(edited by Mistra.4087)
Is ANet happy with the current tempest?
Considering that the same dev who lead development on Dragonhunter and Daredevil also did Tempest, and they received post BWE3 updates and Tempest did not (though we did get earthen proxy baseline and the invigorating torrents traits super last minute, both of which are amazing) I would hazard to guess that anet plans to say something about Tempest in the not too distant future.
Call me optimistic.
PS please show warhorn air and fire some love!
I’m begging here.
I hope the balance will come soon.
the major issue with the current perception of the Tempest is purely it was not Sword, it Was another Supportive half bunkerish Traitline for a Proffession which Already had this, this has upset quite alot of players Because they wanted something new and refreshing, a Different playstyle for the elementalist, Tempest simply did not reach that.
Is the Tempest bad? No, not by a mile, it isnt perfect it is having flaws, but it does work and it is viable tbh. my major notices in the proffession would be:
Warhorn skills, They just take forever to really go anywhere, It seems without the enemy being physically rooted or baited into close combat with you landing this consistently is proving harder then it should be.
Rebound, its a good ability, but its kinda Like a last trigger move then anything to use for situations, u press it as a panic button to try survive, on paper it looks good but tbh its just a weaker version of what the berserker has now.. the healings pretty low.
Water – The overload isnt worth the penalty it costs to realistically use, i could see water needing slight tweaking atleast in its overload atleast.
should Anet feel ashamed of this release, No, the bad feedback on it is just because it isnt what alot of players wanted, i dont think its bad, its good at what is doing what you haved to remember is, Elementalist were wildly overpowered before this expansion, they were bandwagoned and even a meta team comp was built from 4 Elementalists, they dont want this to repeat so buffing them is a Slight discomfort for Anet.
When condi damage takes a nerf (due to how wild it is) anet will prolly find it easier to buff the Tempest, and we prolly wont see the changes til the big balancing patch before raiding, so we’ll see what happens then.
They’ll have to improve it eventually. It make no sense to leave it as it is.
Maybe they are waiting to see the stats on how many elementalists went to play other classes.
the major issue with the current perception of the Tempest is purely it was not Sword, it Was another Supportive half bunkerish Traitline for a Proffession which Already had this, this has upset quite alot of players Because they wanted something new and refreshing, a Different playstyle for the elementalist, Tempest simply did not reach that.
Is the Tempest bad? No, not by a mile, it isnt perfect it is having flaws, but it does work and it is viable tbh. my major notices in the proffession would be:
Warhorn skills, They just take forever to really go anywhere, It seems without the enemy being physically rooted or baited into close combat with you landing this consistently is proving harder then it should be.
Rebound, its a good ability, but its kinda Like a last trigger move then anything to use for situations, u press it as a panic button to try survive, on paper it looks good but tbh its just a weaker version of what the berserker has now.. the healings pretty low.
Water – The overload isnt worth the penalty it costs to realistically use, i could see water needing slight tweaking atleast in its overload atleast.
should Anet feel ashamed of this release, No, the bad feedback on it is just because it isnt what alot of players wanted, i dont think its bad, its good at what is doing what you haved to remember is, Elementalist were wildly overpowered before this expansion, they were bandwagoned and even a meta team comp was built from 4 Elementalists, they dont want this to repeat so buffing them is a Slight discomfort for Anet.
When condi damage takes a nerf (due to how wild it is) anet will prolly find it easier to buff the Tempest, and we prolly wont see the changes til the big balancing patch before raiding, so we’ll see what happens then.
Dude are you high?? rebound good? its so useless you cant even see it trigger, its literally just a protection from one 1! autoattack.
im too tired to go into the full list of whats wrong with this atrocity of a spec, im just gonna go get wasted.
I think a lot of Tempest salt also comes from the fact it’s not a ‘DPS’ spec too, even though Elementalist already has the best DPS specin base ele. Tempest does provide some extremely powerful support whilst not giving up much damage though (especially d/wh setup) to a level that Ele simply could not achieve beforehand. It helps to make high level fractals even more faceroll-able.
All in all, Tempest feels pretty powerful to me, as someone who has created a build from scratch that utilises the spec well, instead of trying to staple Tempest on top of base ele. Tempest, even in a more support role via d/wh, can still deal significant amounts of damage whilst providing large heals/perma fury/vigor/swift/regen/prot. You can also get some decent might stacking going on although I tend not to prioritise might over protection seeing as there’s usually someone else providing might, but if there isn’t a might stacker I just shift my rotation to stack it myself. Tempest just feels, at least on d/wh, that it can do everything (except ranged fighting, but that’s what your staff is for) and the only thing in the way is learning how to do it. The tradeoff is that you don’t pull off the extremely high flat damage DPS of base ele, instead only doing ‘good’ AoE DPS.
All in all, It should make it extremely useful in raids, considering druid barely does anything other than heal and some mild condi damage, meaning more than one druid is a massive hindrance to the team’s DPS.
(edited by The Comfy Chair.7265)
If overloads become more reliable in tpvp I would be happy
If overloads become more reliable in tpvp I would be happy
How do you make it more reliable with out making it “you cant stop this” it dose go off every time you do a full cast and its not bugged to randomly not go off. You need to think of overloads as a type of super from a fighting game if you miss it it sux if you land it its good. This game dose not for the most part have comply combo lock outs so cast time is the hit and miss part.
I think tempest as a class is in a good placse but there are some buffs needed. Some of the WH skills need to be changed to be more unfriendly such as keeping water field on the caster or being able to have pAoE that move with you. Some of the traits need to be re-looked at such as vigor / endrence reg on water swamping is simply not worth it, Might / weakness on shouts alone is not worth it and -100% to movement conditions is not worth it. For the most part these tools are not used so we may see them get buffs over time.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I think a lot of Tempest salt also comes from the fact it’s not a ‘DPS’ spec too, even though Elementalist already has the best DPS specin base ele.
Except, no it doesn’t.
If you’re talking pve, then ele is not top dps and will probably have huge issues in raids if the bosses are mobile.
When people say they wanted a dps spec, they’re talking about pvp. Currently there are none viable.
I think a lot of Tempest salt also comes from the fact it’s not a ‘DPS’ spec too, even though Elementalist already has the best DPS specin base ele.
Except, no it doesn’t.
If you’re talking pve, then ele is not top dps and will probably have huge issues in raids if the bosses are mobile.
This is the big thing with eles, most of our dps comes down to if the targets stays in the circle, if they move then their goes most of our dps. IDK about others, but i was hoping tempest was going to be less ground targeting dps build.
Rebound, its a good ability, but its kinda Like a last trigger move then anything to use for situations, u press it as a panic button to try survive, on paper it looks good but tbh its just a weaker version of what the berserker has now.. the healings pretty low.
Rebound is the worst elite for the class that already has the worst elites in the game. The healing is too low to do anything, and if it doesnt wind up proccing, the best you get is a random aura. Not to mention that it has absolutely nothing to do with the theme of the class whatsoever.
I think a lot of Tempest salt also comes from the fact it’s not a ‘DPS’ spec too, even though Elementalist already has the best DPS specin base ele.
I’m assuming you mean pve here so I feel I should point out that fire/air/tempest is currently the highest dps ele build for pve. Of course, it plays exactly the same as the old fire/air/water build so I can use it as yet more evidence that tempest does absolutely nothing differently to core ele.
I’m assuming you mean pve here so I feel I should point out that fire/air/tempest is currently the highest dps ele build for pve. Of course, it plays exactly the same as the old fire/air/water build so I can use it as yet more evidence that tempest does absolutely nothing differently to core ele.
Against the golem in the mists that is. Any new mob in maguuma (and that most likely include bosses and mobs in raids) is more mobile than its counterpart in central tyria.
And let’s not even go into high scale fractals where condition damage deals like twice the damage.
The solution to both of your points is to not use ele at all, not to use ele without tempest.
Exactly. And that’s why my raid team has currently 0 eles. If ele is so great at dps why both of the teams that finished beta raid encounter had 0 of them as well?
They probably are, even though generally I’ve found that the only reason people run it is that they are trying something new for the sake of something new or read a build made by somebody who says it is “optimal” dps when it makes a lot of assumptions about the mobility of the enemy and their damage.
With the lack of communication with the Elementalist community I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t give us anything or respond to any of the feedback since they already ignored the whole “We need baseline stability on overloads to make them work”. Instead they gave us a trait that you have to choose if you want to overload, or choose a trait that makes your auras a bunkery option.
If overloads become more reliable in tpvp I would be happy
How do you make it more reliable with out making it “you cant stop this” it dose go off every time you do a full cast and its not bugged to randomly not go off.
Having the payload go off even after being interrupted would make it far more reliable. You still lose out on the benefits from the channel, but it becomes less of an all or nothing.
Or the 20 second cooldown doesn’t take effect on the overload and attunement if you get interrupted. A 5 second cooldown takes effect on the overload so you have another shot at overloading or the attunment cooldown remains the same if you choose to swap out.
I feel both of those are pretty reasonable, since no other elite spec has this risk vs reward element added into their mechanics and are just straight up power creep.
(edited by MadRabbit.3179)
Tempest is pretty much the only elite prof my guild isn’t using in GvGs.
Even if Anet would be happy with it we are not.
I think the silence about it is because they are rebuilding the spec from scrap.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
I think the silence about it is because they are rebuilding the spec from scrap.
I think this is just a wishful thinking.
If overloads become more reliable in tpvp I would be happy
How do you make it more reliable with out making it “you cant stop this” it dose go off every time you do a full cast and its not bugged to randomly not go off.
Having the payload go off even after being interrupted would make it far more reliable. You still lose out on the benefits from the channel, but it becomes less of an all or nothing.
Or the 20 second cooldown doesn’t take effect on the overload and attunement if you get interrupted. A 5 second cooldown takes effect on the overload so you have another shot at overloading or the attunment cooldown remains the same if you choose to swap out.
I feel both of those are pretty reasonable, since no other elite spec has this risk vs reward element added into their mechanics and are just straight up power creep.
Its not a bad ideal but i think it should be more like a wind up the longer you channel the stronger the end effect kind of like a hold down charge that you can fire off at any time you want. You will have to make it a 3 tier or so charges though and the different between 1, 2 and 3 will need to be major. Say on the lines of level 1 charges is .25 level 2 is .35 and level 3 is 1.0 so when you do interrupt it the tempest pays a big prices to the after effect or if you need to as an tempest trigger the end effect early that it dose not become more effect to trigger it right after you start it then doing the full charge.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I think the silence about it is because they are rebuilding the spec from scrap.
If only. It’s a disaster.
Awww… I really enjoy it, despite its issues. :/ It just suits my playstyle (for whatever that says about me) and it’s helpful in the jungle. I wouldn’t mind some of the improvements suggested here though.
the major issue with the current perception of the Tempest is purely it was not Sword, it Was another Supportive half bunkerish Traitline for a Proffession which Already had this, this has upset quite alot of players Because they wanted something new and refreshing, a Different playstyle for the elementalist, Tempest simply did not reach that.
Is the Tempest bad? No, not by a mile, it isnt perfect it is having flaws, but it does work and it is viable tbh. my major notices in the proffession would be:
Warhorn skills, They just take forever to really go anywhere, It seems without the enemy being physically rooted or baited into close combat with you landing this consistently is proving harder then it should be.
Rebound, its a good ability, but its kinda Like a last trigger move then anything to use for situations, u press it as a panic button to try survive, on paper it looks good but tbh its just a weaker version of what the berserker has now.. the healings pretty low.
Water – The overload isnt worth the penalty it costs to realistically use, i could see water needing slight tweaking atleast in its overload atleast.
should Anet feel ashamed of this release, No, the bad feedback on it is just because it isnt what alot of players wanted, i dont think its bad, its good at what is doing what you haved to remember is, Elementalist were wildly overpowered before this expansion, they were bandwagoned and even a meta team comp was built from 4 Elementalists, they dont want this to repeat so buffing them is a Slight discomfort for Anet.
When condi damage takes a nerf (due to how wild it is) anet will prolly find it easier to buff the Tempest, and we prolly wont see the changes til the big balancing patch before raiding, so we’ll see what happens then.
Dude are you high?? rebound good? its so useless you cant even see it trigger, its literally just a protection from one 1! autoattack.
im too tired to go into the full list of whats wrong with this atrocity of a spec, im just gonna go get wasted.
tbh, i didnt really mean it in its current balance, as a concept it is a good idea… it needs buffing MASSIVELY, but it would hold its place providing Anet do as they said and do fix the balancing problems tbh.
at the end of the day, tempest has got alot of points going against it, and tbh currently it is worth not using the specc, its not really holding anything good currently, as a concept its a rly good idea.. combining a simular thing as staff into the last 2 spots of a More offensive build isnt a bad idea… however it just needs tweaking to get it working really
i do hope it sees some changes/buffs to make it stronger… but i guess we’ll wait and see.
cant see a rework happening though lol, although it’d be hilarious if they suddenly revealed it was all a joke and we get sword XDDDD, but no it’d never happen really, it isnt April 1st
(edited by Drayos.8759)