If they nerf the ele I will...

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


In this thread https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/Quick-update
where JonathanSharp talks about class balance & nerfs he added:

Oh ya, wanted to add: yes, we’re watching Mesmers, bunker Guardians and tank heal Ele’s. Forgot to add that.

Since reducing elementalist healing would hurt most of the builds and our damage/survivality is already too low, what will you do if the class is nerfed again?

Maybe its time to leave this sinking ship the ele has become.

Up Rerroll

(edited by Rerroll.9083)

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Victor.5819


Every ele please plays poorly so we could get buff again. lol

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rack.4930


I dunno, at the moment I’m playing Ele because he’s my highest level toon and at present has the greatest gold income potential. As long as that remains true and as long as I don’t have the 6-7gold needed to buy my last 2 character slots I’ll play him. Then I’ll bench him until they get fixed, if that’s never, well, pity because I like the idea and the gameplay style.

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Galdethriel.7524


It really depends for me – I love my elementalist but I have a really difficult time playing her already. Even if the class isn’t underpowered as far as pure numbers are concerned, the difference in difficulty makes them underpowered. So it’ll really be a case of how much more difficult they become as a result. I may have no choice but to shelf mine permanently.

Embrace simplicity! :D

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Lord they want to nerf one of, it not the only, decent builds we have, please pass your mercy on to the developers of this lovely game, amen.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Talsi.1469


If they nerf the ele I will… be very sad and roll a warrior.

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
and I’m not sure about the former.” Albert Einstein

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


This is like playing my shaman in warhammer all over again. QQ

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taikanaru.5746


I’ve been thinking about making a warrior for a while. They seem a bit boring though.

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


ill just roll a fotm thief and use my one button wins i guess. then that will get boring in about a week and i’ll end up quitting =\

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Atrixer.9275


Elementalist = Irelia

Better nerf Irelia.

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: STRanger.5120


ill just roll a fotm thief and use my one button wins i guess. then that will get boring in about a week and i’ll end up quitting =\

Thief is not boring m8, just much stronger in the terms of pure dmg and utility in Weapon skills. At least for PvE purposes (I´ve not played PvP with him much, but I guess that Thief is strong in there too, according to ppl who cry about backstab/pistol whip builds. I´ve just played him to lvl 80 and left him as an alt, because I really want to play Ele as my main). I like the animations and the combat style generally, not boring at all And not even facerolling like warrior is, HS was nerfed (good change) and even the backstabb is not that easy to land if you stand against a player with “know-how”.

#ELEtism 4ever

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

never said he would nerf those profession though… only said he would watch them. Could mean he watches them to see which one he needs to buff and which one he needs to nerf

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: sachiel.8051


We should have a sit-in on the thief board and talk about all our elementalist problems there. It’s where the dev’s are probably hanging, chatting about their preferred class, so our posts will finally get read.

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


We should have a sit-in on the thief board and talk about all our elementalist problems there. It’s where the dev’s are probably hanging, chatting about their preferred class, so our posts will finally get read.

As a Thief main with an Elementalist Alt, I can assure you we don’t get as much hang out time.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Celine.3287


We should have a sit-in on the thief board and talk about all our elementalist problems there. It’s where the dev’s are probably hanging, chatting about their preferred class, so our posts will finally get read.

I’m quite certain Warrior is their preferred class.

It’s all about the money~

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Novalight.7568


Can much easily counter a warrior than thief (at least you can see the kitten bugger).

@Warmage: yeh, go hope, if they were just watching them, they’d say they watch eles (I’d interpret that as “it can go either way”), if they say they’re watching a specific ele build I’d interpret that as “they think it has too much survivability” (since people are doing good with them and surviving (what novel concept, a build that enables you not to die, must nurrf nao)).

Ah kitten can’t help being sarcastic and a bit jaded every time I’m on ele forums. Sorry dudes . But hey, I can hope they’ll fix our skills by christmas! It’s coming soon, Santa, bring ele fixes plox!

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: drinkmore.8053


Are u serious? Nerfing ele while ele’s have almost died off in sPVP?

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Isila.2574


I like the playstyle of elementalist. I like the concept of elementalist. I even enjoy playing elementalist, in situations where I don’t have to be concerned about performance.

But to reduce the performance of elementalist any further is to render the class unplayable by anyone who is serious about the content they play in. It is barely viable to play a class that has to work so much harder to put up the same performance as other classes; it will be outright non-viable to play a class that has to work so much harder to put up LESS performance than other classes.

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordXy.4278


they will nerf every build that counters GC thieves and warriors. I guess in their point of view, this game should be battle of the glass cannon types if we’re not allowed to make tanky classes like tank guardian, mesmers and elementalists. Although it’s pretty clear who will win the battle of glass cannons. Compared to thieves and warriors we have lower damage output and lower survivability as well. Being a tank is what makes this class better than any classes.

And don’t give me some BS reasons like maybe I was building my elementalist wrong. I tried to build an elem with max dps output. (Berserker exotic set + accessories ) 30 fire 30air in traits and it’s still not near on the dps output of my thief which doesn’t even have a point in the power trait.

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: KogarasuMaru.7036


If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


finally some good news :d

Up Rerroll

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: noobdestroyer.4271


From what I read, they didnt say they were nerfing the class. THey said they were watching it… So it could be the other way around, we could get a boost. And they did say Heal/tank spec so I woudnt worry about them lowering our dps. no way that will happen, its already way to low. Arenanet is not that kitten.

I dont think the heal/support spec should be nerfed either. So long as their is 1 support ele on each team in SPVP, they are balanced as far as I am concerned. Now put 1 team with a good support ele, and the other team without 1, then yea its probably gonna be one sided

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wasselin.1235


At this point isn’t that the best option an ELEMENTALIST has?

Don’t be naive noobdestroyer, when they say they are watching a specific trait build for a class it isn’t to buff it. He goes on to say that some elementalist survival is too high— that makes me think there vision for this class is for it to only be played as glass cannon. From what I’ve seen and heard elementalist survivability requires giving up almost all offensive power.

“Please find my dear friends… Dead or Alive” -redmakoto

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


I don’t see what’s wrong with an Ele speccing for support and survivability at the cost of damage? Why do they need to nerf that? Not everyone wants to be a pew pew machine. They’re even talking about nerfing the Guardian’s survivability/support spec as well (which also does no damage).

I get that they want to get rid of the trinity tank/healer/dps setup but that doesn’t mean that everyone in the game should be a damage dealer. Isn’t this game supposed to cater to all playstyles?