Ideas about conjures

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


I think its ok to share your conjured second weapons with others. But I think it would be nice to have another trait in fire, or anywhere really, that will allow your second weapon to not summon and you will have the extra charges with the one conjured in your hand.

I don’t mind sharing, but its usually when I need it most that someone takes my conjured weapon.

This way, it still allows people to conjure up the second weapon if you chose. But give us players that use conjures as a psuedo weapon swap from range to melee and vice versa, to utilize both conjured weapon without traveling back to get it, and losing any combo’s we were in the process of finishing.

Also, we do get our attunement weapon swap skills replaced to just one elemental theme, so I think it would be only fair that we at least get a way for our mainhand weapon stats and upgrade transfer to said weapon we just conjured.

These are all just ideas I was thinking about after noticing people taking my fiery GS and wasting it. Again just ideas, but something needs to change how these wonderful weapons on paper are just not ground breaking to consider using.

(edited by mega.7816)

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: Calle.8746


Conjured weapons is a ridicilous joke. I often feel like the spell was not quite finished but Anet ran out of time. I do indeed find the conjured weapons useful at time (only in PvE though) but they should be so much more. Never used or seen anyone use (atleast not anyone who know how to play) any conjured weapons in sPvP. Wich is sad, cuz’ the idea of conjured weapons is so awesome.

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Never used or seen anyone use (atleast not anyone who know how to play) any conjured weapons in sPvP.

There’s probably some niche use for them that only a brilliant player can come up with, but I’ll agree to your main point. They’re too weak. One of the issues with them is that you lose your weapon’s bonusses when you use the conjured weapon. That puts them at an immediate disadvantage compared to your normal skills.

The second issue is that you suddenly lock yourself into a single skill bar, which is really hindering the elementalist themselves given their playstyle. And then the issue comes up that there’s too little they can do that you cannot also accomplish by swapping attunements.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


This is why they should be our only means of weapon swap. Give them stats based off our weapons we have equipped. Get rid of the second weapon and add the charges to the conjured weapon in your hand.

If done right that could also help eliminate the other major flaw with elementalist which is if you start a fight with ranged you are stuck with ranged. I would love to throw in fiery gs or hammer with my staff build. Or using daggers with a frost bow. This gives us more options. And it just seems that conjures are just half complete.

I want to really love them and depend on them more. I never really liked pets, but I am stuck with elements as the only decent elite. Why can’t conjures, especially the elite one, be game changing?

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Agree… conjured weapons will be terrible until they cease to lockout the other attunements’ skills for their duration.

downed state is bad for PVP

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


It would be all fine and well if they balanced damage around other melee weapons and then added armor bonus that brought ele armor to be on par with either medium or heavy depending on weapon.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: histerico.6153


conjures would be much better if they had either charges or a time limit, not both

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


I would prefer getting the option to disallow every player not in my party to pick up my stuff; it’s annoying when you try to play a Conjure Ele and you don’t have a weapon for about half of the time because some random picked up your weapon or play a Warrior and someone steals your Banner.

I wouldn’t mind if the charge system is removed but the time limitation needs to stay, otherwise you can equip your entire team with those weapons. Other that that I like the general design of the Conjure skills, meaning locking you out of all your attunements and a fairly long cooldown. You can choose to give up all your previous skills for a more straight-forward weapon which gives Eles the face-roll play style many players want. They may not be good enough for this role though, but lets see what the next patch brings regarding that.

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rolyate.6753


The air hammer is good for a bunker ele holding a point. Other than that, they just seem clunky and too difficult to use.

How do you pronounce your name?

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: soraky.7418


I do think there’s untapped potential here, but for conjures to be effective, I think both of these things have to happen.

1. Conjures retain weapon and attunement bonuses.
2. Conjures become switchable (F5) in and out for as long as the duration is active.

I have no problem with the charges and/or the duration, since I believe that only makes sense. Would I like more charges? Sure. But it’s a lot harder to justify using a util slot just for a weapon you’ll use all of 5 seconds before switching out due to cooldowns, much less an elite.

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: Koega.8653


I would be interested in the conjures to be merged into 1 ability. Keep the timer/charges, but the conjured weapon changes based on attunement. If you are fire, make it the axe. Switch to water, it becomes the bow. Air = hammer, and earth = shield. This would let you switch around attunements, but I don’t think it would be too overpowered because you still would have your same charges/timer.

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: soistheman.7208


I think conjures should be switchable weapon like other professions can switch weapons. While using conjurers you only get 5 skills but you can swap to original weapon such as staff then you get 20 skills. And as you need you can swap to conjures as long as conjures is not expired.

Elementalist lover since GW1. It’s the only profession I play!

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: Davkuras.6495


I will probably disagree with the request to allow them to be switched out. 1) I never seem to have a problem getting th bow back when I need it so just drop the thing if you need to switch to other skills. 2) I think this could imbalance ele by giving them even more weapon skills than other classes and you don’t want to start having every ele carry conjure weapon just because of that.

The thing I think the biggest flaw is that they are treated as “Environmental Weapons” rather than their own category. Because of this, they don’t take advantage of weapon trait skills that should be able to work with the conjures. If I conjure a Frost Bow, am attuned to Water, AND have reduce CD by 20% &/or do 20% more damage to vulnerable targets then my Frost Bow should benefit from that. Why should an ele be on equal footing with his conjure weapon as the warrior who runs by & picks up the extra one?

(edited by Davkuras.6495)

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nageth.5648


As far as why they’re only good in PvE, it is because they’re so insanely situational that you have to be able to plan ahead to find a use for them (e.g., you’re d/d and need to use the frost bow on a boss fight). The only time I use them in WvW is if the other team is careless and stands above me on the edge of a cliff and I pull them off it with the shield (basically, my use for it could be entirely replaced by a grab/pull skill with the corresponding cd).

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alurazle.5430


The only conjured weapons I equip is:

1. Ice bow
reason: Amazing aoe (very usesful in AC dungeons for the burrows) and I feel like Ashe from league of legends.

2. Firery greatsword
reason: plinx farming at cursed shore to take up the most skills with its aoe auto attack.


Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: Davkuras.6495


I would be interested in the conjures to be merged into 1 ability. Keep the timer/charges, but the conjured weapon changes based on attunement. If you are fire, make it the axe. Switch to water, it becomes the bow. Air = hammer, and earth = shield. This would let you switch around attunements, but I don’t think it would be too overpowered because you still would have your same charges/timer.

I think combining this with my above idea would be the best outcome as it would truly allow conjures to be situational. Right now, they suck as situational because each one would have to take up a utility slot since you can’t switch once the battle starts. Koega’s idea would allow you to pull the correct conjure for the job AND my idea would make them more effective at doing that job.

Koega’s idea also balances mine because now they have 1 shared cooldown so they can’t spam one conjure after another if they are made more effective. I also thing they should create 3 more elite conjures so this idea can also be applied to Elite skills for the hardcore conjurer. I mean what is an ele’s other choice: a summon that doesn’t last long in PvP or Tornado, which has become a popular choice only because the other choices aren’t as viable.

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

practice NPC’s with lava axe

IMHO the conjures should be in low arcane builds.
I really dont care about the extra weapon yet. maybe later when i learn more tactics around it. I would rather the weapon conjure wasnt ground targeted. It complicates its use and delays its cast for very little benefit.

(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: Melchior.2135


If Conjures worked like Engineer Kits, I would use them constantly. I would fill my whole utility bar with them, and then feel bummed that I couldn’t fit in more. That would probably be a little much though. If they added a trait to make swapping to them just a button click, no ground target, and increase the active time of the first one by 50% to make up for not having the second one to pick up, I’d take however many points necessary in the trait line providing that to get it.

Of course, the only one I’m really thrilled with mechanically as well as conceptually is the Lightning Hammer. And I wouldn’t use that in PvP.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


I was playing around with the frost bow yesterday, seemed good for 1 thing, breaking doors and treb, they fixed that, oh well back to cleansing fire

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows