Improved Conjure Weapons
The fundamental problem is you, nor anyone else, understands what niche Conjured Weapons are supposed to fill. Are they meant to be long term combat alternatives similar to Engineer packs? Are they meant to be short term, slightly more powerful alternatives to base attacks? Are they meant to be an alternative to swapping attunements? We could speculate forever but the only people who have the answer is Arena Net.
That creates the problem of anytime anyone makes a suggestion it could be flying in the face of what they intended the design to be. I kinda wish they’d come out and outline what they intended for each sub set of utility but I doubt that’ll ever happen.
That said I do like the picking up the second weapon doubling charges. Gets annoying when you gotta pick it back up mid auto attack chain on a Lightning Hammer.
I would use them more if you could switch back to your weapon skills, and back again to the conjured weapon.
Right now, the only use I give them is frost bow for AC and greatsword for getting away in WvW.
I’d use them more if swapping attunementa dropped them, because that normally throws a wrench in my gears…
PS: if you wanna go glass cannon going 30/30/10/0/0 + lightning hammer = 5k crits on final auto attack +3k crits off normal auto attacks post 2s stun + KB + Daze combo. Then it just gets ridiculous with grounded and bolt to the heart…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I would use them more if you could switch back to your weapon skills, and back again to the conjured weapon.
Right now, the only use I give them is frost bow for AC and greatsword for getting away in WvW.
This here, they should function similar to banners where you can drop them and use an ability and pick it back up.
I would use them more if you could switch back to your weapon skills, and back again to the conjured weapon.
Right now, the only use I give them is frost bow for AC and greatsword for getting away in WvW.
This here, they should function similar to banners where you can drop them and use an ability and pick it back up.
I would approve of this…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Waiting for mobs to have weaknesses…
Anyway, as a Necromancer I trait for the weapons I have and skills I plan to use. Picking up a weapon so generously produced just nerfs my skills. I would rather Elementalists dropped a sigil that could add a small amount of elemental damage, condition, or boon to the weapon I am using.
I would use them more if you could switch back to your weapon skills, and back again to the conjured weapon.
Right now, the only use I give them is frost bow for AC and greatsword for getting away in WvW.
This here, they should function similar to banners where you can drop them and use an ability and pick it back up.
Yeah. The thing is, when you play an elementalist like it’s supposed to be played, you are constantly swapping attunements. If you use any type of conjured weapon, you end up confined to 5 static skills for quite a while, unless you swap it out and waste the cooldown. This seems out of place considering the way the whole profession is designed.
Conjured weapons make any elementalist accustomed to opportunely swapping attunements feel naked.
I just assumed they were there to offer us the same flexibility every other class has included in the Weapon Swap mechanic. Warriors can change from Melee to Ranged with the press of a button (e.g. from Greatsword to Rifle). D/D Elementalists can’t. However, we can bring Frost Bow and effectively swap to ranged for a short time at the cost of one Utility Slot.
I’ve always found them best used for a couple of skills, and then dropped immediately.
I just assumed they were there to offer us the same flexibility every other class has included in the Weapon Swap mechanic. Warriors can change from Melee to Ranged with the press of a button (e.g. from Greatsword to Rifle). D/D Elementalists can’t. However, we can bring Frost Bow and effectively swap to ranged for a short time at the cost of one Utility Slot.
I’ve always found them best used for a couple of skills, and then dropped immediately.
But take the greatsword, for instance. It’s an elite skill on a long cool down. Seems like using it for a couple of skills and then dropping it would be wasting the slot.
I just assumed they were there to offer us the same flexibility every other class has included in the Weapon Swap mechanic. Warriors can change from Melee to Ranged with the press of a button (e.g. from Greatsword to Rifle). D/D Elementalists can’t. However, we can bring Frost Bow and effectively swap to ranged for a short time at the cost of one Utility Slot.
I’ve always found them best used for a couple of skills, and then dropped immediately.
But take the greatsword, for instance. It’s an elite skill on a long cool down. Seems like using it for a couple of skills and then dropping it would be wasting the slot.
I think conjure weapons should be able to pick up again after drop them like environmental weapons until time or usage expires.
I’ve always seen Ele as the class in the game that can carry an entire party. Give everyone heals, might, protection, extra DPS, have teleports for dungeon traps, etc. A good ele improves the survival and DPS of the whole party. On top of that, they get conjured weapons.
Conjured weapons are more than just standard weapon skills to swap to for fun or DPS (as they indeed hit harder than standard weapons) – they all have roles. Targeted AoE, CC, gap closers. Have a boss that takes a lot of chasing and a slow melee party member? Drop him a fiery sword. Have barrows to kill? Give an Ice Bow. Need to reign in a chunk of trash with some CC? Pop that hammer/shield. I do see fiery axe as a bit of a watered down Fiery GS (as it is also a gap closer and aoe provider), but the fact that it has 1/3rd the cooldown it would win if not for the fact Eles can spare an Elite slot more easily than a utility.
I personally love the conjures as they are. And if you happen to love using them for your standard attack over your standard attacks (though I would advise against this at higher levels as you lose overall flexibility and survivability), the trait Conjurer with no one picking up your secondary is more than enough to spam skills and have the cooldown off when your second one vanishes. Extensions are not needed. The ability to insta pick up the other to double charges/duration would be too OP as at that point you might as well just double the weapon (not to mention a bit greedy).
The only reason why you don’t see conjures everywhere in WvW/PvP is that cantrips are so much better for survival (which is why most people load 2 or 3), and arcanes are better for DPS without giving up the flexibility of your root attack skills. I still use them in dungeons. If anything needs improvement on Ele, it’s the glyphs. So pretty on paper, but so meh when trying to use them.
I just assumed they were there to offer us the same flexibility every other class has included in the Weapon Swap mechanic. Warriors can change from Melee to Ranged with the press of a button (e.g. from Greatsword to Rifle). D/D Elementalists can’t. However, we can bring Frost Bow and effectively swap to ranged for a short time at the cost of one Utility Slot.
I’ve always found them best used for a couple of skills, and then dropped immediately.
But take the greatsword, for instance. It’s an elite skill on a long cool down. Seems like using it for a couple of skills and then dropping it would be wasting the slot.
Why? It gives you some high-damage, high-mobility attacks to use when all your good stuff is on cooldown with your normal weapons. It sounds like a decent deal to me, especially if you’re traited into Fire and get bonus damage on Burning.