Its a shame Anet...

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Lakedaimon.2803


that it needs mostly two people in spvp to kill an elementalist. It needs no skill to run around with an abnormous stack of boons, selfheal and movement, being invincible. And to top it the damage is also accordingly. Sry but this must be said. Same applies to most of the guardians. Thx!!!

(edited by Lakedaimon.2803)

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Bristleback.1530


Ele needs nerfs and I mean huge ones in every game mode to make other classes atleast being able to compete with them, just watch tournaments or speedruns to see the problem, ele is simply too strong !!!!

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: ViolentOyster.7534


Cant say I agree with the guardian part. I feel like guards are fine maybe a bit too weak if they don’t rely on broken fire damage.

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


lol Like bunker guards, engies or warriors cannot do the same.

The only difference is that we only have that bunker build that is really viable, else when we go with offensive stats we get one shot down (we still do if other classes timed it right instead of just spamming their skills). Other classes have the privilege of being able to run something else than celestial. They also have elite skills.

Cant say I agree with the guardian part. I feel like guards are fine maybe a bit too weak if they don’t rely on broken fire damage.

Guard is as OP as mesmer right now. They can do 15k with a single burst from 1200 range (with JI). On guard I can kill the Heavy golem in 2-3 seconds, on the ele it takes at least twice as long. And the guard has much more defenses while being able to use marauders amulet.

(edited by Xillllix.3485)

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


ele is fine appart from burning, burning as a whole is too strong. if you can’t take out an ele in a Xv1 situation then it’s your fault.

and everything else than d/d ele is weak and needs buffs. just because there’s 1 strong build doesn’t mean a class is fine.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Gorani.7205


I am a bit tired of people asking for “an Ele nerf”, when they should ask for a nerf to the Cantrip/trait synergy that makes Eles strong. A general “nerf” (e.g. to skills, recharge, base heal of #6 skills etc.) will only make Ele players not running the “meta build” even less likely to have variety, fun and chances in a competitive environment.

Member of The Guildwars Online Guild [GWO]
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: ionix.9054


1. mesmer – done
2. Elementalist -needs nerf
3. Guardian – needs nerf
4. ???

OK guys. We need to find who is next in the nerf queue. As classes drop we need to keep this thing filled. So who is it going to be? I dunno, some thieves hit me pretty darn hard in wvwvw…

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Eles a a whole are not to strong. The d/d cele build when well played is a moster. Its speedy, has good damage and heals/removes condies like hell. Since it uses good burning and might stacking its kitten with the hard burn stacking. So please donĀ“t whack on a class when burn is to strong.
Its a very small trick to nerf ele. Remove regeneration from soothing disruption. Maybe just give 15s vigor. This will break the cantrip sustain chain and it might bring glyphs and arcane skills back a bit.

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Chaotic.9742


Guardian has some of the most telegraphed burst ever…not sure why you think it needs a nerf. 15k burst? Sure, if you stand still and eat it all without trying to mitigate it. Also, in order to get that degree of damage they are going to be quite susceptible to spike damage/condi in a sustained fight. Regarding ele, if/once burning gets toned down, I think ele will take a huge hit in offensive capability. If they are still strong, then further nerfs can be looked at.

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: alain.1659



D/D ele needs nerfs. Please do not touch staff builds. Life is already hard for staff builds. Also;

Mesmer still needs a nerf (playing mesmer, some builds are just “wow”)
Other builds are strong but not too invincible I guess. Guardian maybe. Never liked those guys. Too shiny and goody.

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: blubberblasen.3901


ele is fine appart from burning, burning as a whole is too strong. if you can’t take out an ele in a Xv1 situation then it’s your fault.

and everything else than d/d ele is weak and needs buffs. just because there’s 1 strong build doesn’t mean a class is fine.


Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Azure.8670


I really have no problems on my minion mancer necro vs eles honestly

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Brokensunday.4098


1. mesmer – done
2. Elementalist -needs nerf
3. Guardian – needs nerf
4. ???

OK guys. We need to find who is next in the nerf queue. As classes drop we need to keep this thing filled. So who is it going to be? I dunno, some thieves hit me pretty darn hard in wvwvw…

the 4 was warrior and is done

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Zera.8907


Sorry, was this meant for the Mesmer forums? Because they’re the ones who need a butchering.

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: witcher.3197


Sorry, was this meant for the Mesmer forums? Because they’re the ones who need a butchering.

Most top teams are stacking eles now. But yeah, it doesn’t need a nerf. /s

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


eles are even stronger in team due to their boon sharing and team healing and the increased burning damage makes them one of the strongest classes with d/d for high skill players. While Staff is good in WvW and top in PvE, Scepter more for players that like it diffrent, d/d is top in small team fights.
First repair burning. If d/d eles are still to strong, then break the cantrip/water regeneration synergy (which will get eles upset…)

(edited by Wolfric.9380)

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


lol Like bunker guards, engies or warriors cannot do the same.

The only difference is that we only have that bunker build that is really viable, else when we go with offensive stats we get one shot down (we still do if other classes timed it right instead of just spamming their skills). Other classes have the privilege of being able to run something else than celestial. They also have elite skills.

Cant say I agree with the guardian part. I feel like guards are fine maybe a bit too weak if they don’t rely on broken fire damage.

Guard is as OP as mesmer right now. They can do 15k with a single burst from 1200 range (with JI). On guard I can kill the Heavy golem in 2-3 seconds, on the ele it takes at least twice as long. And the guard has much more defenses while being able to use marauders amulet.

Guardian’s are as OP as Mesmers? Lol.. There you have it folks Power Guardians are IN! Nerf Power Guards plez!
…this is why no one takes you seriously

Bunker Guardians HAVE to use a Tank amulet like Clerics and enter two tank Treelines (arguably three, if you count virtues) to sustain in a 1v2+ effectively. Your comparison is a joke.

You can make Marauders work just as well as Celestial amulet. The ratio between the two amulet’s are there, imo. People just don’t lose anything from Cele in fact, they have more to gain from it by having more sustains, considering the type of mode Conquest is.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


Why not just buff everyone else up to the ele’s and mesmer level? revert some nerfs that were made buff other classes trait healing capability increase other classes duration of protection and defensive cds? Just don’t touch ele or mesmer and we can see how that works out?

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


lol just wanted to say this is clearly a child’s rant and that Bristleback (one post history) is clearly Lakedaimon’s alt account.

PS and is this guy serious? His main is a mesmer and thinks they need buffs? OK

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: savacli.8172


-Goes to Ele forum: Ele needs nerf
-Goes to Mes forum: Mes needs nerf
-Goes to Rev forum: Beta Hype!!

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: witcher.3197


Why not just buff everyone else up to the ele’s and mesmer level?

That’s called creating powercreep, which’s a very effective way to destroy a game. They need to draw a line somewhere, and if a build goes over it the build must be nerfed.

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: MrForz.1953


lol Like bunker guards, engies or warriors cannot do the same.

On the Engi side that’s a tough one. Rarely felt outclassed this much in every aspect. It’s not quite our time.

Why not just buff everyone else up to the ele’s and mesmer level?

With a power creep in defenses or offenses, PvP could turn into a tank fest or a one shot fest and effectively ruin a game.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

(edited by MrForz.1953)

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: GROMIT.7829


Gonna have to strongly disagree with the first two posts, it takes alot of skill to play a D/D as you effectively have 4 weapon sets, now i don’t play ele much myself but it certainly isn’t an “apply face to keyboard” proffesion.

Killing a bad D/D ele who’s mashing his keyboard is very easy an ele who knows his class on the other hand is extremely difficult to kill to the point of it being madening, learn to play other classes and you’ll soon learn a mesmer can squash most bad/avg ele’s.

Understand how they open up in a fight, CC them or poison them and you’ve won half the battle, get angry and just hit them over and over and you’re just asking to get beat. You have to know when it’s time to go ham or back off and let the fight reset.

I can understand why it’s frustrating especially when you both get to 10%-15% HP and he atunes to water and it’s game over but you have to hold onto your skills for the right time, DO NOT mindlessly spam your skills Vs an ele as an ele can do it better than you.


(edited by GROMIT.7829)

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Burn eles need nerfing. It is just stupid that i can place a bunch of stacks on someone and out DPS a dps ele with little risk.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: apharma.3741


CC the ele before they get protection up, apply burst and you get a dead ele.

Personally I’d just like viable defensive alternatives to cantrips and water/arcana.

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Lakedaimon.2803


I think I am serious. And I can tell you they nerfed mesmer hard and we lost a lot of capabilities in playstyle and damage. I lost my capability to suck noobish booneles and bunkerguardians with conditions dry. Yes…I have lost condition damage!!! That needed time, sometimes I lost against really good guys, but mostly it worked because my trait was tanky enough. Now it is unplayable. Btw only for info PU is a joke against the cleaning possibilities and boon generating of other classes. Since the patch I am tired of leaving a fight against a guardian or a ele because it makes no sense to fight because nothing happen with my enemy and I get killed faster than ever. So I tell you this problem doesnt exist since two days…it exist even longer and its a kittenin problem. If you have two classes on the same level who fight against each other it needs skill to win. But for me this doesnt exist anymore and for others it never existed. A lot of eles run around in godmode.Real good players can stop a whole group, while they kill others with three shots. That is not my game.

(edited by Lakedaimon.2803)

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Carighan.6758


You should stop playing sPvP. It helps, makes GW2 worlds better to just never use sPvP except as a shortcut to LA. Seriously. WvW has enough problems, but at least they’re mitigated by being able to bring superior numbers. Not the mess that is sPvP.

Bonus: You avoid the sPvP community. That also uplifts GW2 significantly, the game becomes more enjoyable right away.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Its a shame Anet...

in PvP

Posted by: Lakedaimon.2803


That uplifts sPvP into a society of boon-elementalists, bunker-guardians, bunker-engineers, mantra-shatter-mesmer, minion-mancer and minion-rangers. Long live the diversity. Sorry but Anet is not able to balance builds and traits and there are a lot of overpowered builds and traits.