I love me Ele but bugs and traits

I love me Ele but bugs and traits

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


I enjoy playing my elementalist but from what I have played and read it seems the fotom ELe build is only about survivability. This is what I call ridiculous.The reason being is because we are a mage!!! A glass cannon that should be feared! We shouldnt be in fear.If you dont get what Im saying its because everyone is going Bunker builds for pvp and thats not what we are.Were suppose to be a glass CANNON that destroys. The amount of bugs still with the class and how traits arent beign looked at just baffles me and honestly Starting to make me second guess are we going to see fixes?

Make Fire and Air the trait lines they should be.Make them fun,viable and what they should do. Give them more potent abilities in the tree that makes them unique and only to their elements. This everyone having to go Water arcane because of survivability is complete crap.

I played Warrhammer online and they gave a lot of empty promises and as many mmos have in the past few years.Lets just leave it at many. The only game that has truly shown me they care about there game has been Trion.

I know theres many threads on what the bugs are but I havent seen as much responses from Anet themselves. We can talk events and expansions and new stuff all day but FIX whats already there!!! If you dont your making mistakes and issues every other mmo has already made in the past. Honestly Every class has bug issies adn trait lines that need to be looked at but my Ele is my main and I seriously want to play an Air ele that seems more viable than having to worry about surviving. Like I should be able to single target damage like mad. Dont get lazy on us now Arena net.

I love me Ele but bugs and traits

in Elementalist

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


We got maybe a day or two where some developers popped in to say “Hi, we’ve fixed tooltips and made a few fixes to some skills like RTL & Magnetic Grasp, toodles!” The didn’t bother contacting us regarding AOE though, tsk tsk, how rude

Learn to live with it and just play the class if you enjoy it, there’s not much else we can do sadly.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

I love me Ele but bugs and traits

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


You can say that but when there just willing to say we fixed tool tips and that’s fine and not actually say what else there going to do.Seriously I saw fix tool tips all the time in warrhammer online and they said things were fixed and they weren’t. They pull that I will leave.

I love me Ele but bugs and traits

in Elementalist

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


As I did for two months but came back. The game has so much potential. It truly saddens me to see it go to waste.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

I love me Ele but bugs and traits

in Elementalist

Posted by: Frye.4608


It is indeed about time elementalist doesnt feel so glitchy anymore in a pve scenario:

We’re pretty good tanks but only when locked into a certain build.

I don’t think anet realises how disruptive magnetic grasp bug is to some players. That particular bug gets fixed and magically reappears the next patch.

You can’t really do a 10-minute solo fight in an instance or vs a champion, since either the mob gets his health back (especially using staff), or you get stuck into a magnetic grasp. Either may kill you without making a single mistake. Not very noticable in pvp / questing, but when trying something hard it chews away your pleasure to have your fate decided by stuff not bugging out.
Also, for even a glass canon ele, to get oneshot in a level 65 zone in full exotic gear shows how glitchy the character is. The game was not meant for a player with a 10k health pool. Eating an omnomberry food making far too much difference kinda shows how dependent this profession is on little things.

It feels like I ABUSE cantrips / boons, the famous 0-10-10-30-20 build and the tanky healing gear with boon duration runes. It feels very overpowered. But whenever I experiment, be it different gear or different spec, the survivability drops to dangerous levels. I wish I could experiment more. I fear the day a-net bring the boons to a more reasonable level. What would be left will not be worth playing.