It's time to gear up

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Psycho.8217


Hello guys,

I’ve been playing GW2 from beta and my main interest was spvp.
Although spvp and its community died, so i decided to play pve.
I hit 80lvl in 5 days with my elementalist and i need some suggestions.
What gear and trinkets stats would be the most efficient for dungeons?
I won’t ask about wvw gear and traits cos as i said i really know a lot about pvp.
Thanks for your time.


Ex-R43 Ranger “P S Y C H Ó”
Current WvW Ele “P S Y C H O O O”

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


Most efficient gear is zerker (efficiency ~ 1/time).

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Psycho.8217


Is zerker viable for dungeons?
I mean, is the survivability good enough?

Ex-R43 Ranger “P S Y C H Ó”
Current WvW Ele “P S Y C H O O O”

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


If you don’t stand like a mannequin, yes. Seeing as you’re coming from spvp that shouldn’t be a problem.

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Psycho.8217


Need further suggestions for:
1)WvW traits-weaponset-trinkets
2)PvE >> >> >> >> >>

Ex-R43 Ranger “P S Y C H Ó”
Current WvW Ele “P S Y C H O O O”

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dingle.2743


WvW: AoE is a lot more important here than sPvP due to zerg size, so most elementalists I see here are running staffs. 0/10/0/30/30 works just as well, with some minor modifications to suit the staff (e.g. Blasting Staff as the master trait from Arcana). The grandmaster trait from water isn’t so necessary; Cleansing Water can be useful, but it’s probably viable to move 10 trait points from water to another line if you want. Berserker gear is suicide against a large zerg, which leaves you with soldier’s or cleric’s. Soldier has more dps, cleric has a little more survivability at the cost of some dps (this survivability comes from many elementalist heals having a 1:1 healing power ratio; an extra 3k hp from heals every 10 seconds can beat out 8k extra starting HP against everything but burst). Cantrips remain the utilities of choice.

In open world PvE, heck, do whatever you want. Everything’s viable, thanks in part to mobs being stupid enough to get hit by scepter attacks like dragon tooth and shatterstone. Aim for a decent level of survivability in solo play; full zerker’s risky unless you know your toon perfectly.

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razor.6392


full zerker’s risky unless you know your toon perfectly.

No man PVT all the way otherwise you die wtf you want your teamss to waste time reviving you over and over i tried berserker you cant survive like that in dungeons lol so run pvt all the pros run pvt l2p ele support class not dps reroll warrior bro if you want dps


Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dingle.2743


full zerker’s risky unless you know your toon perfectly.

No man PVT all the way otherwise you die wtf you want your teamss to waste time reviving you over and over i tried berserker you cant survive like that in dungeons lol so run pvt all the pros run pvt l2p ele support class not dps reroll warrior bro if you want dps


Aim for a decent level of survivability in solo play; full zerker’s risky unless you know your toon perfectly.

Oh god, talk about taking what I said out of context. Nothing in my post was about dungeons or fractals.

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razor.6392


pvt or bust if you go zerker even moas kill you

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: SwickHobo.5096


pvt or bust if you go zerker even moas kill you

don’t listen to this guy….. i wouldn’t touch pvt will a ten foot pole. Assuming your running the typical 0/10/0/30/30 build, berserker’s is more then viable in pve for everything except perhaps 30+ FoTM. If you WvW in full zerks, you might die a lot at first, but once u get the hang of it death is nigh impossible if you play well enough just stick to the back of the pack and deny areas all day, seperate zergs and you’ll be helping a lot more then a PvT ele could dream of. If your looking for something a little more tanky clerics is a much better choice then PvT although i wouldn’t stack to much healing.

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


I think balanced is what you need .-.

that works in fotm 30+

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


Sarcasm is hard to detect these days.

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Razor is very bitter and likes to troll and cry on the Elementalist forum as an outlet. Be smart and ignore him.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


That bitterness is the result of something.

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zen.1965


Dunno what weapon your running, which really dictates a lot.

Berserker good if you can avoid taking damage. Obviously. If you’re not taking damage usually then maximize your damage dealing ability. If you’re taking damage often then you gotta toss it up.

Soldier’s: Power, Vit, Tough. Knight’s: Power, Precision, Tough. Valkyrie: Power, Vit, Crit Dmg. Cavalier: Power, Tough, Crit dmg.

Mix and match according to taste. Go PVT till you have enough Vit that you’re comfortable (typically 15-17k HP). Mostly to just give you enough reaction time vs burst and enough padding to take conditions. From there it’s all playstyle. If you can stay out of taking dmg due to the guild group you run with often or w/e and they can take the brunt of the dmg and you’re sitting back with scepter/staff, then GC it. No reason not to. Thus: berserker gear. If you’re taking dmg though, throw in knights armor, toughness being the main stat in that set but also boosts your power and precision. Gives you durability while only trading a little bit of damage for it. When you have an appreciable amount of precision (for a 20-30% crit chance, thus 40-50% under fury) focus on Power, Toughness, and Crit dmg. In other words, cavalier gear.

If I were to tell a newbie guild member how to play their ele it’d be all Knights (PPT) armor, berserker weapons (daggers, staff), exotic lvl cavalier accessories with berserker/valkyrie jewels until you get all stat ascendeds. All boon duration runes (superior monk, superior water, major water). Sigil of battle, bloodlust, and force on 3 daggers. Sigil of battle/force on your staff (with the attunement swap 3 stacks of might [4 with fire] every 10 seconds I tend to side with battle but force might give you better overall DPS havent done the math). Stomp on kitten d/d style than swap to staff when it comes to chokes/sieges. If you want to get really serious, have a full set of Knights and a full set of Berserker. When your running Knights armor + D/D and go to swap to staff for choke/siege/zerg badge farming/w.e, swap your knights armor out with Berserker’s when you swap your daggers over to staff (need to be out of combat for either).

As for dungeons the ability to survive usually outweighs the ability to do damage, thus gear changes accordingly. For WvW, what I outlined above is ideal. sPvP is it’s own beast and I won’t comment on it.

Hope I’ve helped.

Frosura master race

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razor.6392


Razor is very bitter and likes to troll and cry on the Elementalist forum as an outlet. Be smart and ignore him.

zerker elitist detected? l2pvt already bro

all the pro eles run pvt.

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

(edited by Razor.6392)

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: boondocksaint.6529


Check this guide, give you all around good info.

For PvE, Zerker gear works find for just about everything, though you have to still be quick with atonement swapping and dodging.

I think the exception is level 20+ FOTM. There you will need P/T/V or mix it into your gear with ascended stuff.

For WvW there are 2 main archetypes that work very well.
1. Nuker, this is the straight up P/P/ Crit. damage build, no exceptions on runes or trinkets (you can bring bloodlust weapon sig.) with a staff. You will have only base toughness and HP so you will go down really quick. Be in a group that can soak up the damage for you. With food buffs you will do tremendous AoE 1200 range damage. You can clear walls, help break siege lines, and with some support stop a boon spike zerg in their tracks.

2. The other good archtype is the D/D build. It is more complicated so read the guide I linked for more info, but its basic stats are P/T/V gear that will slowly change as you get better with the build. It is very fast paced but can 1v1 with the thieves and mesmers, and works great in zerg or havoc squads.

While not about armor and gear always remember to bring a focus to help block treb shots, its boring, but can be one of the most important jobs during treb wars in WvW.

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Caffynated.5713


I usually run all berserker gear unless I’m going zerg diving/dueling in WvW or fighting large numbers of veteran mobs.

The survivability that you get from the standard cantrip build is generally enough against most people. The only real threats are high burst builds and tanky DPS ele/guardian. I just scraped myself off the ground after a heartseeker hero hit me for 10.8k. 120% crit damage means pain.

I’ve yet to find PvE content where I felt like I needed more survivability. High level fractals are dodge or die no matter what you wear.

“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Psycho.8217


First of alI, i would like to thank you all for taking the time to comment and voice your personal opinion.
I am currently playing scepter-dagger zerker equipment, just like on the past paid tournaments. However, on pve none of you mentioned smthn about s/d. Why?
Thanks again.

Ex-R43 Ranger “P S Y C H Ó”
Current WvW Ele “P S Y C H O O O”

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


However, on pve none of you mentioned smthn about s/d. Why?

I’m not really sure about that, as Scepter +Dagger is pretty good in PvE. After all the AI doesn’t walk out of Dragon’s tooth and lets you set up a pretty nice might stacking combo. That being said, for PvE I find S/F to be better as all the dagger abilities are short ranged and kind of risky, and focus lets you survive a lot better. It gives you projectile reflection too which is awesome.

On the matter of P/V/T versus zerker, this is really up to you. I’m lazy and don’t like dodging every single thing (and go WvW a lot as D/D) so went P/V/T but of course damage suffers. Why not start with P/V/T and swap in zerker gear bit by bit until you reach a point where you don’t feel too squishy.

EDIT: Why does it censor S./D

(edited by Sunflowers.1729)

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Caffynated.5713


First of alI, i would like to thank you all for taking the time to comment and voice your personal opinion.
I am currently playing scepter-dagger zerker equipment, just like on the past paid tournaments. However, on pve none of you mentioned smthn about s/d. Why?
Thanks again.

I use D/D, S/D, and staff about equally. They all have their strengths and shine in certain situations. The gear and build don’t vary much for any of them.

I use S/D in situations where I can’t stay close because of heavy PBAoE or multiple hard hitting mobs that you can’t reliably dodge, or in medium sized WvW fights. D/D is great for most open world and dungeon content as long as you pay attention to positioning and in WvW is best for solo/small group or HAM zerg diving. Staff is great in any situation where you don’t care who you hit and just want to start knocking HP off a blob. The DPS on staff is generally too low for any sort of serious dungeon content.

“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet