Idea for Lightning Hammer

Idea for Lightning Hammer

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Hey, I understand where ArenaNet is coming from that Lightning Hammer (and Frost Bow) are probably a little too overloaded with excess power. But I am worried that they might cut power from the wrong places. The Hammer pretty much justifies scepter and makes up for its lack of autoattack DPS, which seems pretty balanced on paper – you lose the conjure if you have to drop it or get downed, and you only have the conjure for a limited amount of charges and time, so it’s a temporary replacement.

I think the real issue lies in the spammable blast finisher on the Hammer’s autoattack. If that was removed, then its excess power would be trimmed away – the elementalist would need to be careful about properly stacking might with its weapon skills instead of just autoattacking over a staff elementalist’s lava font.

Maybe summoning the Hammer could also cause just one blast finisher at the target location, too, to make up for the loss in a meaningful way.

Idea for Lightning Hammer

in Elementalist

Posted by: Quin Marino.6384

Quin Marino.6384

The blast finisher is literally the only redeeming thing about lightning hammer at the moment. The damage is already very weak compared to staff. The party support was the only reason to ever bother with LH. Now that warriors will have easy access to Phalanx Strength and all their DPS traits, elementalists won’t really ever have a reason to run lightning hammer, unless it gets a significant buff. Instead however, since ANet is nerfing it, it will likely become even more useless.