Lava Font nerf not bad

Lava Font nerf not bad

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fluffy.1932


A lot of people are still complaining about the lava font nerf and I’d like to talk about why I think it isn’t that bad. The main thing I see people saying is that the new rotation is clunky, and that a nerf could have been done by keeping cooldowns the same and just reducing the damage.

I’m glad they didn’t reduce the damage mainly because of orbs on gorseval. If damage was reduced then one lava font wouldn’t kill an orb, but that’s not my main point.

I disagree with the idea that the new ele rotation is clunky. I think instead it is just hard. When I focus on my rotation, I barely have to autoattack. Between overload fire, meteorshower, flame burst, burning retreat, glyph of storms, icebow, and overload air, there are plenty of things to do in the downtime between lava fonts.

From memory, not optimal:
lava font > flame burst > about face > burning retreat > meteorshower > lavafont > overload fire > flame burst > lavafont > icebow 3, 4 > about face > burning retreat > flame burst > lavafont > meteorshower > swap air > glyph > auto once > overload air > swap fire > lavafont…

The above rotation could be improved, it’s just meant to show how little you actually have to auto if you time your skills right. This doesn’t seem clunky to me, just has a relatively high difficulty. I actually like that there is more time between lava fonts to do those other skills.

I’d be interested to hear what people think. Let’s have a discussion.

Fluffy Fuz
The Edge of Oblivion [EDGE]

Lava Font nerf not bad

in Elementalist

Posted by: reikken.4961


yeah I like that it makes the rotation more interesting instead of a snooze fest.

Lava Font nerf not bad

in Elementalist

Posted by: lucadiro.4519


I don’t think you should swap to air after meteor shower since you lose on it the +150 power from minor trait and the +10%damage from the master trait.


Lava Font nerf not bad

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fluffy.1932


Well, you don’t want to swap attunements after meteorshower, you want to swap during meteorshower. Eles can swap attunements while channeling skills. If you swap to air as soon as you start to channel meteorshower and then do glyph of storms after the channel, your overload will be up after only 1 autoattack.

I think that casting glyph in air, using overload air, the lightning strike from swapping to air, and the damage + fire shield from swapping to fire makes up for the loss of damage on the meteorshower.

Fluffy Fuz
The Edge of Oblivion [EDGE]