Keyboard and the Elementalist

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eddard.2930


Hey guys,

The way this profession is played, I’m always switching attunement and doing a lot of moving and dodging. Doing this lets me use the elementalist skillset to maximum benefit.

The problem I run into is that I bind my movement keys, abilities keys (1,2,3,4) and attunement keys (F1,F2,F3,F4) to the default settings.

This is quite a bit of work and requires a bunch of dexterity (which isn’t my strong suit).

How do you guys get around this? Or are you all much more dextrous than me? I use a standard two button mouse BTW.

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming like the people in his car.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Truga.5897


I already switched from wasd to esdf (well I tried to do it before gw, but ele made me commit to it). Makes my little finger that bit more useful.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Melkiah.2496


I binded the healing utility to Q, the first utility slot to E and the others on the mouse buttons. Works fine to me

Melkiah Soulreaper
VII Guild

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


Skills 1-5 are re-bound to my side mouse keys as Numpad 1-5 (I have a Naga Hex) and the healing/utility/elite are 1-5. F1-F4 are the same as are WASD. I think I changed a few other random shortcuts but that’s the major stuff.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


Q – Fire

E – Water

Shift Q – Lightning

Shift E – Earth

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arsenal.2601


I bind healing to the center button of the mouse.

My question is, I have a gaming keyboard with twelve additional “G” keys. It is entirely possible to bind those key with two keystrokes apiece (mini-macros, I guess you could call them). So, for example, instead of hitting F4 then 2 for to switch to an earth ability from, say, air, I could simply hit G16 and call that ability up with a single key stroke.

I’m a law abiding sort. Is this against the ToS?

“I’m always achieving greatness!”

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Looria.8019


Yo there.
The only reason I can play Ele is because of the setup im using. I just couldnt use normal keyboard because the finger acrobatics I would have to do to be able to move without restrictions and properly stance dance and cast spells, id go insane.

Below you can find my gaming setup for Elementalist.

Nostromo n52te and keybinds:

Corsair M90 and binds

I am experimenting with having attunements on Nostromo (keys 6,7,9,10) and get rid of turning with A and D. Works too.

What I love about this setup is that I dont have to move my “movement” fingers around. I am not restricted with movement. My hand is still in the same place and most of the skills are controlled by my left thumb or right thumb.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eddard.2930


Thanks guys, this is very helpful. I’ll be limbering up my pinkie! And getting a gaming mouse.

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming like the people in his car.

(edited by Eddard.2930)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Volatility.6729


Essentially all mine are very close to each other and I extensively use the Shift modifier. A lot of people don’t like that approach but this is how I’ve been gaming for a long time so it works for me:

Fire – Earth Swapping: Shift 1-4
Abilities: 1-5
Heal: Shift+F
Util 1: R
Util 2: Shift+R
Util 3: T
Elite: Shift+T

Ostrich Burger
The Patryns [TP]

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Smooth Marc.8743

Smooth Marc.8743

My keybinds are kinda like Volatility’s

Attunments are bound to 1-5
My self heal is 5
2-5 skills are bound to q,e,r,f
My 1 skill is bound to a mouse buttons
My utility skills are bound to alt+,q,e,r
My elite is bond to alt+f

Consider getting a mechanical keyboard over a gaming mouse with 5483523489 buttons on the side.In short the keys take way less force to push over a standard rubber dome keyboard.You also don’t need to push keys all the way down for a keystroke to be registered.In other words once a key is pushed halfway down the keystroke is registered.You can press as many keys as you want and it still registers all of them.

Read this if you would like more information about them.

(edited by Smooth Marc.8743)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


All attunments are bound to the D-pad. Heal is on the orange button, mist form on the thumb putton next to D-pad. Arcane blast is bound to G2 and whatever cantrip I decide is bound to G4.
1-5 is bound to this mouse. 1&2 are the two big side buttons, 3 is the small side button, 4 is the mouse wheel to the left and right, 5 is the thumb button.

(edited by Eicherjw.3926)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Michael.1268


I have a standard keyboard and a 5 button mouse with the standard right/left/middle scroll, and a thumb button and a pinky button.

I use WASD where A and D are strafe left and right. I just completely disable keyboard turning.

Skill 1 – Q
Skill 2 – E
Skill 3 – R
Skill 4 – F
Skill 5 – Z

Healing Skill – C

Util 1 – ctrl+R
Util 2 – ctrl+F
Util 3 – ctrl+V (this is what my pvp trinket in wow was bound to)

Elite – thumb mouse button
Swap Weapons – pinky mouse button (you know, for when you pick crap up accidentally)

1-4 are my attunement swaps. I’m not super comfortable with this since 4 is a bit far for me, but I’m getting more used to it.

Autorun – ~

Assuming a natural resting position with ring/middle/index finger on ASD, this will keep all your keys within 1.5 inches. Since my hands are on the small side, this is extremely helpful.

Ted Theodore Logan – Elementalist
Bill S Preston Esq – Guardian
Sea of Sorrows

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


Thanks guys, this is very helpful. I’ll be limbering up my pinkie! And getting a gaming mouse.

Eddard, if you go buy a gaming mouse, I suggest the Logitech G700 for three reasons.
1.) It’s on sale for $59.99 at Best Buy (hopefully it still is) so it’s not overly expensive.
2.) Logitech is a great brand for keyboards/mice, you’re not buying crap
3.) The button layout is PERFECT for the Ele. There are 4 buttons on the side (for your thumb), one for each attunement. 3 buttons on top (one for each utility skill), and click the mousewheel for healing. I then bind my elite to the keyboard (‘R’ specifically).

Going with a Razor Naga, or something like that is going to cost you more, and you’ll likely find that having 12 buttons on the side for your thumb is supreme overkill for this game (they’re harder to hit ‘cause they’re smaller, there are 12 of them). This is, of course, unless you play other games and want a 20 button mouse (to each his own…).

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


Thanks guys, this is very helpful. I’ll be limbering up my pinkie! And getting a gaming mouse.

Eddard, if you go buy a gaming mouse, I suggest the Logitech G700 for three reasons.
1.) It’s on sale for $59.99 at Best Buy (hopefully it still is) so it’s not overly expensive.
2.) Logitech is a great brand for keyboards/mice, you’re not buying crap
3.) The button layout is PERFECT for the Ele. There are 4 buttons on the side (for your thumb), one for each attunement. 3 buttons on top (one for each utility skill), and click the mousewheel for healing. I then bind my elite to the keyboard (‘R’ specifically).

Going with a Razor Naga, or something like that is going to cost you more, and you’ll likely find that having 12 buttons on the side for your thumb is supreme overkill for this game (they’re harder to hit ‘cause they’re smaller, there are 12 of them). This is, of course, unless you play other games and want a 20 button mouse (to each his own…).

I love logitech stuff. I have a G15 keyboard (that I don’t really use for this game) and a performance mouse. I’ve always bought logitech for gaming and only once have I had a mouse of theirs fail due to manufacturer error. All other mouse failures have been due to unexpected flights across my room from a lack of anger managment.

(edited by Eicherjw.3926)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


All other mouse failures have been due to unexpected flights across my room from a lack of anger managment.

This made me laugh. Can’t say I’ve done that, I’m pretty good about not rage quitting, but I’ve often thought about it

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lucretius.8342


First thing is, you need to start utilizing thumb buttons on your mouse. You really only need one. You can go out and buy one with 4 or you can buy a Naga with much more… unnecessary.

Thumb button = Program this to be Shift (this way the stretching on your left hand isn’t so hard)

Second, bring those Function keys down the numbers, using the modifier

Shift + 1 = Fire
Shift + 2 = etc…

With a flick of the thumb, your whole keyboard changes (if you set it up that way).

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ezkeal.7589


1-5 is normal abilities.
Shift 1-4 is my atunements
alt1-5 are my ultities.
V is dodge

-I have a naga epic so i use that not my actual keyboard. Just play with keybindings till u find something that suits you.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Weapon X.5163

Weapon X.5163

First thing is, you need to start utilizing thumb buttons on your mouse. You really only need one. You can go out and buy one with 4 or you can buy a Naga with much more… unnecessary.

Thumb button = Program this to be Shift (this way the stretching on your left hand isn’t so hard)

Second, bring those Function keys down the numbers, using the modifier

Shift + 1 = Fire
Shift + 2 = etc…

With a flick of the thumb, your whole keyboard changes (if you set it up that way).

You sir are my hero…i have a g600 w/ 1 million buttons and i am still going to do this. since i have Autorun and push to talk bound to my mouse.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ahdeeyah.1342


1,2,3,4,5 weapon skills
w,e,r for movement (no need for backwards key)
q heal skill
t weapon swap (I play other characters who can do this!)
a,s,d utilities
f use/loot
g elite
z autorun
x,c,v,b profession skills
mouse thumb button – dodge

I changed to this specifically for gw2. At first it was really awkward. Now, I have zero problems. I really recommend it. Also, don’t forget that you can move forward by holding down both mouse buttons. This will free up your left hand to push anything you want. I got used to switching between my left hand and right hand to move forward depending on whether I needed to click on something or push a button. It is easy now.

I also had fun using a keybind setup that was difficult for me at first. Maybe that’s just me though

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rhyse.8179


I use the same keybinds for every class, so I’ve got a generic set. It’s very similar to the setup I use in other games, so even the shift-strokes come naturally after so many years. If you don’t like multi-key strokes, you may be one of those people that will benefit from a gaming mouse. With practice though it’s completely unnecessary. Back in WoW (don’t start- it was ages ago for me) I had somewhere between 30 and 36 skills that I could activate with my left hand alone. With the amount of practice I have with this system, if I swapped to a gaming mouse, I’d actually be LOSING efficiency due to having to relearn everything.

1-5: skills
E,F,R,G: Utilities and Elite
Shift+E,F,R,G: Class mechanic slots (attunements)
V: Heal
Q: Autorun
Mouse 3: Dodge

“I care nothing for a festering industry that wantonly refuses to
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: MindlessRuff.1948


1,2,3,4,5 weapon skills
w,e,r for movement (no need for backwards key)
q heal skill
t weapon swap (I play other characters who can do this!)
a,s,d utilities
f use/loot
g elite
z autorun
x,c,v,b profession skills
mouse thumb button – dodge

I changed to this specifically for gw2. At first it was really awkward. Now, I have zero problems. I really recommend it. Also, don’t forget that you can move forward by holding down both mouse buttons. This will free up your left hand to push anything you want. I got used to switching between my left hand and right hand to move forward depending on whether I needed to click on something or push a button. It is easy now.

I also had fun using a keybind setup that was difficult for me at first. Maybe that’s just me though

You never feel the need to roll backwards? It is true that back peddling is bad but rolling backwards seems too useful to do away with completely.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ahdeeyah.1342


Pressing the dodge button without pressing a direction makes you roll backwards.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


You never feel the need to roll backwards? It is true that back peddling is bad but rolling backwards seems too useful to do away with completely.

You roll backwards if you stand still and press the dodge button. So there’s really no need for it at all.
I still use it though. =)

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Krisko.4093


It is true that back peddling is bad but rolling backwards seems too useful to do away with completely.

In general back peddling is bad, however, if you have control of the situation with Chilled, Knockback, Stun you can back peddle as people with two melee sets flail wildly at you.

For me,
Q = Heal
E = Elite
ZXC = Utilities
Mouse Button 4 = Target Nearest
The rest is vanilla.

My keyboard is fairly small, so jumping to the F-buttons to stance dance isn’t that big of a deal. The only issue I have is forgetting that C is no longer target nearest, so every now and then I blow a utility for no reason.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mytheos.7205


Razer Naga + Logitech G13 Gamepad ( Not keyboard, gamepad )

This will OWN…ANY game. However it barely keeps up with the Elementalist.

I had to rebind mouse scroll up and down to keys on the G13, and use the Mouse Scroll Up and Down ( And Shift+Scroll up and down) to Element switching.

My requirement is, I need to be able to move at all times, dodge at all times, jump at all times, and cast any spell at all times, switch attunments at all times, with never moving my fingers off a key, save for my thumb on the mouse an index on the mouse ( For scroll wheel )

So I can fully move, cast, switch, dodge and jump without dancing around with my fingers and not running into things like I cant move this way and do that at the same time.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: DreadShinobi.4751


I kept the attunements as F1-F4, as I’m already used to having to reach for those keys having played aion. 1-5 weapon skills were kept the same as well. I chose to ignore shift/alt/crtl keybinds all together as they just aren’t necessary for this game and it’s nice not having to push multiple buttons at the same time (as horrible as that sounds).

Q = dodge
E = heal
TFG = utilities
Y = elite

Gaming keyboard/mouse isn’t even remotely necessary for this game.

Kiiban -lvl 80 Elementalist
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


What i usualy do,

Bind movement to esdf,
give more keys near your fingers than wasd.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lavadiel.6231


my binds just match the skill placement on skills bar:

yghj – movement
asdf – attunement (use litte finger to press)
zxcv – skills 2-5 (use litte finger to press)
mouse thumb button – skill 1
m,./ – utilities (use thumb to press)
u – healing

I play attunement dependent dd build. It is not possible to play it the right way using default binding.
My binding allows access to all skills/utils while constantly moving.

Ps. I extremely enjoy playing elem. Permanent (ofc during combat) swiftness, might 1x stacks, fury, protection, auras etc. Playing an elem is like playing Virtua Fighter fighting game. All other classes are just boring …

(edited by Lavadiel.6231)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: morganabanana.3517


wasdqe – movement
1-4 – attunements
0-9 on the numpad – skills
mouse to position camera or for ground skills some

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nodorf.6580


My keybind: movement – WERD, 1-5 regular attacks, and now! thumbbuttons on mouse are alt and ctrl, so, heal is alt+5, utilities are alt+1-3, elite alt+4 and then attunements are ctrl+1-4. works for me, others look at me strange hehe

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: SlimGenre.6417


I do use a naga (although I can’t imagine using all 12 thumb buttons), and it’s incredibly easy as you can pattern the buttons any way you like. It was on sale at newegg for $50 when I picked it up, so I got it. I have something that works for me with all my professions. With my ele and mesmer I use 8 of the 12 thumb buttons, my other professions I only use 4. I have my F1-F4 keys as well as heal and utility/elite skills on my thumb, everything else is vanilla. I actually still catching myself stretching for the F keys, which I had just gotten used to after so many years of using them in multiple games, is taking me a while to retrain my thinking, but when I’m in the zone it’s much faster.

(edited by SlimGenre.6417)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: delmarqo.5038


First thing is, you need to start utilizing thumb buttons on your mouse. You really only need one. You can go out and buy one with 4 or you can buy a Naga with much more… unnecessary.

Thumb button = Program this to be Shift (this way the stretching on your left hand isn’t so hard)

Second, bring those Function keys down the numbers, using the modifier

Shift + 1 = Fire
Shift + 2 = etc…

With a flick of the thumb, your whole keyboard changes (if you set it up that way).

You sir are my hero…i have a g600 w/ 1 million buttons and i am still going to do this. since i have Autorun and push to talk bound to my mouse.

Whoa. Never thought of that. Thanks! I have a few side buttons I bound to some utilities, but binding to SHIFT… makes so much sense! Maybe the other one to ALT for those utilities…

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


as a lefty im fcuked, on some games i just use 2 hands on keyboard, but where positional spacing is stupidly important in gw2 i have to keep 1 hand on mouse at all times, basically i use arrow keys, ctrl,shirt,del,end,pagedown,0,1,2 as alot of bindings such as jump,dudge,action,autoatk,heal,voice com,call target, and i made myself a 4 button footswitch, which i can use for 2,3,4,5 or f1 f2 f3 f4. next on the list is gaming mouse.. then i is sorted

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alurazle.5430


I use a simple ps3 gamepad, using the xpadder program to set up my buttons. I can’t stand playing video games with keyboards…except league of legends.


Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


+1 for xpadder really good for controller-keybindings

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: sachiel.8051


Logitech G13. You’ll never go back to keyboard.

P.Skill # = F#

I use a CM Storm Spawn mouse with the thumb buttons as Nearest/Next Enemy.

Also, if you’re using a G13 and AREN’T using the thumbstick for movement, you’re doing it wrong. Tying up three of your fingers for movement as well as four keys is silly. It takes about a week or two to get used to the thumbstick, but once you are, you’ll be doing jumping puzzles in no time. If you have to disengage your movement fingers to activate a skill, someone using just their thumb for movement in four directions will have an advantage over you because they can keep moving while doing everything else.


(edited by sachiel.8051)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: dreztina.4820


esdf movement, qbinds for utility slots, shift + 1-4 for attunements

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

default with
two rows of 5
1 row of 4
and some extra keys on the side.
almost as if the game was designed around using it.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: tuck.2719


All attunments are bound to the D-pad. Heal is on the orange button, mist form on the thumb putton next to D-pad. Arcane blast is bound to G2 and whatever cantrip I decide is bound to G4.
1-5 is bound to this mouse. 1&2 are the two big side buttons, 3 is the small side button, 4 is the mouse wheel to the left and right, 5 is the thumb button.

I did a similar setup but with a G600 mouse. The things I like about my setup:

Attunements are on the d-pad, with up=air, down=earth, fwd=fire, back=water. I like that the association is intuitive; it made it much easier to think about which is which. (For fire/water I partly think of them as offense/defense, hence forward/back). Also, being able to think about the attunements as directions is so helpful.

The keys on the on the Belkin are mostly movement (using strafe instead of turning) and “extra” things (use item, map, swap weapons, etc) arranged around the periphery.

For the mouse, I preferred the G600 over the Razer Naga primarily because the buttons have contour to them, so it’s easier to get my thumb in the right place when I move it. The numpad there is mostly the skills, arranged as so:

7 8 9
1 2 3
4 6 5
 - 0 -

So that puts the main skills in the middle (with the heal between 4 & 5), the utility skills up above the weapon skills, and the elite down at the bottom. It keeps the common stuff central and the less common reachable.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nonlinear.9823


shift 1-4 for attunements
Q/E for strafe, W/S for forward/back, I use camera to turn
A/D as alternates for 4 and 5

Shift + Q as alternate for heal
Shift + W as alternate for elite skill
Shift + E for weapon swap (when applicable)

Shift+A/S/D as alternates for skill slots 7/8/9

I use left side mouse button for rearview.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Hey guys,

The way this profession is played, I’m always switching attunement and doing a lot of moving and dodging. Doing this lets me use the elementalist skillset to maximum benefit.

The problem I run into is that I bind my movement keys, abilities keys (1,2,3,4) and attunement keys (F1,F2,F3,F4) to the default settings.

This is quite a bit of work and requires a bunch of dexterity (which isn’t my strong suit).

How do you guys get around this? Or are you all much more dextrous than me? I use a standard two button mouse BTW.

Assuming you use WASD, Bind F1 to Q, F2 to E, F3 to Middle Mouse, F4 to side mouse button.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mobott.5908


I use a Razer Nostromo and a Logitech G700 Wireless Gaming Mouse.

I don’t have any bindings on my mouse, but this is my Nostromo setup.

11, 12, 13, and 14 are blank because I’m not sure what to bind there.

This setup works in that I hold #1 + one of my attack buttons to switch attunements so I can minimize time that my fingers are off WASD. (I’m like you and don’t feel comfortable taking my hands off WASD, which is why I just click on my utility skills.)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Shift+1-4 for Attunements

E for Healing

Mouse 5 for Utility 1
Shift + Mouse 5 for Utility 2
Shift+ Middle Click for Utility 3

Ctrl + Middle Click for Elite

Takes some getting used to, but it keeps me from ever lifting my hand off of the keyboard.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: reikken.4961


esdf instead of wasd
1234 are attunements. 1 is also M3 (middle mouse)
A M4 W M5 R are weapon skills (M4-M7 are side mouse buttons)
Z is heal
M6 M7 X utility skills
B elite
Q dodge
Tab swap weapons
C look behind. V about face. T nearest target. CapsLock next target. and I forget what previous target is because I never use it

(edited by reikken.4961)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razarei.2809


People thought I was weird for doing this back in GunZ days, but it led me to become one of the most known on EU.

Kiting is based around circling the opponent, you cannot do this efficiently with wsad setup.

WSAD? Nope. Try DAWS. Oh yeah.

The problem with WSAD is that without moving the position of your hand it is extremely awkward to move left and use the keys 1-5. With DAWS that is no longer the case, as your left and right are now up and down.

D = Forward
A = Back
W = Left
S = Right

I adopted this back in 2008, haven’t changed since. As for keybinds:
Having a mouse with two side buttons helps a lot.

Weapon skills 1-2-3-4-5
Attunements Ctrl, Shift, Mouse side 1, mouse side 2
Dodge = Space
Jump = V

Utilities = Middle mouse click, Q E R T G

Weapon swap = ` key. (Next to 1)

Elementalist – Blárp, Razarei, 55HPMonk, Need More Defense
Revenant – Master Blárp [Desolation]

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Atomic Sharks.7250

Atomic Sharks.7250

i do what you are not so good at the dancing of the keyboard, since i use a laptop i have no mouse, and i have gotten quite good at dancing around the keyboard.

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Severim.7938


Also using shift-1/2/3/4 here. It made playing an ele bearable.

Yak’s Bend – Bellenisa (Ele), Bellesina (Thief)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Electro.4173


I have all my weapon / utility skills on the number keypad and my profession skills (in this case attunements obviously) on Insert / Delete / Page Up / Page Down. They’re certainly less spread out that way than the default, all clustered in 2 blocks on the right side of the keyboard instead of spread along the entire top of the keyboard. I also use the arrow keys to move instead of WASD (I hate WASD), so that puts movement right there as well, and I’ve got other useful keys like Sheath Weapon, weapon swap, Jump, and such over there as well (Jump is on keypad 0, weapon swap is on keypad /, sheath weapon is on End, and I even set “Activate” to shift so that its right next to my movement keys) . Pretty much the only time my left hand leaves the right side of the keyboard is when I need to chat.

The only problem with that setup is that I sometimes accidentally hit the “Enter” button on the number keypad and go into text mode while I’m trying to use skills. I keep meaning to maybe rebind Chat to another key to get rid of that little annoyance, but never actually do it and I’m not sure if its even possible.

(edited by Electro.4173)

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


Logitech G13. You’ll never go back to keyboard.

P.Skill # = F#

I use a CM Storm Spawn mouse with the thumb buttons as Nearest/Next Enemy.

Also, if you’re using a G13 and AREN’T using the thumbstick for movement, you’re doing it wrong. Tying up three of your fingers for movement as well as four keys is silly. It takes about a week or two to get used to the thumbstick, but once you are, you’ll be doing jumping puzzles in no time. If you have to disengage your movement fingers to activate a skill, someone using just their thumb for movement in four directions will have an advantage over you because they can keep moving while doing everything else.

I do this too. We navigate with a thumb stick in so many console games, I don’t understand why people are phobic of it in mmos. Honestly, I think it makes my dodging better.

Between my G13 with thumbstick movement, and a razer naga mouse, I have enough keybindings that I can switch back and forth between Engineer and Elementalist without changing my key bindings, and I have buttons to spare.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

Keyboard and the Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dacromir.6207


Give this a try (you’ll want Variant 2). It’s different from any keybind set I’ve seen, but it gives me fantastic performance.

The problem with most keybinds is finger conflict. If you use WASD and you have a skill bound to F, you have a conflict. If you end up needing to hit that skill while strafing right, you’re out of luck. You either have to delay the skill or stop strafing momentarily, and neither of those are ideal options.

I designed my keybinds such that there is minimum conflict. Skills will never conflict with movement. Attunement swapping will never conflict with movement. Attunement swapping will never conflict with skills. This gives you supreme movement and control at all times in combat.

That lack of conflict is the benefit of specialized gaming hardware. A mouse with thumb buttons allows you to put skills on an unused finger, which reduces conflict with WASD. This keybind setup gives you that performance, but without any fancy hardware. My mouse and keyboard were less than $30 combined.

Give it a whirl.