up to survive a bit more in still come out ahead I really want my armor set it’s not worth doing these on a ele I might as will make a guardian All tips welcome thanks. Also before this set up I was not even able to kill 2 mobs in Runs of orr with out dieing :/

(edited by Nemusk.3874)

I keep dieing in 5 mans help plz

in Elementalist

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

It is difficult to answer specifically to your question, because dungeons are not so much as your specific build as it is the overall build of your team and the synergy cooperation you have. If everyone in your party goes Glass Cannon DPS, you will wipe and have huge repair bills. If everyone in your party goes Control Tank you will have a very tough time getting past of the bosses since they have huge health pools and it will take hours. The most important thing is how your team comes together by helping each other mitigate damage, doing damage and controlling your enemies. Every person must be active dodger and be aware of the abilities of the enemy in order to maintain himself as a useful part of the team. So talk to your team before going in, trait yourself and your abilities to suit the best for that particular dungeon. Also, watch videos on youtube on strategies recommended for each path (there is a great thread on the dungeon subforum).

Now specifically for elesdepending on what you want to do. If you want to DPS use your staff and summon fire greatsword for really good damage. If you want to be more control dagger-dagger gives you great abilities but since you are a squishy class you need to be really good at dodging. The other important thing for eles is that you need to constantly switch attunements to fulfill different roles. If you want to be able to survive better stack runes and attributes equally in both toughness and vitality.

Let me just point out that Dungeons can be extremelly fun, but you have to be geared up properly and have the right team, traits and skills (note that I did not say profession as any profession can fulfill any role in combat and switch between these roles). Dungeons are not easy, and explorables are even less so don’t expect that the builds and tactics used in the open world will work here. Have fun, if you need some help hit me up in game as I am constantly running dungeons and can give you some tips.

I keep dieing in 5 mans help plz

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nemusk.3874


Thanks I just hit 80 last week So I just have high burst gear at this moment I guess I need a steady team to do them with because Switching all the time is coast efficiency I don’t see how people can switch traits in gear all the time. Only really time I died was on the last boss in SE lvl 80 dungeon explorable with that big Aoe in only a little of room I died from getting ice shard or w,e it’s called So i had to res at way point quit often. Ill have to add you to game thanks

I keep dieing in 5 mans help plz

in Elementalist

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


As an elementalist, you should really stay away from burst gear honestly. That was the route I first took too but eventually switched to being tanky and have not looked back.

Dungeons are pretty much my main source of income right now. I run AC dungeon than WvW. If I get low on money? Do a couple AC dungeon runs.

Just today alone I gained 4 gold from it. That’s 3 runs worth too.

I can’t say I only do dungeon runs for the money though. I am also doing them to rebuild my character. So it’s a win-win.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

I keep dieing in 5 mans help plz

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I’ve found great success with a focus on Vitality. If you have a large HP pool and with enough ways to provide yourself regen and heals, you can tank and kite lots of content.

I’m a dungeon junkie and that’s practically all I do, jump on random parties and push through. You just have to have a flexible and reactive playstyle.

I stand by my Valkerie exotics and runes of the eagle. Keep your utilities defensive and run when you think you’re in trouble. I think the worse you can do is die and let the mobs reset vs staying just out of harms reach while using your utilities when the foes try and snap you into their jaws.

It also might help to know what type of weapon you use. Staff is more support-ish, dagger is controlly, scepter is safety in range and focus has tricks to keep you alive in various situations. You’d be good to be able to switch to a better tactic with the one you’re using isn’t working for you.

I keep dieing in 5 mans help plz

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


As others have said, burst / beserker gear is fine for regular pve, but -most- people need some vitality for dungeons. 16k was a good number for me, but then I’m D/D so you might be able to get away with a little less, but anything less than 15k and you’re going to run into problems imo.

I keep dieing in 5 mans help plz

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Power, vitality, toughness you probably have enough karma to get some pieces now out the temples. Also like above run AC. In specific run AC path 2 speed run whether your’e in the cd on or not you’ll make a ton. All path are good (with enough dps) but path 2 is easy mode and very fast a good team will be done in 15-20 minutes if not less.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

I keep dieing in 5 mans help plz

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nemusk.3874


Thanks ya I got some Exotic gear I have 13k health now in I did fine in the new dungeon with out dieing also got more Ram for my computer to help with the lag on top of that
I’m going switch out to power-vit Thanks

I keep dieing in 5 mans help plz

in Elementalist

Posted by: spacelion.9865


yah, valkyrie jewelry set is pretty good because not only do you get a lot of Critdmg+ bonuses, you get a good amount of vitality. I went with that and berserker’s armor (though in retrospect should have gone with knight’s) and a knight’s weapon. But yeah the above posters are right if you can hit 16k you are in a good spot.