Just a quick beneficial bug for lowbies

Just a quick beneficial bug for lowbies

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sollinton.6842


Hey everyone! I’m sure this has already been reported by others, but I just figured I’d throw it out there for anybody creating a new ele.

If you travel to the Heart of the Mists (PvP zone) and swap to an attunement you have not yet unlocked, you will remain in that attunement when you return to the PvE zones. Not really a big deal, but it helps speed up the first few levels by being able to sit in Air attunement with D/x ele and killing enemies much faster than Fire or Water (Air auto attack is stronger than Fire/Water/Earth and cleaves much better than the others as well).

(edited by Sollinton.6842)

Just a quick beneficial bug for lowbies

in Elementalist

Posted by: Valento.9852


You should report this bug so the devs can fix it…..

Attempts at ele specs:

Just a quick beneficial bug for lowbies

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sollinton.6842


Not sure if you’re being serious or sarcastic, but in case you are serious:

Why? It only lasts for the first 9 levels, has no impact on competitive gameplay, has barely any impact on personal gameplay, and is not an exploit.

The only reason new players don’t get all of the attunements immediately is because ANet didn’t want them to feel overwhelmed by all of the different abilities. Being able to access attunements a few levels early doesn’t give players any real advantage, it just removes part of the tutorial phase from the game. Plus if you switch out of the locked attunement then you have to travel back to the PvP zone to use it again.

Considering the fact that ANet freely hands out level-up tomes every week, as well as consumables that immediately boost a toon to level 30, I see no reason for them to fix this bug.

If you honestly think ANet should waste time fixing this bug instead of working on actual problems with the game then you need to get your priorities in order.

Just a quick beneficial bug for lowbies

in Elementalist

Posted by: Valento.9852


Lol what? I was simply suggesting, calm the kitten down. Geez…

Attempts at ele specs:

Just a quick beneficial bug for lowbies

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sollinton.6842


Lol what? I was simply suggesting, calm the kitten down. Geez…

You know what they say about suggestions.