I'm Confused...
Your level-up awards sometimes include hero points, and by the time you get to 80, you’ll have enough of them to unlock all of your skills and traits without even doing any map completion. You can’t refund your points once you’ve spent them, but you definitely don’t need to worry about running out. If you’re sticking to PvE for now, you don’t need to worry too much about having the right build until much later, unless you want to do a lot of dungeons before you hit 80.
I don’t know as much about elementalists, though (I normally camp fire and burn everything to death), but I’d suggest looking in the ele subforums for other posts from beginners. Also, this might help: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/elementalist/Guide-DPS-Elementalist-for-PvE
In the long term you will unlock all of the traits in all of the trees by level 80. Don’t worry too terribly much about what might or might not be the most efficient thing to do at this level. Fire is a good tree to start with as early content readily played with a focus on DPS.
1. I am on my Phone right now so i cant provide you with a guide, but i am sure there are some good ones out there. Google is your friend. I Know this always Sounds mean but my other points are more important for you anyway.
2. There is a Website called metabattle.com. They store the most common builds. You can copy them if you like or just use them as inspiration to create your own build
3. You cant Do anything wrong so dont worry. While leveling you will get enough hero points to max out all skills and specialisations (except Elite) even with out doing a Single hero challenge. So even if you feel like you did something wrong you will be able to undo it when you reach 80, so have fun and find your own playstyle
I hope this helped a little
You get points that you can spend on a specific trait line called specializations or on specific skill types.
If you decide you want to learn a new glyph type skill you will start by unlocking the heal skill, after that you will learn the next skill thats in line.
The same goes for traits. You unlock 1minor trait then 3 majors then 1minor and 3 majors again.
make sure you equip the specialization Trait line in order to benefit from them.
generaly speaking here is how all trait line specialization work in all classes
-the pure dps spec (fire magic for ele)
-the critical/condition trait line (air magic, based on crits)
-the defensive spec (earth magic, based with conditions)
-the support/utility/healing spec (water magic)
-the class specific spec that enhances the class mechanics (arcane magic, based on elemental atunements)
generally speaking ele is a complicated class and with its lowest health and armor you need to actively play the class. Lots of moving and elemental attunement switching.
If you want to enhance your leveling (asuming you do it via exploring the world) weapons, utilities gear and traits (in that order) that alow you to kill things faster and get you to places faster are great