Imagine pve

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527



could you describe Ele pve for me?
Like could you describe an interesting fight and share what you do in such a fight?
Which spells do you use and when?

I am asking this to help me imagine how Ele pve looks like.

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mahuyo.3079


- Ride the Lightning
- Updraft
- Fire Attunement
- Burning Speed
- Ring of Fire
- Fire Grab

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: Remedy.3429


- Ride the Lightning
- Updraft
- Fire Attunement
- Burning Speed
- Ring of Fire
- Fire Grab

I logged in to say “no” to this.

Even if you are using d/d in pve this is not what you would do. Where is the lightning whip?

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mahuyo.3079


- Ride the Lightning
- Updraft
- Fire Attunement
- Burning Speed
- Ring of Fire
- Fire Grab

I logged in to say “no” to this.

Even if you are using d/d in pve this is not what you would do. Where is the lightning whip?

Sorry, was kind tic when posting. I only use low dmg skills when i’m waiting in down time. And yes 1 and 2 skills on ele are lower dmg skills.
And hey i’m a burst ele who does 10k + on dmg, and that is how I do it.

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: Horus.9685


Wasnt there a thread like this allready somewhere? like the same title?
anyway ignore Mahuyo since he is an allmighty pvp’er and we noobisch pve’ers do not comprehend the level at wich he playes.
In the General pve setting elle is taken for its supirior dps offered by staff and icebow, as well as its great offensive team buffing- namely prebuffing might and fury
when you know what you are doing you are a god in pve as long as you have a party to watch you back a little, if not the earth elemental is you best buddy
glypf of storm offers great utility and is usefull in each variant it comes with mostly used however is it in air and earth for blind/ vouln

The meta is dead, long live the meta.

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: Neko.9021


It depends on your build entirely. Ele has a lot of builds for PvE. For example, if you’re a Staff Ele, you basically spend your time trying to land as many ticks of Lava Font as possible, while also inserting various DPS increasing skills like Meteor Shower, Glyph of Storms, and Ice Bow 4 into your rotation as well. If you’re playing a Dagger Fresh Air Ele, you’re basically spamming Lightning Whip and trying to get as many of your other attunement’s higher damaging skills into your rotation, and then go right back to Air Attunement for more Lightning Whip spam (trying to proc as many Lightning Strike procs as you can as well). You also use Glyph of Storms and Ice Bow for more damage as well.

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mahuyo.3079


Wasnt there a thread like this allready somewhere? like the same title?
anyway ignore Mahuyo since he is an allmighty pvp’er and we noobisch pve’ers do not comprehend the level at wich he playes.
In the General pve setting elle is taken for its supirior dps offered by staff and icebow, as well as its great offensive team buffing- namely prebuffing might and fury
when you know what you are doing you are a god in pve as long as you have a party to watch you back a little, if not the earth elemental is you best buddy
glypf of storm offers great utility and is usefull in each variant it comes with mostly used however is it in air and earth for blind/ vouln

1. I really think there is a hint of sarcasm, but I main pve.
2. I was being generous on my dmg because I can hit a lot higher

(edited by Mahuyo.3079)

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: Horus.9685


Wasnt there a thread like this allready somewhere? like the same title?
anyway ignore Mahuyo since he is an allmighty pvp’er and we noobisch pve’ers do not comprehend the level at wich he playes.
In the General pve setting elle is taken for its supirior dps offered by staff and icebow, as well as its great offensive team buffing- namely prebuffing might and fury
when you know what you are doing you are a god in pve as long as you have a party to watch you back a little, if not the earth elemental is you best buddy
glypf of storm offers great utility and is usefull in each variant it comes with mostly used however is it in air and earth for blind/ vouln

1. I really think there is a hint of sarcasm, but I main pve.
2. I was being generous on my dmg because I can hit a lot higher

No sarcasm i just never thought anyone remotly sane would use d/d in pve…. i mean everything is viable but that is as far from optimal as it can be without trolling on purpose

The meta is dead, long live the meta.

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: P Fun Daddy.1208

P Fun Daddy.1208

Yeah PvE is mostly staff, with some scepter/focus lightning hammer. Occasionally d/f is used for utility, like in some skip areas the focus skills are nice and some dagger skills are useful, but people tend to switch back to their damage weapons for actual fights.

I recommend lightning hammer because you will at least have to learn some rotation skills, staff tends to be somewhat boring if effective.

Lightning hammer is also better if your group doesn’t have a whole lot of might, staff has a hard time keeping more than six stacks on its own but LH can hold onto 20+ for the whole group (blast finisher on auto + 2 on weapons, but if you already have all support roles filled (might, reflects) staff is better.

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: Horus.9685


Yeah PvE is mostly staff, with some scepter/focus lightning hammer. Occasionally d/f is used for utility, like in some skip areas the focus skills are nice and some dagger skills are useful, but people tend to switch back to their damage weapons for actual fights.

I recommend lightning hammer because you will at least have to learn some rotation skills, staff tends to be somewhat boring if effective.

Lightning hammer is also better if your group doesn’t have a whole lot of might, staff has a hard time keeping more than six stacks on its own but LH can hold onto 20+ for the whole group (blast finisher on auto + 2 on weapons, but if you already have all support roles filled (might, reflects) staff is better.

even if you dont have the support rolles filled its better
I use staff when duoing or trio dungeons/ fracttals
when the pug is so bad u need to play lh for blinds/ might ull probably die in meele range anyway ._.

The meta is dead, long live the meta.

Imagine pve

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mahuyo.3079


It’s more fun to run daggers because I’m getting a cut of the action. I kinda hate using staff I general pve because of the stupid rangers, who just spam 2 and when the see a field coming down the hit 4, knocking things out of my fields. Scepter, I used at the beginning a little when I wanted range, but all I did was use air 1 mainly, and cycled thought 2 and I think 3 when needed. And I would really prefer wvw compared to pvp because my dmg would be higher ppl then with then dmg cap in pve/wvw.