Just an idea for a weapon we may be getting. This is not based on any facts, just something I think could be implemented. It could work for sword or mace if you tweak a few words (change blade to club and sword to mace). Thought you guys would enjoy some more ideas
A. Fire lash: Lash out with your sword aided by the power of fire. Range: 450 Cast time: .1 second Enemies hit: 5
B. Burning edge: Bring your enhanced sword backdown on your foes. Range: 450 Cast time: .1 second. Enemies hit: 5
C. Impact: Deliver a powerful uppercut with your sword, causing an explosion on impact and blinding nearby enemies. Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Enemies hit: 5
A. Fire Leash: extend a tendril of fire out towards your foe, teathering them with fire and burning them every second they are teathered. Range: 900 Cast time: .5 seconds. Enemies hit:1. Teather duration: 3 seconds
B. Retrieval: Retireve your flaming leash. Range: 900. Cast time: .5 seconds. Knockdown duration: 1 second
3. Backdraft:
Stab your sword into the ground causing a backdraft that deals heavy damage and locks back your foes.
Damage: 1900. Radius: 240. Cast time: .5 seconds. Knockback range: 100. Knockdown duration: 1.5 seconds
1. A. Current: slice your blade across your foes driven by the current of the ocean.
Range: 450. Cast time: .1 second. Enemies hit: 3
B. Crash: bring your sword down on your foes with the power of a crashing wave: range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Enemies hit: 3
2. Whirlpool: summon a whirl pool to protect around you, giving out AoE healing and damage.
Radius: 180. Cast time: .2 seconds. Duration: 5 seconds. Healing: 700 health per pulse. Damage: 750 per pulse. 1 pulse per second. Foes hit: 5
3. Torrent: Rush forward in a surge of water, stunning your foe: Range: 900. Cast time: .4 seconds. Stun duration: 1 second
1. A. Obsidian Wrath: slice your fle with the extended reach of Obsidian: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Does hit: 5
B. Obsidian Revenge: Follow up with a second, more powerful strike that crippled your for: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Foes hit: 5
C. Obsidian Destruction: finish your foe with a massive strike that nothing survives:
Range: 500 Cast time: .4 seconds. Foes hit: 1. Damage: 1500
2. Earthen Tendrils: Plunge your sword into the earth, summoning tendrils all around you that immobilize foes: Radius: 260. Cast time: .5 seconds. Immobilize duration: 4.5 seconds. Tendril duration: 5 seconds. Pulse: Every 2.5 seconds. Damage per pulse: 1000
3. Surge: Surge forward with the pulse of an Earthquake, knocking down all foes in your path. Range: 600. Cast time: .3 seconds. Knockdown duration: 2 seconds
1. A. Aerial strike: Strike as fast as wind, damaging your foes: Range: 450. Cast time: instant. Enemies hit: 5
B. Brilliant slash: slash your foe with a strike so fast it cuts straight through even the strongest materials. Range: 450. Cast time: .1 seconds. Enemies hit: 5. Damage: 1000
C. Electric release: Stab at your foe, electrifying the air around your sword: Range: 450. Cast time: .2 seconds. Damage: 600. Stun duration: .5 seconds
2. Thunderbolt: Summon a thunderbolt to conduct through your sword and into the earth, damaging all foes around you: Radius: 260. Cast time: .5 seconds. Damage: 1200
3. Electric reaction:launch an arc of lightning at your foe which spread to all of the surrounding foes, dazing them all. If there are no surrounding foes, the foe is electrocuted with high voltage and stunned. Range: 900. Daze duration: .5 seconds. Stun duration: 3.5 seconds. Cast time: .5 seconds. Damage when arced: 700. Damage with no arc: 1500
Just something that I would enjoy on my ele Any thoughts or comments? What do you guys think about getting a sword/mace and what should it do?
Edit: Corrected some spelling.
(edited by oscuro.9720)