The Edge of Oblivion [EDGE]
Lava Font nerf not bad
Fluffy Fuz
The Edge of Oblivion [EDGE]
The Edge of Oblivion [EDGE]
yeah I like that it makes the rotation more interesting instead of a snooze fest.
I don’t think you should swap to air after meteor shower since you lose on it the +150 power from minor trait and the +10%damage from the master trait.
Well, you don’t want to swap attunements after meteorshower, you want to swap during meteorshower. Eles can swap attunements while channeling skills. If you swap to air as soon as you start to channel meteorshower and then do glyph of storms after the channel, your overload will be up after only 1 autoattack.
I think that casting glyph in air, using overload air, the lightning strike from swapping to air, and the damage + fire shield from swapping to fire makes up for the loss of damage on the meteorshower.
Fluffy Fuz
The Edge of Oblivion [EDGE]
The Edge of Oblivion [EDGE]