I play glass cannon D/D in both sPvP and PvE. Here is a list of helpful maneuvers that have improved my gameplay significantly. I have not included blast finishers inside fire fields, since people generally know about this already. Most “helpful hints” I see are defensive in nature. These are to help you maximize your offense.
- Arcane Blast in Ring of Fire
If you use Arcane Blast inside Ring of Fire (or generally just a fire field), you can combo straight into Fire Grab for maximum damage. Projectile finishers in fire fields inflict burning. I used to use Drake’s Breath to ensure my target was on fire, but this little improvement has eliminated that step and dramatically improved my burst damage on a single target.
- Ether Renewal/Mist Form
I hesitated a long time before using Ether Renewal over any other ability, but one of your best assets in glass cannon D/D is the ability to run away and prepare for another burst. Ether Renewal ensures that you can run away by curing a total of 16 conditions over its duration. Mist form ensures that you can cast it unhindered. Your enemy will not immobilize you.
- Auras/Zephyr’s Boon/Arcane Fury
D/D gets two auras, lightning and frost. With Zephyr’s Boon, each of these grants 5 seconds of fury and swiftness plus any boon duration adjustments. 5 points into arcane grants and additional 2 seconds of fury per attunement swap. Between those and the swiftness you gain from updraft, it seems unlikely that in any normal circumstance you will go without either of these two boons. 5 seconds is long enough to end a fight.
If you start from water and use Frost Aura, switch to Air and use Lightning Aura into RTL, Updraft, Fire Attune, etc., you have just accumulated 14 seconds of fury and 24 seconds of swiftness before accounting for your points into Arcane.
- Instant-Cast Spells
If you can wrap your mind around it, there are a number of instant cast spells which will dramatically improve your performance when melded with other spells. For example, before casting RTL, I will cast Lightning Aura, but I might as well be hitting them simultaneously. Also, if I notice my fury running low, I can swap into ice and pop Frost Aura while also casting Cone of Cold.
Arcane spells, too, work while doing other tasks. When used at the same time as other skills/spells, they contribute heavily to a concentrated burst. Aside from the burning/might which you get from using them in a fire field, you also get another ~5k damage instantaneously by casting blast/wave, which is no small number.
Air spells in general tend to work this way. Attuning to air gives an instant nuke, then you can immediately RTL even when you’re next to someone for an extra 2k on a crit. It will cast lightning whip immediately, for an impressive total burst of up to 6k or so in an instant.
- Lightning Whip
This is minor. Another thing I tend to hear is that some classes can just spam the same skill endlessly and do decent damage. Well, here is our skill. If I don’t feel like blowing my cooldowns, I can literally stand still doing lightning whip against most creatures. In a full glass build, You may do 2k per cast once your crit rate is high enough. Once vulnerability starts stacking (air 25 trait), I’ve seen 4k per cast.
Anyhow, I hope some of these suggestions will help you add a bit more cannon to your glass cannon. These suggestions work with any style of play, but I’ve been able to use them to great effect in doing damage.